First ever grow. cheap closet set up. need advice


Well-Known Member
Well this is my first shot at growing. So far i think i'm doing prettty well.

I'm about 7 weeks total into the grow.
Veg'd under 23w Daylight cfl's
Flowering under 2700k cfl's
miracle grow soil with perilite (not sure of npk)
Pots are around 1 1\2 gallon
I have 2 different kinds of nute not sure which
I should use. One is 24-8-16, the other is 10-15-10
This was the best setup i could afford.

Biggest plant vegged about 5 1/2 weeks before female preflowers showed. The other vegged about 3 weeks and had a main stem snap and broke the top off. Was about three nodes. They have both been in 12/12 almost 2weeks. Both showed female flowers.

And i know on my first grow i should have went simple And regular, but i decided to top and lst the bigger plant. I'm actully pretty happy with how it turned out.

I'll update more later and leave you with some pics to show you where i'm at.

And again any advice willl help.



Active Member
Looks good dude, since your on a budget you could do a cardboard box grow with emergency blankets on the inside. That would give you more light to your girls. ATM you are probably only getting 35%-50% of the light from those bulbs to the plant (a lot of light is escaping from the sides and top of the bulbs). Emergency blankets are only $3 for one, one should cover the inside of a decently sized box. Cardboard boxes are generally free, or very cheap when bought, a Uhaul grand wardrobe box (24" x 21" x 48") is only $12 and it even comes with a metal bar that is great for hanging your lights.


Well-Known Member
I was actually thinking about doing the cardboad box idea with mylar inside and some old wired up pc fans for air flow. This is really just a trial grow to get a feel for it before tax season comes and i can afford a good setup.


New Member
+ Rep for taking the leap into farming. Looks good for the set-up! As for nutes, if you are using MG and are into flowering I would use the 10-15-10. MG has time released nutes in it already as I am sure you know. I would start at 1/2 strength to see if the girls handle it well, wait 2 more waterings then the same dose, 2 waterings and then full strength. You'll want to stop feeding and flush them about 7-10 days before harvest to leech out what you can. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
+ Rep for taking the leap into farming. Looks good for the set-up! As for nutes, if you are using MG and are into flowering I would use the 10-15-10. MG has time released nutes in it already as I am sure you know. I would start at 1/2 strength to see if the girls handle it well, wait 2 more waterings then the same dose, 2 waterings and then full strength. You'll want to stop feeding and flush them about 7-10 days before harvest to leech out what you can. Good Luck!
Thanks for the info.
I've also read in some other peoples journals that's it's good to flush during the grow also, is there any truth behind this?


New Member
Flusing is very important in my opinion, even more so when using a medium that has time release nutes. Cannabis thrives best in temps between 76 and 84 so your girls should be just fine.


Well-Known Member
I just recently watered them about a day and a half ago. Once they dry out i think i'm gonna flush them, and once they dry again start them on the 10-15-10 nutes.


Well-Known Member
Just looked at the girls and what was just a couple preflowers a few days ago is now preflowers popping up at every node. The soil should be dry by tomorrow when the lights come on so i can flush and i'm hoping the new nutes will help out a lot.


Well-Known Member
goodluck with it keep updates coming
Just looked at the girls and what was just a couple preflowers a few days ago is now preflowers popping up at every node. The soil should be dry by tomorrow when the lights come on so i can flush and i'm hoping the new nutes will help out a lot.


Well-Known Member
Since i'm still only a couple weeks into 12/12 could i still transplant into 5gallon buckets and see a good boost in size


Well-Known Member
And here's some new pics. Even with the mian stem break the smaller plant is still growing nice. The 5 lower branches that were left got tied down and have all grown very well. The all got a lot thicker and longer with a lot of nodes spaced pretty close, looks like it'll be pretty bushy.

