Just what the title says, post the title of the last movie you saw.
Escape from New York
Escape from New York
30 minutes or less...hilarious. aziz ansari is so funny in it.
ID4: Independence Day
I hit the torrents and got a copy of "Silkwood". A good movie about an unsafe nuclear processing plant setting up and then killing an employe who became a whistle blower. Based on a true story.
yeah I haven't seen it in a long time thought I'd watch it wit hopes it would not bore the hell out of me (e.g.- I watched the Waterboy the other day made it half way through and got bored and went on to do something else)Love ID4, such a perfect balance of american cheesy feeling and actually being an awesome movie.
They're making a sequel, supposedly. Can't wait.
is it good I'm not that big on remakes if it's on the netflix i'll give it a shotFright Night
Its about vampires, the not-twilight kind. Some gory violence no nudity though. Its got Colin Farrell in it. And McLovin. The wife and I enjoyed it.
is it good I'm not that big on remakes if it's on the netflix i'll give it a shot
yes I do, and I also grew up with original fright nightIts alright if you like vampire stuff.