I hate a fucking thief


Well-Known Member
:leaf:Lost 7 plants from 3 differant spots 2010, and I tell no one! First spot they were yanked, the second spot they were cut and the final plant was stripped which tells me they were all found by differant people... Sucks, but there's alot of theives out there lookin' for your plants...:leaf:


New Member
:leaf:Lost 7 plants from 3 differant spots 2010, and I tell no one! First spot they were yanked, the second spot they were cut and the final plant was stripped which tells me they were all found by differant people... Sucks, but there's alot of theives out there lookin' for your plants...:leaf:
u should hide your plants better.................lucky your not in jail


New Member
My plants were out there, it took someone some walkin' to find 'em. It was just bad luck that year, thats all... Some times the deer get 'em, some times the rippers do...
nobody ever finds mine...............u need to be more careful...........doesnt sound like bad luck to me sounds like a shit plan..........what are the chances of three dif well hid spots being found by 3 dif people? hope your not lying to me ..................liar and a thief go hand in hand


Well-Known Member
nobody ever finds mine...............u need to be more careful...........doesnt sound like bad luck to me sounds like a shit plan..........what are the chances of three dif well hid spots being found by 3 dif people? hope your not lying to me ..................liar and a thief go hand in hand
Normaly I don't lose any, but I dropped the ball somewhere along the line there...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I hate thieves as much as you but come on bro if your talking about growing in bush/forest then really its anybody's until its in the boot of your car.its like a game either you get it, the thieves get it ,the cops get it, animals eat it ,or harsh weather destroys it. Now if your growing partner steals it thats an entirely different matter as is some cunt going into your yard.


Well-Known Member
Man, i got robbed by my boy once. Back in high school. He ran up in my house and got an ounce. I didn't realize it was even missing ! i must of had a lot not to notice that !
Anyway i found out about a year later, This kid came up to me and told me. I let it go cause i wasn't sure ( thought maybe this kid was trying to trick me or something) then about 6 months later i heard from another kid. (small town eh) I caught him slipping at the bar one night and came up to him, confronted him. I thought we were boys blah blah blah. He denied , The clown lit up a cig and blew it up my face.(not intentional) but i smelt it, I punched him in the mouth as soon as i smelt the smoke. I split his lip open and we started fighting , He was wasted and I wasn't so it was an easy win. But boyyyy when i smelt the ciggy bud i just reacted like asap . Anyway , he's been scared shittless of me ever since. NO JOKE.

jammin screw

Well-Known Member
Man, i got robbed by my boy once. Back in high school. He ran up in my house and got an ounce. I didn't realize it was even missing ! i must of had a lot not to notice that !
Anyway i found out about a year later, This kid came up to me and told me. I let it go cause i wasn't sure ( thought maybe this kid was trying to trick me or something) then about 6 months later i heard from another kid. (small town eh) I caught him slipping at the bar one night and came up to him, confronted him. I thought we were boys blah blah blah. He denied , The clown lit up a cig and blew it up my face.(not intentional) but i smelt it, I punched him in the mouth as soon as i smelt the smoke. I split his lip open and we started fighting , He was wasted and I wasn't so it was an easy win. But boyyyy when i smelt the ciggy bud i just reacted like asap . Anyway , he's been scared shittless of me ever since. NO JOKE.
Everytime he lights up that Fu gon remember his bitchass gettin pieced up.....lol....


Well-Known Member
You were outside stargazing, there are foxes around so you keep a shotgun handy, to you surprise there was a stranger lurking about your place, he produced a knife, you shot him, no need to mention the plants. make sure he has a knife, wether he brought it or not, ust make sure it doesnt go to any set you own, it has to be an oddball. even better if you happen to have an unregistered/untraceable firearm.

Not condoning anything, its not what you know, its what you can prove.

then again, if your defending yourself, thats not a crime, whats there to report ?? get a shovel......
This video is a local grow that got ripped over the summer. The video is from the growers security system. The grower chased them down, got their license plate number and called the cops. The cops eneded up catching them. As far as I know the rippers did not end up getting any weed. The cops did not arrest the grower because this is a prop 215 medical grow.



Well-Known Member
must be nice being a thief in a gun control state. Fukn fukrs, makes my blood boil, you lazy bastards grow your own.

How would you feel, your family trying to explain to your kids why your dead now....

daddys dead cuz he tryd stealin someones shit. Your a piece of shit. no good thief.