6under6 GDP


Well-Known Member
Looks bomb 4t! You have done a really nice job with growing MJ and, like me it seems, you found it to be not so difficult. My problem is and always has been, timing. I never seem to have enough time to allow them to veg very long before flowering them so I would just run lots of plants. Now I'm in a situation where I can't run the numbers I used to so I'm trying to get a longer veg time in, a little more each run. Hopefully the run after the one that's starting this weekend will be four monsters all spread out over their screens. I'll be putting the four that are vegging in hydro into flower this weekend, if I can find the time, and four more going into the veg RDWC to take their place. I've got five that are in an E&F system that are of good size already so four weeks or so in the RDWC should turn them into trees, lol.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
ok, so if were guessing how much might be in the tent id say around 27 zips.
id bet the tent is still full of bud. probobly going to be trimming till yours eys cant take it any more. but thats why we do it!


Well-Known Member
ok, so if were guessing how much might be in the tent id say around 27 zips.
id bet the tent is still full of bud. probobly going to be trimming till yours eys cant take it any more. but thats why we do it!
Great to have you drop in mongo, now thats the numbers im hopeing for lol, if i get close to that im going to be estatic...your right after cuting the ones in the pic my ol lady looked in the tent and said fuck it doesnt even look like you cut hardley anything down!!
ive cut and trimmed 2 per day so today ill have them all trimmed up and hung. looks like a huge pull but we will see, my inexperience will not allow me to make an accurate guess but i know its way bigger pull than the sour diesel.


Well-Known Member
first smoke report
ok so i cut a small nug off about a week ago on day 2 of flush. i let it air dry naturally till last night. it dried out nice and christally and hard. two hits from the glass pipe was enough... the taste is a bit sour chemical on inhale with good expansion. very smooth in hale with a very nice sandlewood taste on the ex hale.
the initial high was a very trippy head rush with a nice movement to body within about 15 minuites. not really heavy body and after the initial head rush a very nice head high with a suttle body stone. if this is any indication of the overall im very pleased with the results. it will be a nice smoke for relaxing or day dreaming or if so inclined getting things done but the last will have to wait till the rush settles in lol. thats my initial result, i will report on thyings a bit later in the game lol, now to finish up the trimming.


Well-Known Member
Nice dude! The way I usually see it if I something tastes and hits well after 1 week of drying/curing, 2 more weeks will make it tight as hell. Nice work dude, chopping dank weed is fun n stuff.


Well-Known Member
Your HB smoke report sounds an awful lot familiar, lol

Oh yeah her cousin - Chemband, lol

Enjoy all that fine smoke my brutha.

If you get tired of it, I always accept other people's overflow ;)


Well-Known Member
wood, im always looking at structure. these headband while needing support are quite sturdy till the weight starts overtaking them.



Well-Known Member
girdeling is when the plant is encircled with wire or the like and it grows around the wire etc. this is not what you want, see the nutrient flow restriction? this would have killed this branch soon. note to self check all ties frequently to avoid this problem.



Well-Known Member
harvest pics
two trays of bud that was either too big to dry safely and broken down, or oopses while trimming and couldnt hang
then 6 4ft strings of hanging bud
my world is stinkey as fuck right now.



Well-Known Member
That nug is a morsel of frosty love......

Your smoke report sounds awesome and something I want to taste

Monstrous Harvest.....pat yourself on the back 4T, YOU DESERVE IT!


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone for all the compliments. im very happy with this run in every way. plants were problem free with the exepition of mites at first, buts thats something environmental. the headband are going to stay around,and will def be ran again soon. the double 600s kick ass, lots of crosslighting for deeper penetration into canopy. it shows on the lower buds.

Ive been working my ass off the last few days. first the harvest, then i had to clean , move, and set up the 4x4 in another area. this ment taking everything down from tent but the frame and starting all over again. im going to use a 400mh in the 4x4 for veg so i hooked up a 6" fan only for the light. it runs cool to the touch. i have also set up a 4x8 tent and moved it into position. i will be working on lights and environmental controlls the next couple of days. im setting it up like a sealed room with lights cooled independently from the room. i will set up an exchange/exaust system seperate from lights. im trialing to see what to expect when i add co2 in the future. farming is not for the lazy lol


Well-Known Member
Running it like you are saying is great. I was doing it that way for a while and it is ideal when running co2. I still run co2 but am giving the bare bulb thing a go and don't have a/c so I need to vent the tent to keep it cool. I'm running through the co2 a lot quicker so I will either be cutting back on the ppm or doing away with the co2 all together while running bare bulb. If I don't see significant increases with the bare bulb I'll put the cool tube back in and get the co2 squared back up.

Your harvest looks killer and it sounds like you're dank rich, lol.


Well-Known Member
18 zips of premium bud trimmed and dried. 5.5 zips of smaller nugs that are perfect for stash material. prolly got a couple zips of sugar trim im going to make into hash or butter.
im fucking stoked over this run!!! will have to do a repeat soon. the trimming was a cinch as the bud to leaf ratio was almost non existant. pluck a few leafs n hang, then finish with a close trim.
23.5 zips total dry weight!!! 18 zips i can drop off anywhere as grade AAA meds n not look back. n still have enough to keep me comatose till the next run is finished. what a score!!!
THANKS EVERY ONE FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!! without all of you helping me out i would be lucky to get an ounce per run...THANK YOU!!! OH!! ill do a good smoke report n pics in cpl days


Well-Known Member
soil grow
last summer i tried a soil grow outside with some monster cropped plants and it was a desaster. bugs and worms were so bad i pulled them up in fear of affecting everything. so this time im going to try my hand inside with soil. with the last run on the undercurrent system i sat a soil potted kriptonite on top of the res and its almost ready to chop so in reality this will be attempt no 2 lol.

im using botanicare 9.75" square pots and roots 707 soil mix. botanicare nutes. the pots are plenty big it seems, about 3.5 gallon im not sure will have to look up. the botanicare nutes are very easy to use and i am used to their mix, at least in water. not quite sure how the soil thing will work out but im sure i will adapt easy enough.

the plant line up will be Alaska Thunder Fuck and Grandaddy Purple. the gdp are in great shape and were gifted from a great friend. the atf were almost given to me, i went to pick up a couple to try out and the guy gave me all he had (eight) as he was out of room. they look fair but are under nourished. that i will fix in short order. at present they have been potted up and tonight recieved their first feeding. they are under 2 600 watt mh lights and will be flowered under 2-1k lights. the 4x8 tent im using is an older tent but still in good shape, altho it has the white sides instead of mylar. im sure it will do just fine.
i will start posting pics soon so stay tuned and we will see if 4tat can soil grow, im betting i can :)


Well-Known Member
soil grow
last summer i tried a soil grow outside with some monster cropped plants and it was a desaster. bugs and worms were so bad i pulled them up in fear of affecting everything. so this time im going to try my hand inside with soil. with the last run on the undercurrent system i sat a soil potted kriptonite on top of the res and its almost ready to chop so in reality this will be attempt no 2 lol.

im using botanicare 9.75" square pots and roots 707 soil mix. botanicare nutes. the pots are plenty big it seems, about 3.5 gallon im not sure will have to look up. the botanicare nutes are very easy to use and i am used to their mix, at least in water. not quite sure how the soil thing will work out but im sure i will adapt easy enough.

the plant line up will be Alaska Thunder Fuck and Grandaddy Purple. the gdp are in great shape and were gifted from a great friend. the atf were almost given to me, i went to pick up a couple to try out and the guy gave me all he had (eight) as he was out of room. they look fair but are under nourished. that i will fix in short order. at present they have been potted up and tonight recieved their first feeding. they are under 2 600 watt mh lights and will be flowered under 2-1k lights. the 4x8 tent im using is an older tent but still in good shape, altho it has the white sides instead of mylar. im sure it will do just fine.
i will start posting pics soon so stay tuned and we will see if 4tat can soil grow, im betting i can :)
Growing in Soil is more forgiving then Bubbles. Plus the buds taste better IMO. I am 100% sure you will rock the soil grow. GDP/ATF damn nice lineup, cant wait to see.