DR. aMbRa TrYcoMbs***** SuMmEr BUD baKE*******2011*****12/12 gRowiN'


Well-Known Member
dear three eyes,
im paranoid i dont understand why they are so big. i checked em with my scope and i saw an amber trichome. i didnt flush several of my girls last harvest and i ruined them. Also I left some too long and there leaves got all old and burnt looking. i wasnt sure if bubblebomb and exodus cheese had different rules. maybe not all strains need amber hairs to be ready??
i dont know that much about much at all. just got lucky so far. real lucky and dont want to mess this all up.
hi ambernooski , i never flush my plants during flower ............only sometimes at the end............never had any problems.......


Well-Known Member

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i m totally fuckin stoked. i just ordered these. they got some good write ups and reviews...and were only $77 for 5 bags. Most other quality ones were over $200. hehehehe, this looks like fun.
now i will be able to make some hash cookies for santa and some raindear hash bisquestteess for the team when they arrive with all my gifts.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Ambz, not sure if you have seen this thread but I highly recommend you check it if you haven't. Probably one of my favorite threads cause its amazing and detailed with pics. Some serious work was put into the thread https://www.rollitup.org/cooking-cannabis/412878-badkats-cannapharm-canna-caps-uv.html

I recommend everyone check it out, especially if you cook with cannabis.

Hey Kindness, Thanks for the link. That is really an awesome thread with loads of great reciepes. Unfortuenelty i become deathly ill ingesting hash. I have had several "white outs" which left me puking my guts out all night long. Have you ever had a white out like that. Its absolutley horrible. So i dont eat meds . I do like topicals though ,,i think she did have some topical recipes i should check out. Its super nice of you to post your knowledge through these links BKB. I remember riddleme. I had just got to know him and then he left RIU to start his own website i think. him and illumination. those guys were wild. i remember all the crazy music videos they use to play..lol.take it easy bro.

nicely done!


Well-Known Member
ambernooski you crack me up............loving the film clip of your girls....sounds like some spooky music..............hope all is well in all your gardens..


Well-Known Member
ambie dat be one trippy vid (nice plants though)

from one trippy gal -i luved it an i luv you

1Luv stay true

bkb i dont luv you but i like you- dats agreat thread there tons of info- thanks

stay true