Ron paul needs to be president!!


Well-Known Member
Some of what Ron says is ok, some is good...some is batshit insane. I think we can do better than Ron Paul. Why not Gary Johnson?


Well-Known Member
I liked Gary Johnson, but he's not crazy enough to get the job done. you say Ron Paul's foreign policy is crazy, insane, etc? I say its just what America needs before we consume ourselves.

I saw an article that said Ron Paul has pulled near even with Newt in a recent poll in Iowa. Anyone else see anything of the sort? Newt will self destruck just like the rest of the field. Ron has a couple weeks to make his final push, and I think he's about to take the gloves off. Newts a piece of shit, can't even make a mariage work and had to fuck other women on the side, really, who wants that to lead our country? I expect more out of my leader than just knowing politics.


Well-Known Member
I agree with some of his statments but you do realize the man is insane right. No person in politics has been as anti-semetic since Hitler and even if you hate us jews look at the history, that didn't end so well for the germans either. Hate should have no part in the presidency of our once great and free nation.


Well-Known Member
Here comes Paul. he's got 3+ weeks to seal this deal. Considering he has had the same platform for 30+ years, this is going to be a steadyly rolling freight train that will knock everything down in it's path.

what part of defending a racist newsletter in 1996 and then denying he wrote it in 2008 is "steady"?

remember, ron paul is the guy who wants to abolish public education, calls homosexuality "not an acceptable lifestyle", and wants to leave our own ally in the middle east to fend for themselves.

and that is just off the top of my head.


Well-Known Member
I agree with some of his statments but you do realize the man is insane right. No person in politics has been as anti-semetic since Hitler and even if you hate us jews look at the history, that didn't end so well for the germans either. Hate should have no part in the presidency of our once great and free nation.
Ron Paul does not hate Jews or Israel and is the only candidate who respects their rights as a sovereign nation