alreet chief aye its a bit warmer but pishing it doon. swede's a bit tender today. mate's 30th last night, lad put 400 notes behind the bar. there was only half a dozen of us there.I thought that they seed's would raise a few eyebrow's!
Hope your having a warmer time than me but i doubt it very much man! Thank fek for indoor gardens
Later cowboy Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Haaaaaaaaaaaaaa !
how do lad, well to be honest i reckon norwich will be a tough nut to crack for us. at their ground with our defence in tatters injury wise, i reckon we'll have enough in midfield to carry with the mighty check tiote back in action i see yellow cards and a hard faught game.mornin don hows things is newcastle gunna win at norwich today and man utsd at wolves
hahah aye me too man. im ok bit of a rough nights kip but ill live lol. i've been taking a smoke break of late no particular reason, running a bit low but still plenty for crimbo. an 8th already hahaha you should take a tolerance break. then again youve got fuckin mountains of ganj so maybe not lmao.same thing in ma book lad. lol.
how you doin? I've already smoked about an 1/8th this morgen, lol....fukkin smashin it, lol...not to mention the bubble.
he telt brussles he wasnt going to like their latest guff if it was bad for blighty. nowt major really but the daily arse wipes are gannin on like he's fucked off europe. if only....I fucking hate politics. Whats he done now. Simple answer please or Ill fall asleep. Bad day at the office for your boys yesterday Don. I think its a good day for cocktails
what was his name again, Hoolio something. lolbutras butras..... chris waddle![]()