CFL Closet Grow For Me And Wifey

This looks interesting ...... sub'd!

I had the same issue with my bulbs sticking out.
Here's how i fixed it - don't laugh....... :mrgreen:


Uh huh, disposable aluminum oven pans !! :grin:
Dollar store, 2 for a buck!
They work friggin great.

Can ya tell I'm a DIY'er?
As far as any update goes:

Upon further stoned discussions with my wife about our plants names we decided to scrap the name Jasmine and switch it to Ariel from the Little Mermaid lol.

Both Tiana and Ariel now are verticle and growing upward but still have the seed shells stuck to them. Alice and Belle both have their seeds sitting about level with the soil, poking out a tiny bit but not really growing verticle yet. I'm begining to worry if they will.....

I'd post pictures but I don't think there's really much to see lol
Well I got stoned and bored so I decided to take some pics using my new loupe now that there's actually a little something to look at. All 4 girls are doing well, all at their own pace.

I am considering today the 7th day of seedling and Day 1 of actual growth for the rest of my journal.

Alice is going to be our "youngest"
She's doing good at growing her first roots but not so much in comming up out of the soil. I bet she's fully out in less than 2 days :)


Belle is next in line starting to grow out of the soil and opening up her shell.


Ariel (formally Jasmine) is the "second born" but is quickly catching up and passing her elder sisters growth!



Tiana is the oldest but is still working on shedding her shell


nice, hey man have you been tracking my journal? if not imma be mad :) not really but dam you should check it out and drop some comments
Holy crap I have an update already!! Now I feel like we're officially off and running!! The three oldest girls all grew enough in the past couple hours to nearly shed their shells! I helped them out a little bit and gently lifted them the rest of the way off for them :)
Now they can finally get some light!! Alice is now out of the soil and I can see the shell starting to crack open a bit more too!
people say not to take the shells off, the way i look at it is your saving that little seedlings energy from having to do it itself, them lil ones only have so much stored the more help the better :)
I can see if you really yank them off it's not good for them but I literally liftedthem off, no pulling required! I agree, saves them energy and time :)

Of topic but DAMN this site needs a mobile version or app for my iPhone!!!
I can see if you really yank them off it's not good for them but I literally liftedthem off, no pulling required! I agree, saves them energy and time :)

Of topic but DAMN this site needs a mobile version or app for my iPhone!!!

or just needs me to shut the hell up, going to bed. glad your babies are doing well :)
i think im going to dig my own soil for next grow. i have a spot i threw all my lawn clippings thsi summer should still be thawed out underneath, shoulda threw all the dog/rabbit shit in the same pile. im going to start a compost bin i think, maybe a good project for me today
i think im going to dig my own soil for next grow. i have a spot i threw all my lawn clippings thsi summer should still be thawed out underneath, shoulda threw all the dog/rabbit shit in the same pile. im going to start a compost bin i think, maybe a good project for me today

Dog shit, really? Don't start throwing random things into a compost pile because you think it might work. If you don't know the science of things and what ratios of what to use then you're just going to fuck things up. Dogs are meat eaters, so what kind of nutrients do you think you're going to be getting in your compost from adding dog shit to the mix? Not to mention meat eaters can have worms, parasites, etc. in their shit. Rabbit shit on the other hand does have nutrients. Rabbit shit is generally high in Nitrogen and Phosphorus.

I'm not against experimenting but it's stupid to experiment if you're not making educated decisions. Do some research first so you at least have something to base your decisions on. Here's a good book on composting:
Dog shit, really? Don't start throwing random things into a compost pile because you think it might work. If you don't know the science of things and what ratios of what to use then you're just going to fuck things up. Dogs are meat eaters, so what kind of nutrients do you think you're going to be getting in your compost from adding dog shit to the mix? Not to mention meat eaters can have worms, parasites, etc. in their shit. Rabbit shit on the other hand does have nutrients. Rabbit shit is generally high in Nitrogen and Phosphorus.

I'm not against experimenting but it's stupid to experiment if you're not making educated decisions. Do some research first so you at least have something to base your decisions on. Here's a good book on composting:

never said i was going to throw dogshit in my compost bin, i said i should have thrown the dogshit in the grass clipping over the summer and by now would be decomposed and any parasite's in it would most likely have moved on since they need a host to continue thier life cycle.

dogs are meat eater by nature but they eat ALOT of corn/rice wich is what most dog foods are primarily composed of. either way i probally wont be throwing any shit into my compost bin, it will probally be most compiled of dirt, grass, egg shells, coffee filters and any vegatable waste from dinner
Well ANYWAY it is now official, Alice is no more. She never showed any signs of growth and the othe three girls are all well on their way to growing their first set of fan leaves. I gently removed her from the soil and he small root was withered and shriveled up so I knew not to bother anymore. I'll post pics of the other 3 after the weekend :)

Meanwhile, I'm down to my last little nug until tomorrow :( sucks having no smoke on a Friday night.