Why so much hostility to newbies?

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Well-Known Member
and i can't tell you how many times i have suggested to someone, in a warm and inviting way, to check out a certain sticky or vid only to be flammed and have the OP continue to ask for more advice :peace:


Well-Known Member
I AGREE COMPLETELY!!! I noticed the same thing when I first joined. Most of the RIU assholes that are guilty of this have like 3,428 post count. RIU is different than any board I have been on. If you aren't in the click or don't have 1,000 posts you get dumped on.

as others call it.. . probationary period. & do not forget. Pix or iT Never Happened.



RIU Bulldog
Well the problem lies as the new people asking for help that.. asking not searching to questions answered a thousand times prior. They come here and just want to be told the magic solution to grow cannabis so they can be the next Mrs. Botwin and sell it illegally. That's not how it works, ask any successful grower. It starts with research, reading, more research, trial and error, adjusting etc...

Now I am all for legitimacy in questions but 99% of new questions are answered in many stickies or found in a quick search. I think most the hostility is for the kids wanting to grow, people asking the same question a thousand times etc.. not the fact they are new growers.

It kinda boils down to administrators policing new questions and enforcing which is legitiment and which has been answered million times. I think this is where the breakdown first begins, then you have users chiming in acting like mods.
That's areally good point man. A lot of these people are asking for it. Nobody wants to hold your hand through a grow, even if you are new. Your best bet is to find someone whos ego allows them to enjoy answering question like that, and stick with them. Use the PM function. Instead of just making another thread, take a chance and PM some of the people that have been here for a while. Pick someone who has a grow journal. up already, and always get answers from more than one source.
Nobody like answering questions that a 10 second google search can take care of. It's been like that for YEARS and it isn't new to this site.

Noob here...I have seen both sides of the coin on this fourm.

Had a problem a week or so ago with people going over board about me asking where i can get clones....on the flip side ive had plenty of help from people here about other matters.

I've learn a lot from this place and appreciate all who help!!!! thanks!
Here is a good example.
If you come in here with practically no posts, no journals, no rep, no 'friends' -- and the first thing you do is ask for seeds and clones, then don't be surprised if you are brutally ridiculed. It's a stupid thing to do and you SHOULD be made fun of for it so you remember to never do it again. lol

Brick Top

New Member
Why so much hostility to newbies?

There are bound to be numerous reasons, but I think, at least in part, it is because those who have been around a while hit a burnout point where when they see the exact same question asked that they have politely answered a thousand or whatever number times before that some begin to respond sarcastically. They think, there's a search function, try using it before asking what has already been asked and answered near countless times before.

Another cause could be how some newbies will be anxious for a reply and ask the same question in multiple forums, most of which are not the appropriate forums to ask the type of question in.

Another, again newbie caused, is on any given day the very same question might be asked, two, three, four, and I have seen one asked as many as five times, in a single day, all in different threads started by different newbies. At some point some members think, the exact same question has been asked today, twice or more times, do you really need to begin another thread asking the exact same question? If so, why? Just to build your post count by starting your own thread and then responding to everyone who posts a message in it? If you won't use the search function all you need to do is watch/read one of the other threads started that day asking the exact same question and you will get your answer and you can respond there and ask followup questions there if need be.

Then there is the one where a newbie will ask something and after receiving a correct response reply saying something like, but my cousins girlfriends brother works with a guy who heard some guys talking on a bus about how one of their brothers lives across the hall from a guy and while listening at his door he heard the guy telling someone else on the phone that's not how you do it and you do it this way instead. That gets old and the next time a newbie question is asked, the sarcasm and venom flows.

Some growers that are hardly more than newbies themselves, but want to come across as old pros will read a question, that in some cases they couldn't begin to answer accurately, but then go on to attempt to make the question, and the person asking it, appear the dumbest ever, as if they were never so clueless and would never dignify such a stupid question from such a stupid person by answering it, and instead make fun of the person, and or question.

I'm sure there are many more reasons, but those come to mind first.
You're right...here is a good example of idiots jumping on a noob.....

I read this forum for months before even joining!

it was not my first post nor did I ask for anyone to send me anything or something stupid! I simply asked where i can get clones in a non "med" state.
What the heck is wrong with that??!! then for some reason people start piling on like i was asking forum members to send me clones... ridiculousness!

[/QUOTE]Here is a good example.
If you come in here with practically no posts, no journals, no rep, no 'friends' -- and the first thing you do is ask for seeds and clones, then don't be surprised if you are brutally ridiculed. It's a stupid thing to do and you SHOULD be made fun of for it so you remember to never do it again. lol[/QUOTE]


Well-Known Member
I have a tendancy once in a while to be "short" with newbies and sometimes when I reread the post or read the reactions from others they've said that I come off like a dick. There are 2 levels of newbie though and I'm usually only a dick to 1 kind. The newbie as pointed out earlier that has 1 grow under their belt and is now out spreading misinformation.

I appreciate that these will likely be the future helpers. The ones that stick around after they have a grasp of growing to help out other growers who are just getting started or have run into a snag of some kind. Even after one grow, you likely have more experience than many of the other growers on the forum who are just starting out for the first time. Maybe you've been lurking on forums or reading up, boning up for you first grow for a long time and have a fair bit of knowledge. Where I run into a problem is when a newbie asks a questions and another noob responds with an answer, still okay, but the answer is dead wrong.........

The reason this irritates me so much is that I KNOW that the respondent doesn't have any actual experience with what he's looking at. I don't care how many books you've read and how many hours of reading on forums you've done. If you haven't seen the problem and don't have experience with it, you should move on to another thread. I know you just want to help, but you should leave it for someone else.

I usually hop on in the morning and I read through most of the "Plant Problems" section and read through the threads. Generally in a given day I see a zillion threads without enough details or the grow is hopelessly off-track. The OP hasn't put any effort into growing and they aren't taking this very seriously. Like the shit is in dirt from their backyard and it's sitting in a window sill...yeah, fuck that....pass. I also see threads with problems that I don't have first hand experience with. I've read about the issue in books, I've read lots of threads about them, but overall it's not something that I have personally experienced and I'll leave it for another member who has some background with it. Example...spidermites...knock on wood, I've never had that problem. I could tell you what I've read about them, but I can't really feel comfortable lending someone a hand with that particular problem. On most days I end up responding to 4 or less posts in this section.

Experienced or inexperienced, people need to be a little more discerning with their responses. Newbies have come here because they are on their first grow, they would REALLY like to have success with it. It's often the most important thing that a person has going on in their lives (it sure is exciting the first time). If you don't feel confident that you can really help and you're just going to offer a suggestion from something you've read in a book or online...post a link to what you read, or suggest the book, you do a huge disservice otherwise and after seeing it day in and day out, sometimes I can be a bit of a dick about it.


Well-Known Member
for that instance I see it as this.

Less than 50 posts w/ no thread regarding a grow. = 1st strike.
Asking for Clones within 1st 50 posts = 2nd stike
Asking for Clones in a Non-Med state while having less than 50 posts = 3rd strike your out.

In all honesty, the people newbs are looking for help on this site normally require a little more than a 1 sentence thread to get things going. Start with pics, details on supplies & have done enough research to have decent supplies.

Some Vet growing in a elaborate hydro setup using full line of AN cannot give helpful advise to someone having a PH issue in some miracle grow they got from out back other than to restart with better materials.


RIU Bulldog
View attachment 1936219

How do you get the full size pics? the little pencil doesnt show up for me anymore...
Right click
copy image location
put between link[*/img] (without the star)


If the pics original location isn't a direct link to the pic then you have to lead it on a 3rd party site like photobucket etc
for that instance I see it as this.

Less than 50 posts w/ no thread regarding a grow. = 1st strike.
Asking for Clones within 1st 50 posts = 2nd stike
Asking for Clones in a Non-Med state while having less than 50 posts = 3rd strike your out.

In all honesty, the people newbs are looking for help on this site normally require a little more than a 1 sentence thread to get things going. Start with pics, details on supplies & have done enough research to have decent supplies.

Some Vet growing in a elaborate hydro setup using full line of AN cannot give helpful advise to someone having a PH issue in some miracle grow they got from out back other than to restart with better materials.

understand...but one big correction. I was not asking for clones! asked where to get them. No worse then asking where to get seeds....

simple polite answers would have sufficed!

edit: btw....i dont have thin skin...just getting into the debate on this thread. I love this place and the much help i received. Again, thanks!


Well-Known Member
understand...but one big correction. I was not asking for clones! asked where to get them. No worse then asking where to get seeds....

simple polite answers would have sufficed!

edit: btw....i dont have thin skin...just getting into the debate on this thread. I love this place and the much help i received. Again, thanks!
asking for seeds is illegal as well, you take a chnce when you buy them for novelty purposes. they don't come from Ted in North Carolina but from Attitude Seedbank in Europe. i think you can see and know the difference.
a clone is a maijuana plant. how can it be ok to ask where to get a marijuana plant?
hang around for a little while greedy and you will see what we are talking about :peace:


RIU Bulldog
You're right...here is a good example of idiots jumping on a noob.....

I read this forum for months before even joining!

it was not my first post nor did I ask for anyone to send me anything or something stupid! I simply asked where i can get clones in a non "med" state.
What the heck is wrong with that??!! then for some reason people start piling on like i was asking forum members to send me clones... ridiculousness!
What's wrong with that? GOSH!

You can pretty it up all you want but you asked for clones in a non-med state....in open forum probably too..
you didn't come straight out and say it, but you DID ask members to get you clones! lmao


If anything you should thank us. We're trying to protect you from your own ignorance.



Well-Known Member
Asking for clones/seeds in a 'non-med' state is asking for trouble. You will get your ass slammed and banned! But RIU has no problem taking ad revenue from Attitude. A company that ships illegal seeds to the US. A bit of a contradiction huh?

But once again, I just don't understand. Because regardless of the State MMJ laws we ARE ALL IN VIOLATION OF FEDERAL LAW!!!

My Grandmother had a saying for that . . . 'the pot calling the kettle black.'

Forum members in MMJ states seem to think their sh*t doesn't stink and they are somehow better than everyone else. I have news for you. You are just as illegal as those in non MMJ states.

Federal Laws usurp State laws 24/7 - 365. Just wait until the right politician gets in office in DC.

Ground up

Active Member
Noob or not , everybody gets stressed out when growing due to variables in every situation you didnt think was possible.... with that said stop bashing everybody or noobs, simply give an opinion or move on!


Well-Known Member
Ya'll need to smoke more pot and look at some ass, threads like this are worthless with out some random pictures of some hotties.


RIU Bulldog
your wrong about me asking for them... period moving on....thanks!
If you're really deluding yourself into think you didn't do anything wrong, well, I guess there's nothing I can do to change that. Real growers know what's up. If you still don't get it, I'm not gonna waste anymore time explaining it to you guys, and I'm not gonna let this turn into a new member v. old member thread in my room, cause only the site loses.

Try it again, and get a 3-7 day vacation. That is all.
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