What did I takes????


RIU Bulldog
3 hits of something wonderful..... that's only now starting to take effect....9 hours later
Feeling froggy and really WEIRD but wonderful....


RIU Bulldog
It's not as profound as I'd thought it would be. I'm very 'aware'. But then again I wouldn't classify this as a true experience. I was so damn excited to get fried that by the time I got it I just popped it in my mouth without really thinking about it. This is my practice girlfriend. lol


RIU Bulldog
so you downed all of em?

you may have a dox compound onyour hand mate
Yeah man, I wanted to really find out was I was dealing with. I think I'm the type of person who likes doing trips by myself idk....
It's like there are moments when the screen is about to go blank and it's gonna take me there. Shit starts happening that I nkjow is impossible by the laws of physics and I ... I... it just wont go all the way....
Still fun though.
Idk what that is....but from all I've been reading....that's probably the case....


RIU Bulldog
kind of speedy.....dry mouth...jitterry....bitter flavor in the mouth when I took it
cant sleep...but not in a restless way.....very VERY interesting for my overly logical mind to try and comphrehend.


RIU Bulldog
bitter taste energizing jittery def dob or doc or other dox
bummer man....
ah oh well.
The more I look into it the more I see the heads are saying that they haven't gotten good shit since the 90's anyways...
the search continues.....but for now....this is lovely....


Well-Known Member
If you wanna really trip and "pop through" every time try salvia. It's reverse tolerant too, so it gets stronger the more you do it :D

Plus the actual trip only lasts maybe 2-5 mins, but you could live out a lifetime in that time...fuck actually, this reality right now could be a trip that I havnt come out of yet...

That's some profound shit...damn you Beansly making me think!


Well-Known Member
I'll add another vote for a DOx compound. There's not enough LSD in a tab to have a taste. Enjoy the ride Beansly.


RIU Bulldog
Wow that was totally weird man......
It felt a little trippy but nothing like I expected. I spoke to soon when I said it wasn't a true experience, it is in it's own way. I was a little anxious (ok more than a little) throughout the whole thing but I'm not sure I wouldn't do it again....
I really wanted to have a date with lucy though.... ah oh well.
I'm gonna write about my experience later. I got some sleep finally but my head feel cloudy and I has a slight headache.


Well-Known Member
Since you haven't tripped alot before, your brain may have been holding you back, its very common among hallucinogens. your brain is fighting to keep the reality you know.

9 hours come up is still way to long for most DOx's, you probably were under the influence earlier but couldn't tell, or your brain wasn't ready for the full experince and some what blocked it.

I wouldn't be that dissapointed man, the doc or dob can be pretty sweet also, and still hard to find for most. I haven't come across and lsd for over a year now. and before that it was like maybe every six months i'd come across some and then it was gone again..


RIU Bulldog
Since you haven't tripped alot before, your brain may have been holding you back, its very common among hallucinogens. your brain is fighting to keep the reality you know.

9 hours come up is still way to long for most DOx's, you probably were under the influence earlier but couldn't tell, or your brain wasn't ready for the full experince and some what blocked it.

I wouldn't be that dissapointed man, the doc or dob can be pretty sweet also, and still hard to find for most. I haven't come across and lsd for over a year now. and before that it was like maybe every six months i'd come across some and then it was gone again..
Yeah I'm not upset. It was sweet, just not what I was expecting. I wsn't expecting the speedy qualities of it. I don't like speed or any uppers for that matter.


RIU Bulldog
Was it normal that it made me VERY drowsy? I was in a cloud like state the whole time and nodding in and out of sleep like I was on opiates.


Active Member
So can anyone tell me if an opiate feeling is normal on acid?
iv never nodded of L.. iv had times were i would go in and out, but i would describe it as, in and out of a dream like state. this only happens when i take semi-large doses tho..


Well-Known Member
I cant say i've felt an opiate like effect from any blotters, lsd or otherwise. Its all about perception though, Im normally looking for specific effects, because im used to feeling them.