Spicy White Devil and Kalashnikova (pics weekly)


Well-Known Member
so i got off my ass today and hooked up my 400w hps. i got it running at 75% to try and ease them off the t5. however, im trying to get away with not hooking up the inline fan and carbon filter. anyone see an issue with this?



Well-Known Member
So far so good with hps. the temps have stayed below 80 so thats good. im just curious how bad my house is gonna stink if i don't have a carbon filter hooked up...


Well-Known Member
So far so good with hps. the temps have stayed below 80 so thats good. im just curious how bad my house is gonna stink if i don't have a carbon filter hooked up...
Shouldn't be too bad till you hit flower bro. I've heard of it starting in late veg. Also. But you should be golden till then.....I think?


Well-Known Member
lol yeah bro i know that but starting next week they are going into flower. i've been looking into ONA jel, apparently its this industrial strength odor neutralizer. all you have to do is just leave it open and where im growing its going to be 100% necessary.


Well-Known Member
lol yeah bro i know that but starting next week they are going into flower. i've been looking into ONA jel, apparently its this industrial strength odor neutralizer. all you have to do is just leave it open and where im growing its going to be 100% necessary.
Damn, next week already?! We will have bud porn in no time! I've heard pretty decent things about the ona. Give it a shot. They can't be that expensive right? I was thinking about grabbing one of em to supplement my carbon filter if needed.


Well-Known Member
i found it on amazon for $23 a quart. i think it would be money well spent on the security of my grow. as for the flowering they will have ad 5 weeks of veg by thursday of next week, so i think that should be good enough


Well-Known Member
so today i set the timer for 12/12. its been 30 days from seed and they getting pretty bushy so i think its about that time. took these to mark where they are at now so i will update every monday from now on.;-)



Nice looking plants you got there. I'm growing the same got it free when I ordered some seeds. This in my first grow too. Get ready for her to start grow fast mine doubled in size in 2 weeks of 12/12. Wished I had my height space to let her grow but I'm very impressed with her (thinking about getting some more samsara seeds). Shes 4 weeks into flower think about 4 weeks left maybe 5 can't wait to chop her down and have a smoke. I've got pictures if you'd like to see her.


Well-Known Member
Nice looking plants you got there. I'm growing the same got it free when I ordered some seeds. This in my first grow too. Get ready for her to start grow fast mine doubled in size in 2 weeks of 12/12. Wished I had my height space to let her grow but I'm very impressed with her (thinking about getting some more samsara seeds). Shes 4 weeks into flower think about 4 weeks left maybe 5 can't wait to chop her down and have a smoke. I've got pictures if you'd like to see her.
yeah bro post them pics


Well-Known Member
how could i be nasty with pics like those? they are beautiful bro. did you do any topping and/or lst?


Well-Known Member
somewhat unrelated to my grow check out what i found


unfortunately it doesn't taste like weed and its like $11 for a six pack so this will be a one time deal


Well-Known Member
so here is week one. i did some lst on two of the swd, but i now realize im probably going to have to do it to the other one. i started seeing pistils yesterday so thats good. looking good so far. i just wish the kalashnikova would do something other than be small and shitty looking.



Well-Known Member
So no real bud explosion just yet. i think they are starting to finish stretching. there has been a bit more pistil development but nothing major so far. they do look healthy though and my tent looks like a mini jungle. i think my topping and lst job has created a monster. the kalashnikova however is being grown just genetics and i gotta say, the side branching has just exploded over the last week and its shot up about 3 inches. nice to see some action from her. well here are the pics...



Well-Known Member
here is week 3. everything has been going smoothly, no real complaints about either strain at this point. even the kalashnikova has exploded. i'm also starting to see very small trichs starting to form. i think i'll let the pics speak for themselves though...



Well-Known Member
Subbed in on this. I will be ordering from Herbies middle, end of Jan, myself as a first timer (Mostly...had one pathetic outdoor photo mystery/baggie NL last year..tried to keep it small out of fear, but went too far, and I almost broke it OFF at one point..did not help. [got just under an eighth dry] what ripened was PRETTY, but just pathetic yield, of course). Am going for a variety heavy on the Sativa/Mostly Sativa side with an Indica or two in the true dwarf auto catagory (Samsara Ultraviolet [Due to THIS album!...https://www.rollitup.org/members/surfhead-310569/albums/ultraviolet-grow-complete-22991/] and Short Stuff Automatic Assasain, for sure, and one or two more Sativa dominant strains), and a couple longer growing, larger ones (KC Brains KC45 + Short Stuff Super Cali Haze, prob[some for HASH; Ice Method])...so am VERY interested in the (Indica Dominant?) kalashnikova (maybe grab that and def. De Sjamaan Widow Ryder). Curious have you tried seeing if topping and NOT topping on the SWD before with better results topping it? It would seem couter-productive to me to top ANY autoflower, so , as stated just an honest question from a newbie. Hope I can breed some beans of at least 3-4 of the strains I get, but budget will hold me to 5-6 beans per (except KC45)...am I fooling myself? Gonna have to get SOME FEMMED strains, as that is the only way they come, so GOT TO stress femmed ones to get the pollen sacks to bloom.

Sorry for the Ramble, but need some guidence. Got Pics/early journal of the NL I grew last year, fisrt pistils to harvest date, if anyone intersted how NOT to dwarf a photo outdoors...LOL...still have fond memories, even though almost a bust; the little nuggets WERE very nice indeed, all said and done..and the iced hash from the clippings (Little under BB sized) was the BEST I've ever had...not bragging, but truth.

Sweet looking set-up and treees, too, dude..waiting on the harvest pics and report!

oops! forgot to ask...what is lst? Seen it around here, such a newbie, though can't figure it out.