The 12-12 From Seed Thread

Your plant looks great. Stop being paranoid. Most leaves look like that. Once the plant gets bigger, they will drop off, and as the plant continues to grow, it will drop more and more bottom leaves if there is no adequate lighting. You also should wait until the top soil is dry, and the bottom soil is slightly moist before each watering. This allows for roots to get oxygen much more efficiently. Or, if you do not want to worry much about over watering, place an air stone into your water bucket a day before watering. This will mix air into your water, and provide more air to your roots when you feed the plants. Pump and airstone costs less than 10$ in an aquarium store. Get on it cowboy.

awesome thanks brother. I actually have an airstone from an old aquarium. Just gotta get a pump i suppose. Thats actually a great idea. atleast it would take some worry and stress off me lol. +rep if I could, but I gotta spread it around first lol
LOL, I would have entered, but none of my current grow is 12/12 from seed.

yea seriously. del has said several times that it doesnt have to have your plants in it. And if you do use your plants they dont have to be 12/12 from seed. Just gotta have the poster somewhere in it. I liked the example of smoking a joint in a tigers cage or whatever lol. I know one of the local cops pretty well and was thinking about asking him if I could pretend to be driving his car while ripping a fresh clean bong or something but I dont want to run the risk of getting him in trouble. I dont know what I'm gonna do. I entered but gave up on ideas I think. Did del ever say whether or not a little photoshopping is allowed? Maybe I do the cop thing and photoshop 12/12 FROM SEED ROCKS down the side of his car instead of "police" hahahaha
No photoshop, 12.12 poster/sign needs to be a real element within the photo.. Unless you are so good that no one can tell the difference ;)

yea seriously. del has said several times that it doesnt have to have your plants in it. And if you do use your plants they dont have to be 12/12 from seed. Just gotta have the poster somewhere in it. I liked the example of smoking a joint in a tigers cage or whatever lol. I know one of the local cops pretty well and was thinking about asking him if I could pretend to be driving his car while ripping a fresh clean bong or something but I dont want to run the risk of getting him in trouble. I dont know what I'm gonna do. I entered but gave up on ideas I think. Did del ever say whether or not a little photoshopping is allowed? Maybe I do the cop thing and photoshop 12/12 FROM SEED ROCKS down the side of his car instead of "police" hahahaha
I got a great idea, gonna have the poster, cannabis, AND be festive. Only downside is its gonna run me atleast 30$ and I might cop a couple charges in the process. I live in a communist state :(
U wanna see the state of the place I live.

lol where u at? Im in northern VA. like 30 minutes from D.C. I have had my license suspended for 11 years for bullshit pot charges. Ive done jail time for the most retarded nonviolent acts. Then with no license I cant really support twin 3 year old kids so I have to drive with no license and cop charges for that all the time and just get more and more shit tacked on. Once ur in the system here you dont get out. I would move in a heartbeat but my girlfriend has 2 other kids from a different relationship so we get them every other week and that wont work out...
I was just trying to be funny my American friend. Im from sunny Scotland(thats me now being Its just how u Americans all live in states. In Scotland your mother would say "look at the state of this room." ie meaning it was like a bomb had hit it. Lost in translation I suspect. Ive lost my DL twice. Still driving. lol
we all ready for chrimbo then?........where the hell did the last 12 months go.......where the hell did my life go?...............where the hell did my wife go............thats all the cops ever ask me........never mind i hear santa clause is coming to bring his own fucking smoke.
mrs clause will be looking for a shag again..
she's pissed as Santa only cums once a year.. and its doon the fookin chimney..


we all ready for chrimbo then?........where the hell did the last 12 months go.......where the hell did my life go?...............where the hell did my wife go............thats all the cops ever ask me........never mind i hear santa clause is coming to bring his own fucking smoke.
we all ready for chrimbo then?........where the hell did the last 12 months go.......where the hell did my life go?...............where the hell did my wife go............thats all the cops ever ask me........never mind i hear santa clause is coming to bring his own fucking smoke.

LMFAO DEL!!!!!!!!! hahahaha I ask myself that exact same shit every day.