Clone Transplanting


Got a few clones(6),3 of them r going into soil so no probs,the other 3 i want to put in rockwool cubes,never done this any advice would be welcome.


Are they aero clones? You can soak the 2" cubes, pull them apart in half, put the clone in there and close it back up. Then stick the 2" cube in the larger cube and water.

John Jacob

Active Member
I would suggest rooting gel or powder.. Just need to find that happy medium because RW if given the opportunity will absorb too much water, so make sure your getting them wet.. not soaking wet..

If your area doesnt have high humidity then put a dome over them and let some fresh air in there a couple of times a day.

RW is fine to use and many have success with them.. I'm a fan of the bubble cloners myself tho, ez to make, and once you have the right conditions in the container you can have roots poppin out in a week


I've got them in an aero cloner,3 have roots within 7 days,iv'e ripped a root riot cube in half and placed the roots inside and put back together. i take it i hand water from now on? Thanks for the feed back,taken on board.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 clones in rockwool and they are all wilted. Looks like they may be done for. God I hate cloning.


sounds like u have over watered them,the hardest thing is letting them grow sometimes,learned the hard way.


Well-Known Member
How does a cloner NOT over-water the rockwool, I mean it's just sitting in the water right?

Most Clone box's that you see at the store are Aero Cloners they never submerge the roots nor do they use rockwool or rapid rooter plug, they use neoprene foam inserts and a pump in the water pushes water through a PVC ( or any plastic thats not corrosive ) manifold for a few minutes at a time.. I've never seen anyone use a rapid rooter plug or rockwool in a clone box. Your stem and roots hang freely in the air and the only time they get water is when the pump turn on and the manifold showers the roots.