so tday i awoke to my seedlings, and uh, the blueberry gum ,the root seemed to have burned!! Wtf. this hap on my autojack seed also! as soon as it popped, i put it in rapid rooter with very little seed exposed to the light but just enough to grow? the non exposed part of the root is still white, but the top where the seed sits is starting to brown and thin out FUCK! like air dried it out... i have 2x 26 watt CFL bulbs like 6 inches away, i did the light test and the box temp is last seedlings the one below I started on HID bulb....wondering if i should do it again ;/ im feeling blah, seeds are expensive then they just fuking die. WTF! i have a intake fan and exhaust fan running, think i should turn the intake off?? maybe it just dried it out? my medium is wet its all wet!
***about the thinking I let the tap root get too long, not on purpose. the seed popped a day before the grapefruit did, but i left it in the paper towel cuz i wanted to plant them at the same time...the tap root grew about an inch overnight, I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE DROPPED IT WHEN I SAW THE ROOT!~ u guys think it will be ok???
@BKB, no sir THE xbox dissappeared with my ex

on the OTHER random seed grow, things are looking GOOD!!! shes strong, i seeded this one under a HID bulb 1200lumens...maybe I should do that to my other seedlings...i dunno?
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