Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

OMG!!!!! WTF???????

This is just....just....just...


Bro, this happens about twice a week. I just don't post them all here because its annoying and sad. Several people have died from exploded bho extractions. This particular case, the guy's girlfriend lost custody of her kids. he got 8 cases of endangerment because it was a duplex and many more charges. I call them BHOtards.
Bro, this happens about twice a week. I just don't post them all here because its annoying and sad. Several people have died from exploded bho extractions. This particular case, the guy's girlfriend lost custody of her kids. he got 8 cases of endangerment because it was a duplex and many more charges. I call them BHOtards.

This kid was frickin' hilarious!

"ALL my eyes just went like this! *SQUINTS*

"Don't put your hash in the freezer!"

Putting bho in the freezer to purge?


This kid was frickin' hilarious!

"ALL my eyes just went like this! *SQUINTS*

"Don't put your hash in the freezer!"

Putting bho in the freezer to purge?
They put it in the freezer because they didn't want to wait for the purge. They were trying to freeze the unpurged bho so they could smoke it. Fuggin fiends.
They took something soft and melty, and froze it, while gas is expanding within it still.

Basically, a thousand little tiny pipe bombs that when one go they all go.

Rather clever bombmaking if you think about it......... I cant imagine they had a ton of honey oil in the freezer since they lived in an apartment and based on the bandana and hair style indicating lower wealth, plus they found no grow op, so they are just poor stoners right? :)
They took something soft and melty, and froze it, while gas is expanding within it still.

Basically, a thousand little tiny pipe bombs that when one go they all go.

Rather clever bombmaking if you think about it......... I cant imagine they had a ton of honey oil in the freezer since they lived in an apartment and based on the bandana and hair style indicating lower wealth, plus they found no grow op, so they are just poor stoners right? :)

A viscous fluid like bho can't store enough energy to do what you describe. Imo what happened is the freezer's compressor, which is not spark-proof, touched off an explosive gas mix filling the freezer.

I know of a case where a fellow working in a proper lab placed a beaker containing 2 liters of a benzene solution into a fridge that had somehow slipped past the facility's sparkproofness requirement. Some hours later, the fridge sent its door into the next lab room. There was a wall in the way, but the door made it through even so. cn
CN; What do you propose caused the explosion, sparks and freezers dont really work well together, and the individual described wanting to speed it up and being away from the freezer, and having put the oil in the frezer and left........ Baboom?
Researchkitty, when a compressor starts up the motor's brushes spark, sometimes impressively. That's why certified lab fridges have sparkless compressor motors.

Those dumb kids put a source of flammable vapor into a closed box with a built-in sparker. Once enough butane had mixed with the air in the freezer and perhaps also the fridge section, the spark on compressor startup would cause a quick massive pressure spike inside that box. At that point freezer door hinges really don't matter very much any more ... the whole door will be launched, straight and flat, as from a mortar. Jmo. cn
Aah, never considered the butane having to go somewhere, and compressors sparks being the first place they travel to. Thanks and sorry! :)
A viscous fluid like bho can't store enough energy to do what you describe. Imo what happened is the freezer's compressor, which is not spark-proof, touched off an explosive gas mix filling the freezer.

This is not the first time a freezer has bho-expoloded.

Even minor static off your body can set your hand grenades off.

You should all spend the 3 bucks and be using anti static bracelets at the very least.,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1282&bih=679&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=5389250171665405452&sa=X&ei=KpfhTrMryqmJAouttOIO&ved=0CIoBEPMCMAA#ps-sellers
why? bho blows up more often than meth labs. people are misusing lighter refills.

What i am saying is that it should not be equated to meth. Just because it results in explosions often doesn't mean it should be treated alongside meth imo. That would be like saying manufacturing gasoline is dangerous so let's imprison anyone who attempts to do so. Legalize it and we can regulate it to a point.
A meth lab could blow up your trailer and four trailers around it.... The BHO explosion in the video looked like it would be contained into the owners area, with the exception of his neighboring apartments windows....