Don Gin and Ton
Well-Known Member
feck me thats a pretty picture cowboy!
Q.Q ( Cheesequake x Qrazytrain )
Here's a wee peek untill the MAN reviels all the other info. High T.H.C, and a joy to grow/smoke. Deff. One for the book's man!
For deffo bro. I got another one going atmLovely jubs Cinders, I got a couple of QQ's from that canny Fairy, will need to get on the QQ for real.
Aye we are that Pal. No bad the day like ! Its was'nt too bad for the funeral, stayed dry untill we got back for a bevvy. A good day with the Fam. And the Top Dog Had a good old go at it and passed in peace, so not bad.Heavy wake was it lad, my condolences.
Fence was a bit destroyed, weather been a bit windy to say the least, lol. Getting it tight over there as well I hear.
Gonna make me some Rick Simpson oil (good for what ails you!). I have over a pound of mostly little bud trim and going to use 99.995% Isopropyl and the rice cooker during my holiday.Thanks for the quick and simple recipe.
what does grndin bud mean?
like if i want to use an ounce of bud, how much everclear should i use?
i need to get the bubble bags to make hash too, so i will look into purchasing some.
ha, no this dude isnt Homer or Bart. He is an actual real guy who exiled in Europe to escape persecution in North America for his beliefs in MJ as a medicine.
I have an article i wanted to share in the local Northwest Leaf Patients magazine but its not online.
heres the last paragraph..loosley
"Rick Simpsons oil is a superior medicine capable of shifting the dominant paradigm away from the "smoking of pot" to the use of Canabis as the important medicine it is.
He has seen it reverse cancer and greatly diminish cancerous tumor growth.
I like the way your breeders boutique oils look .. have you any in tb syringes yet? thats how this oil comes, totally wicked looking. i will photo you mine when i get it.
peace bro