As i stated early on, I've put seedlings in 1000+ ppm solution without a problem.
so are you saying everybody can just do what you do ?
yo clown, I used the shit , my ph went down. Are you calling me a liar? You obviously THINK you know. Vie cojete solo pilo dente , and have a nice day.
he dont have to call you a liar. hes simply stating facts..... again.
you shoulda already knew why your ph went down. you already know so much about the junk , how come you cant figure out on your own why it went down ?
im curious as to how you "tested" this product ? it says right on it , it
can be a very powerful ph up , so what ? you just decided to see for yourself if it would work as a down ?
back to the point .... silica is a waste of time in this situation. obviously , he cant feed over 300 without probs.
his whole prob was a lack of N and using silica when not necessary. silica was throwing the ph all over the place. (probably over 8
if she dont get some N in her the rest wont matter.