here is my set up!!!


I am not sure why you posted this twice but that is frowned upon here.

well, first of all, men do what they want to do and boys do what they can. that should answear your question... :joint: now, i dont know why you posted that garbage in my post, i frown upon that. so i guess were even.


Well-Known Member
He ment plants. Lol. Good luck. And that is alot of nutes for your first grow. Soil dosnt realy need that much at first. With transplanting and all. Good soil should have allmost everything you need till you max out your pots and flower. Even then a week or so. But your on your way.


thanks man... i will wait for the real serious nutes as you said. as of now? i am giving them diluted watered down stuff... and straight RO. when i see that the pots are light and dry i water... keep that info flowing! thanks m8.


Yeah.. um... might seriously want to kick the attitude down a notch... Not a good idea to come across like a douche when you're asking people for help.. Not a lot of responses that way, I'd wager...


Active Member
Why would anyone hook you up with that shitball attitude you have?
The dudes proud of his setup and looking for suggestions. Youre the one with a shitball attitude. Why do you guys have to whine about the goofiest shit. Get over yourself "mr ganja". You make this site SUCK, sorry I even tried again. Big V huh? I got a pretty good idea what the "V" stands for.


Active Member
thanks man... i will wait for the real serious nutes as you said. as of now? i am giving them diluted watered down stuff... and straight RO. when i see that the pots are light and dry i water... keep that info flowing! thanks m8.
What kind of soil you planning on using? Some soils require nutes as they have zero in them. Make sure you know what youre working with. If youre using an organic soil with nutes, a rule of thumb is the soil will last one week per gallon. Just a "general" rule. Good luck


Thanks a lot, i did not know that. I have 707 soil. I am also going to up to 3.5 gal air pots. The roots are starting to peep through the bottom of the cow pots i have them in, what should i do?


Look, l dont kiss ass for not even weed. So if thats what its all about? Im cool. I give respect where i get it. Im not here for quantity but quality, im going to do me reguardless, so, if you dont want to post, im good. Im still gonna do it like Frankie! "My way!" I welcome all, but at the same time, i dont have time to de debate, plus, i only need one person to reply with some that could possibly lead me in another direction jus to stimulate ideas or push me to research on my own so, no matter what, i am learning and moving foward at lightning speed! And last but not least, i live in SD, erbody and their momma grows and has advice! Not to mention, i live 2 blocks from a hydro store... so again, im doing me.

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
1 suggestion mate i'm not sure of the size of your fan but it might be an idea to put your fan and filter in the tent and suck the air through them, rather than having them at the end of the run pushing it through.
the reason i say this is because if your fan isn't very powerful the carbon filter won't scrub the air as efficiently as it would having the direct draw of the fan sucking the air through it from the inside, if your fan is more than powerful enough or you don't need to worry about smells just ignore what i said mate, best of luck buddy nice way to start off


Well-Known Member
i would have been pissed if i was new and all he did was jump in to my thread and say its frowned apon. maybe he should have mentioned something about his set up then kindly said double postings are frowned apon on this site cuz to me it seamed kinda like an asshole move. but thats just the way i percieved it. no offence.

good luck bro. more pics of the whole set up once u get it lit up please. would be interested in checking it out. :)


word up. i seriously have nothing but respect for most of these cats because they have done it, im jus starting. nevertheless, i will not kiss ass, its jus not me. i do thank each and every one of you guys for your ideas, as they are what made me get as far as i have. yo Dragon, it has 500 cfm's. do you believe that will be enough? and yes, i will get pics up when it gets lit up. i also have some 3.4 air pots on the way too. i am doing hydro in my bedroom and soil in the living room. im a clean freak so, i dont mind a lil mess, jus a lil more work, das all. i get up early and i have so much free time its crazy so, it works for me. i will be tossing in two diamond og, one hogs breath, and one c4 og. i mixed them up so, i wont know who is who... they were dying and i had to work hard to save them and ended up mixing them up one day... sorry. but, i will be doing them and a few clones that i cut off my God$Gift... in fact, i will do a grow journal here soon (when my light gets here), and change my name to "GOD$GIFT" so, look out for me ahite? i wont double post anymore, it was a mistake that i regret but, you live you learn... i was new... i didnt do the mess. board stuff.... til, i didnt know that each domain was jus another section of the same board... now i know. thanks folks...


Active Member
If youre going with airpots, you will definitely have roots coming out. no big deal. i use Smartpots and have all sorts of roots coming out the bottom. still pulled 6 zips per plant in 5 gal smartpots.