Cali connection seeds what the deal

I'm sure his wife and kid will care. Besides, men who use prostitutes tend to be of poor character. Paying for pussy isn't something any man in their 30's should be doing short of some horrific disfigurement or hideous physical appearance.

im 26 and im about ready to pay for some lolololol...... not ugly nor is anything wrong with me... sometimes u just dont wanna work for it
steam you couldnt be more right as im a grower not a public relations person.... we are really looking into this to see wtf i have about 50 chem 4 fems going right now as those seem to be the biggest problems... all i can do is research and offer to replace my fuck ups... so let me make things right with those that hate me and my gear and make you a believer at the fact we got the best dank in the world....just gimme that chance

any good genetics is worth waiting for, i like the new attitude, everyone gets to change there mind and character whenever they want, and in the end im not paying for your friendship or who you are in any way, i want good genetics, and i have seen some keeper phenos pulled out of many bags of cc beans and if his keepers could be 4-5 out of 10 beanz not a soul will be disappointed

do the research and find your keepers produce some seeds and all will be more than happy

the haters high on estrogen will always need somthing to bitch about, glad its them again and not you
I'm sure his wife and kid will care. Besides, men who use prostitutes tend to be of poor character. Paying for pussy isn't something any man in their 30's should be doing short of some horrific disfigurement or hideous physical appearance.

These are all actions that you have NO Business judging others for. Think for yourself is one thing, but to voice it is another. Example : We all thought Bill Clinton Wouldnt be getting Big D while handling the affairs of the Big ol' USA! But he did. What you call a nasty hooker may be gods gift to another man or women lol. Poor Character should'nt be flung along such variables as "tend to"....well murders "tend to " use dont let anyone who uses a car get a job that needs moral soundness? Riiighht.

Most importantly, swerves personal choices or sexual preferences have nothing at all with the issues or subject at hand. I care only about the quality of genetics they are producing for the medical marijuana market....not who he prefers to blow him.
Bottome Line: If you're a Breeder God, you need to disappear like a good God, and shut yer mouth. Do you hear/see other Breeder God-types making the rounds on the forums and getting in mud-slinging contests? No. And judging by the actions of all Gods (fictional or otherwise) throughout history, the number 1 key to success seems to be: say what you need to early (mission statement), then leave (and leave them wondering). In every God story this is how things go down (where's Jesus? Where's Buddah? Where's Muhammed? Wherever they are, they aint telling off shit these days). But start having the God talk to people and getting directly involved in things? That don't work. Ask the Wizard of Oz about that.

And while I'm all for the medical marijuana market, frankly, I mostly care about the quality of genetics produced for the recreational drug user. Aint nothing wrong with that, right?
such a great thread.. i luv it so many twists and turns its great.....and now im being told i sleept with prostitutes.. by a kid who i put up in a place and paid for him for a week and a half.. hahaha man so he rats me out to the world of weed and then spreads lies its cool.whats thecrack tell 2eme well since your prob him to fuck off lil kid.. and thats why his ex is now being plowed by a spanish man with a future not a pathetic chump who has no future but working for room and board on pig farms...

lets get back to the seeds.... you like the gear awesome you dont sweet there are other companies.. and karma is the homie i promote him and shit since my breeding is so bad i guess you need to go to someone who bases half his lines of my work.. so yeah smart move.. you forget 90% of his kush lines came from a SFV BX2 male from The Cali Connection seeds right... makes sense im a hack but someone who uses my gear to breed with is a god. makes sense...

Karma is the homie and i ahve nothing but love for him.. shit we even took a picture together in celebration...he is the homie and we will be doing a joint project soon.. so you were saying wahtsthecrack(mayb you should smoke some more of your crack)
I wanna try some Cali Connect just to piss off the haters.:mrgreen:

Must suck to be one of the best an have everyone taking shots @ you....
Swerve, when will there be more bubbas? They only stay in stock for a second and never the second I'm trying to order. By the way my one Chem Valley keeper is way worth it and it yeilds absurdly, seriously twice as much as everything else the same size. I would love to see one of these outdoors it that Cali sunshine.
Woah, this thread got way out of line. One thing is for sure.
Snitches are bitches. Only jealous little boys with no backbone snitch on others when they cant get their way
i love the person that says only losers pay for pussy... that always cracks me up... here is my response to that one.. i simply ask that person if they're married, and when more then likely they respond yes, i ask them next if their wife has a job... and when they respond no, well, i think you see where this is going...
every man pays for pussy in one way or another... and at least dudes who go to whores are actually getting laid for their cash... how often do some married men get laid?? once a month if that?? how much is their mortgage per month?? half of that is to allow your old lady to live in that same house, again, see where this is going?? :)

and i agree with who ever it was who said about all the haters, christ, the man just won a cup, and it seems like every tom dick and harry come out of the wood work to talk shit on the man and his work.. can't you even let him have his moment of glory for idk, a month or w/e?? people are fucking crazy mofo's that much i do know..
Haha Swerve. The only reason I know about the hookers is 'cos 2emeRep posted about it, on your site. You then came on here complaining about your wife and kids safety after he posted the details he got from HMRC Companies House site. That's how these details came to light. Incidentally, you didn't deny it in the "deleted threads". Once it's out it's out and it's fair game. I don't care about the faux moral outrage over my mentioning it. Most of those who are saying it's a low blow are probably the types who use the windows when they go to the Dam. Whatever, it doesn't matter like I say. I read the threads and thought I'd bring it up again since you didn't deny it the first time round. By the way I'm not 2emrep, I'm flattered that you think I am. Anybody who fucks you the way that guy clearly has gets my respect lol. You have absolutely no tact at all. If you wanted to seem honorable then you would've ignored it. Instead you've retaliated with some bullshit about the guys chick. That makes me think that it's true and my mentioning it struck a chord. I believe 2merep over you for sure. I actually don't give a shit if you use hookers, it was just a juicy detail from the post cup drama and the males in fem packs threads. You (seem to) deny the hookers but, all my other questions I will assume you answer yes to......?? Back to the seeds. Basically it doesn't matter where the cut came from for Karma. He has cubed out the shit that you couldn't. That's what sets his gear apart from yours. This game isn't a race. It doesn't matter who had the cut first it's what you do with the cut. The problems with your stock are rife. All can see that. I believe that there is fire in there but, there's fire bagseed it don't make the grower a breeder. You have many people all across the web complaining about your hermy shit. Is everyone lying or is it you? Hmmm....... I spent $800 on your gear so I know the deal. Anyone who's germed more than a couple of packs of your stuff knows it's bad breeding. I think it's good of you to offer replacements but, we've seen this before. You offer but don't follow through. You're a lying con artist who'll be gone soon because you can't breed and 3 years after starting it's becoming very hard for you to hide that fact.
i love the person that says only losers pay for pussy... that always cracks me up... here is my response to that one.. i simply ask that person if they're married, and when more then likely they respond yes, i ask them next if their wife has a job... and when they respond no, well, i think you see where this is going...
every man pays for pussy in one way or another... and at least dudes who go to whores are actually getting laid for their cash... how often do some married men get laid?? once a month if that?? how much is their mortgage per month?? half of that is to allow your old lady to live in that same house, again, see where this is going?? :)

and i agree with who ever it was who said about all the haters, christ, the man just won a cup, and it seems like every tom dick and harry come out of the wood work to talk shit on the man and his work.. can't you even let him have his moment of glory for idk, a month or w/e?? people are fucking crazy mofo's that much i do know..
That's what I say to.I'd rather fuck them and have them leave cause that's all I want LOL.I never got a Hooker before though.
whatsthecrack, you ve got 5 total post. Seems someone made a new name just to talk smack. Anyway why bring up stuff that is swerve's personal information. That has no business in this thread. The thread is about CC beans. Swerve has every right to step up and defend his family and his self, when people keep throwing out bullshit in his on personal life that only he would know. Swerve has also said that he paid for the guy to sleep, eat and smoke at the the cup. Hell take me to the dam and pay for everything. I ll do what ever it takes to promote your business. Yet, the guy wants to get paid for being there? Fair enough, whatever the hr rate was add the total time he was at the booth. Then subtract what? room, food and smoke. There you go. The dam isnt cheap so remember that. Now on to the beans, I havent grown any CC gear yet but I would any chance I got. I ve got bubba and tahoe on my list. Like swerve stated when your messing with Fems chances are higher for them to herm. When your making a female self pollinate. As for straight males in a fem pack might have be a packaging error or someone wanted to throw gas on a fire. JMO
such a great thread.. i luv it so many twists and turns its great....

Swerve your absolutely right about this thread, all the twist and turns and it being great. All this crap about this n that, how you conned people into buying your gear or ripped them off, the recreational drug user, people giving you biusness advice, how you should be banned from the medical marijuana community, about how you supposeadly left some body in Amsterdam, ect, ect, and to top it all off, now hooker's for Gods sake!

I love it... where the hell do people come up this shit, i mean really i thought this was about Cali Connection seeds, granted you are the main breeder but all this other crap that has nothing to do with the seeds or genetics is just pointless IMO... save that shit for Oprah!

I came to this thread because i had some CC Pre 98 Bubba fem's and i was hoping to see how stable they were, if people were having a lot of hermi's or not. I prefer regular seeds to fem's but the regular Bubba's haven't been in stock for ever, at least i haven't seen them. So when i saw the free mix pack prmo i went ahead n bought them anyway knowing damb well there might be a chance that could happen. It's just the chance you take with fem's and because i trust you as a breeder to give me a true representation of the orignal cut. How ever that being said i did have an issue with them and was ready to just bite the bullet with no hard feelings. When i read here you were offering replacements i simply sent you a PM explaining my problem ( CORDIALLY WITHOUT AN ATTITUDE) and you replyed in matter of hours and said you will take care of it.

Well that works for me, im happy! :mrgreen:
I got a blackwater regular and a bubba fem going. If they herm on me i'm gonna be pissed. However, if they make great smoke, I will praise swerve for a job well done. I want to go fuck a hooker just to piss off the haters.
So you're suggesting I'm 2emerep too, again I'm flattered. I have only 5 posts as I quit the forums after THCFarmer went south. I got a phone call from a user of this site, who knows I'm a Cali Con victim, telling me that shit was popping off on here and the Cali Con forums so, I joined. I spent $800 on Cali gear and got burned(auto and low germ), that's my interest here. It was two years ago but when someone takes you for $800 it's hard to resist jumping in on this. I don't know what went down with 2emerep in Holland but, one thing is for sure - I don't believe Swerve. I don't think many sensible people do. Sure if what Swerve says about food and board is true then maybe 2eme got a good deal and has no right to feel bitter. But, that all depends on if you believe Swerve..... I highly doubt Swerve is telling the whole truth if any at all. I went to the cup, I'm still in Holland now if anyone wants to meet and discuss this over a J tomorrow. Swerve had a terrible set up and looked pretty lame compared to the rest of the stands and it doesn't surprise me that there was a money dispute after the Cup. I don't know which one was Swerve but, they all looked like kids. Personal info... It depends on what you think is personal. The hooker thing for sure is personal but, as I say once it's out it's out and it becomes fair game. You're probably as guilty as the rest of us - I bet you know shit about Charlie Sheen that's "personal". Drop the moral outrage. With his address etc. That isn't personal. He voluntarily placed that info on the public record. Companies House provide that info so people can chase payment and trace companies who've fucked them. Just like SEC/EDGAR for us at home. Spend 5 mins with google and you'll find it. You're right it is about the seeds. I wish I'd not mentioned the hookers thing as it has diverted the discussion. It was in the original males in fems thread at the cali site, I couldn't resist, I should have. I don't actually know if Swerve sleeps with them, if he does it's his business. As for the seeds, well, it's known there are herms in both fems and the regs. It's not an isolated problem with fems, as claimed. His gear auto's, as I found out, and a quick scan across the forums tells you that this is ongoing, not just from the 2yr old raskals that I had. Swerve makes big claims and anyone who has germed more than a couple of packs knows that they don't stand up. If you bring it back to the seeds it still don't look too good for Swerve even without the personal mudslinging. I don't know about the windows but, I do know the seeds are shit from bitter experience.
Who 'trys' a breeder with 800, or 1200 dollars. You guys are nuts. Buy one pack, evaluate how you feel, then move on. Ever heard of clones, turn a $10 seed into millions of plants... sounds like you over-committed and are bitter at someone else for that. Dude isn't perfect, I'm sure your grows aren't either. Nothin in life is... it's a hunt for genetics move on, your spinning in circles at this point.