Carport GreenHouse 2011


Active Member
Hey mate thanx for the responce, glad to get some good advice from someone who has actually grown in this situation. the sun atm is rising just before 6am and sets about 9ish. the days are getting longer the girls wont start flowering for another couple months. the temps here can get pretty hot up 45 degrees celsius. night temps are early 20s.

Thank you Kotton and Fumble, I appreciate the encouragement, Im not having a good week, a little bit depressed and down as Im carrying a upper chest cold so smoking to help the depression is out the question for awhile. I swear I need to get a vaporizer very soon.

Double I hope you dont mind me posting in here as my journal is very lonely and I thought you wouldnt mind since Im pretty much running veg plants outside under tarps and hps light at night?????? If you want I will take my novelties back to my journal at your discression.

Leeroy grow under your shade cloth no problems, especially if they are getting that much sun, a couple of questions for you, the day and night temps, and how long is the sun up so far south right now? I believe the southern hemispere is in longer days right now?

The reason I ask is that I want to see if your climate and conditions are currently condusive to good flowering? The shade cloth is no problem, I grew under them for 2 months in flower, not only did the shade cloth save my plants in 115 degree weather but most of the buds were very solid and compact.


Active Member
dont forget my plants are also in 40 degree weather outside so the purps is really going to come out, Im sure your pepperjack would purple up more if made cold enough INSIDE, and BTW great looking nuggers!
We have a ball jar full of cured pepperjack that came off a smaller plant, so about 3 z's but the stuff is very very high


Well-Known Member
Lol I hate posting on my phone!!!!!! I want to show you a pic of my purple chedders they are so pretty!!!!! The rest are coming up awesome too!!!!! The medi-juana seeds brought back to me from the BBQ should be popping anyday now so excited, fumble and I talked the other day still sad I missed all the fun hehhehehhe but she filled me in ;)


Active Member
This whole thread and people are awesome. I like the idea for the after harvest BBQ. I've been reading so much there that even was dreaming one night that I was at this event sitting at fire and having nice time. Even though I live nine time zones away. :D If you people will really keep this as annual event. I promise there will come day I will manage to meet you up. But now still growing my second grow in tiny closet. But it's only second one ;) I have good teachers here to develop my skills.
Peace people :)

P.S. I also made after harvest BBQ for my friends here after my first grow. This was one of the best parties ever. I was proud of myself that evening.


Active Member
Thanks brother

Can you make it to Santa Rosa by next Thursday!;-)

:D I think we could talk about years not Thursdays. But U.S was country that I always wanted to visit. I don't know how much time and money it needs but I was dreaming to travel with van or caravan from East coast to California (Why couldn't it be Santa Rosa as a final destination?) that I could have picture of whole country. Now I've only seen it in movies. Hopefully 12-21-2012. will not come true. I have to manage to taste that pig.


Well-Known Member
If your asking about the mesh sides, it's the air flow thru the greenhouse

Enclosed greenhouses can have humidity problems if you don't move enough air through.
With the mesh sides I don't even run a fan.



Active Member
Thanks brother

Can you make it to Santa Rosa by next Thursday!;-)

I am getting ready to go back east for the holidays for a couple of weeks, so Im getting everything patient proff (idiot proof) LOL, no I just want everything on par so that nothing goes wrong while Im away. However, when I return, I would very much like to come visit as I will be bringing the 5 way cross Jack Herer with me. So after the first of the year please RSVP me for the next get together.


Active Member
Concerning the greenhouse vs. shaded carport....
He (double) was in northern cali, and growing from May until October, so no freezing temps, I have mine in a greenhouse because Im flowering outside right now and will continue to flower outside with new plants until April. So, from December until March the temps can get near 32 degrees at night (freezing), and with container plants above ground, I dont want any of the roots with moisture from waterings getting froze to the point of death. The greenhouse captures the sun rays during the day and makes it atleast 15 degree warmer than outside, and with the enclosure we can put a space heater in there for really cold nights. Doubles plants grew when it was warm out so there was no real benefit to having them enclosed. I believe his containment was more to hide the 12 monsters in the backyard from other peoples eyeballs. While my green house is to keep plants from freezing, I also have a flap that I can open to let air in and out if I see moisture building on the walls but to be honest I need to put a hygrometer/thermometer in both my veg house and the flower house, TODAY!
I use clear plastic for the flowerhouse with black plastic roll downs at night time for the extra insulation, it also keeps parasite light leaks out, because after having some plants make loose flowers because of landscape lights and street lamp intensity in the neighborhood, I wanted to ensure the buds were darked out at night. My veg chamber just gets black plastic because I roll it up during the day for sun exposure and more importantly I am trying to keep the heat in the chamber that the two HIDs make for warming purposes during 40 degree lows and more importantly to keep the 85000 lumens from blasting the backyard. I will take pics of both today. sorry double, I just wanted to chime in concerning your enclosure and privacy.


Well-Known Member
Morning JJ,
Saw your headed over to Santa Rosa and would appreciate if you could pick me up 2 additional glass pieces for the ol lady? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Glad to see yal come to santa rosa! Im a few minutes from fdd. Is tmb coming???sure loved that sr71!!!
Believe me I wish I could go, but i have a 10:30 dentist appointment that morning (Dec 22nd), then my daughter will be arriving that evening from college for x-mas break. Maybe next time....
Me and TLD were talking yesterday about having a RIU get together in our neck of the woods (Yosemite area), but the park is federal jurisdiction, so that's out, but plenty of other great places around here. Hoping to find something on private property.....the search is on!


Active Member
Looking forward to seeing you all, I would love to try everyones cookies, I know I will have some nice 'lil sugar ones for trade, not to mention some excellent bbq and cold ale to share
dark veg tent
day veg tent with 400w halide and 400w hps, look close
flower greenhouse night
flower green house day
62 degrees/ 65% rh
purple to green
some tops
