am i off base?


Well-Known Member
just did the mapquest on how long it would take me to walk, they said an hour and a half, but thats for fast walkers, it'd take me two hours each way
Bike then, you live in a warmer climate, it shouldn't be a problem.

so i just talked to my sister, and she said it was about me not being dependant on someone else, that it was time for me to grow up and accept responsibility and do what i had to do.
but.... wtf? she's never had to do all that to go where she needed to.

plus she said " we dont even have the house yet, and already you're bitching about having to walk."
fuck man, i swear these people just wanna fuck with me
She's fucking right.

And you aren't your sister, be your own person. I've told you that before.


Well-Known Member
Stop being such a whiney ass bitch and stop expecting people to do shit for you.Just do it yourself.You're mommy won't do this and my daddy won't do that..stfu and do it yourself...grow up.


Well-Known Member
Bottom line is whether or not your family is being shitty towards you, it's time to take care of yourself and take care of business without relying on anyone else. Take responsibility for getting to school and whatever else in your life, you're an adult


Well-Known Member
no. my parents told me to go to driving school. but they taught my bro and sis how to drive.
Normally I have to walk every where or beg for a ride to go places. Which wouldnt suck, except for now we live like a long long walk away
why can't u do driving school?? $? I wouldn't want to spend on that either if that's the case, especially when your parents could just suck it up and take you to a parking lot for free. did you ask nicely?


Well-Known Member
Get your bitch ass mom and sister to walk to work for a week and see how they like it. I bet they'll refuse to do that challenge because they're gonna be pussies and not want to do it.


New Member
Well, you wanted to buy your brother a car, maybe you can't this year, but next, maybe you should get your self one. A nice reliable one, like a civic, or a cavalier. But you might have to pick up a part time job, and cut out some classes, cars are worth it though.


Well-Known Member
everyone is mad at me because we all want to move to a nice house, and its kinda far away from where we are now.
well my mom, sister, and stepdad know how to drive and have cars (though even when my sister didnt have a car, she still got rides every where). So they can still go where they need to go. As for me, I dont know how to drive (no one wanted to teach me), and walking would take me hours and hours to get to school, and they are all like, "catch the bus". But the closest bus stop is like a mile away, plus it'd be a very long bus ride.
my first class next semester starts at 9. So i'd have to wake up hella early, walk a mile, hop on the bus for like an hour or 45 min, go to school all day, hop back on the bus, walk back.
My mom has never made my sister walk anywhere. She makes sure my sister has a ride to and from work. But what about me? It feels like im being forced to go above and beyond just to get to school.
And no one is willing to take me to school or whatever. But they sure as hell can make sure my sister gets to and from work

I feel like my mom doesnt understand how hard that would be, and is punishing me for choosing to go to school full time and not working full time like my sister. It makes me so mad when they call me selfish, but im just trying to get an education. No one else in my family is going to college!!!!!

Fuck me, I need to go smoke, im getting hella mad just typing this
I smell BS when i learned to drive my instructor would make us drive to the guys who didnt have a ride to school. we picked them up and when it was their turn they drove home.


Well-Known Member
Get your bitch ass mom and sister to walk to work for a week and see how they like it. I bet they'll refuse to do that challenge because they're gonna be pussies and not want to do it.
lol i actually mentioned that to them once, and my mom almost beat my ass for it.

as for everyone else, i went and mapped out a bus schedule. see, taking responsibility for the inevitable


Well-Known Member
I smell BS when i learned to drive my instructor would make us drive to the guys who didnt have a ride to school. we picked them up and when it was their turn they drove home.
i dont understand how that applies? I dont know how to drive either way, so I dont know how your little anecdote applies


Well-Known Member
i have been taking public transit since i was 15 years old... people are so ignorant ... oh i can cuz i dont have a ride...

Edit: i saved enough money to by a 2012 Camry SE now since i haven't had to pay for gas..took me many years but now i finally bought a new car



Well-Known Member
eh fuck. ive just resigned myself to one long ass bus ride every day. which is bullshit but whatever.


Well-Known Member
eh fuck. ive just resigned myself to one long ass bus ride every day. which is bullshit but whatever.
Not hating.. i had to take a 2 hour train/bus ride to work everyday for 3 years until i could buy this car. Works starts at 8:00 so i had to get up at 5:45. Now i spend my extra time surfing RIU before work.:hump:


Well-Known Member
make sure you get a damn good degree then so you can enjoy saying no to the rest of your family when they come borrowing money in the future :)

Total Head

Well-Known Member
bet you wished you planned ahead now, don't you? the second i turned 16 i got a job. by the time i was 17 1/2 i had saved up about 4 grand (minimum wage was 5 and a quarter then and i could only work student hours). i was able to get my licence, a halfway decent car, and put it on the road. driving school is mandatory for minors in my state, but you also get a discount on insurance, so that wasn't too bad.

you need to get a car, period. you can do it for about 1500 if you have no shame in your wheels, and having about 500 for emergency repairs is advisable. in the meantime untill you get the car, you can always take a cab here or there.

if you can manage to bring home just 150 bucks a week you can save up the 1500 in a few months or less, depending on living expenses. if you play your cards right and start now, by the time you're moved and settled you could already have the car.

if it makes you feel better, i could NOT drive when i passed the road test. the old bitty that ran the driving school sat in the backseat during my test and distracted the hell out of the cop with all this "how's the wife" talk lol.

you can do it. if i were you i'd do it just to rub the family's face in it. i don't know your sister but based on your descriptions i bet it would really frost her ass, especially if you do it with no help.