Thank you nogutsgrower

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Well-Known Member
I just wanted to let everyone know that nogutsgrower really helped me out by sharing genetics and giving me some equipment that i can really really use , especially the 3x3 tray i really really needed that and the ballast and im pretty sure that plush berry is my only 1st or even 2nd generation cut i have so not only is it a great great strain but it will probably grow super fast ! And also especially thanks for helping me set it all up , and thanks for the ride on friday to camp far west :peace:


Active Member
he did offer me free meds if I gave him a copy of my recomendation for his collective.......never happened:cry:


Well-Known Member
NGG has offered me items on a few occasions but I have just been too busy to meet up. Great guy as far as I am concerned. :)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
NGG has offered me items on a few occasions but I have just been too busy to meet up. Great guy as far as I am concerned. :)
Indeed. I don't need free stuff, but I'm super stoked that people give them out. Much respect for that. NGG is all class.

During this holiday season I've already given away ~200 hash cookies to people. Been a baking fiend! Just made a new batch last night.


Active Member
No doubt.. an all around kewl dude.. glad to have met you at the BBQ and that plush nug ya gave me was da bomb.
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