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Active Member
Dam Bro !!

I like how uniform your plants are. From the veg to the flower room, they really do all look alike.

I also like how you've incorporated tomato cages to your buckets.

Reading through your thread has slightly altered my vision for my future grows in the new structure I'm building.

Thanks for your professionalism !!


Rebel From The North
Dam Bro !!

I like how uniform your plants are. From the veg to the flower room, they really do all look alike.

I also like how you've incorporated tomato cages to your buckets.

Reading through your thread has slightly altered my vision for my future grows in the new structure I'm building.

Thanks for your professionalism !!
thanks mywhat.........:)

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Thanks man I sent that to him hopefully he gets the hint lol

You should never have to adjust daily and if you do then your having issue #1 could be bactira in the res normally it goes up!
2# bad nutes! Most nute lines come with a ph buffer in them. Ph can swing some! mine is rock solid been at 5.8 for days and
Im loosing a bunch of water! Idealy set it at 5.6 and watch it once it hits 6.0 add ph dow to get 5.6 again! If lets say in 24 hr
It goes from 5.6 to 6.0 then theres a issue big time and my first thing to look at would be root! For slime


New Member
Dam Bro !!

I like how uniform your plants are. From the veg to the flower room, they really do all look alike.

I also like how you've incorporated tomato cages to your buckets.

Reading through your thread has slightly altered my vision for my future grows in the new structure I'm building.

Thanks for your professionalism !!

dude has this shit down to science hey hr whats up get off your ass and go get that new ballast


Well-Known Member
Sup HR. So let me ask again. My RW is still very saturated from last nights flood, this doesn't matter? Just flood it again? It seems like very little has evaporated from the flood from the night before... Sorry, just don't want to lose these guys.


Rebel From The North
If you feel it's better to wait go with your gut on this!
I like to flood to replace air and freshin it up! This is
My method bro I would hate to ruin you stuff with my


Well-Known Member
If you feel it's better to wait go with your gut on this!
I like to flood to replace air and freshin it up! This is
My method bro I would hate to ruin you stuff with my
No I trust you. I just always have thought too much water was bad, but you're saying it should always be wet then pretty much? Just never used it.


Rebel From The North
There a difference between soaking wet and wet, when it come to clones you need to watch it! But clones that are
Rooted up dont worrie to much about it
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