Coffee Can Growers

That will be easy all we need are those Burger King cardboard

Smelly I like all those ideas.....just remember we can not use beans as a prize. RIU frowns upon that and we should keep within the guidlines of the sites rules so no moderators come in and shut the thread down. I think the cut off date should be April 1st that way all participating can enjoy their coffee can grown buds....Psy came up with that idea and I liked it. Gives people time to do whatever they want for the contest. We should have a cutoff date of when someone can enter. Maybe New Years Day? This should be a nice contest!


That would be sick!! Okay I'm down, if you guys want me to put it together i will. We can bounce some ideas off each other and maybe start it sometime soon! I had an idea where everyone threw a seed in kind of thing but that might be to hard to pull off.. I think we should judge it based on what the best overal looks, size etc of say the clone catagory and the seed. So 2 winners overal to keep it simple. As far as judges we will obviously have to grab some well respected people that arnt partisapating. How many I don't know, poll's ehh idk.. I think legit judges might workout better?

Edit, also what about veg time is there a minimum or maximum limit? I don't see why there should be, push it as long as you like but don't go above 32oz's.? Are we limiting this to hydro aswell? What if someone wanted to compete in a 32oz soil container? Umm thats all I can think of right now I'll come back with more lol.. K just realized any container or medium so answered that question.

About the judging I actually thing it would be kind of cool to have a couple different catagories and whoever gets the most points or something wins? This way its judged on multiple things instead of just looking and saying thats better lol.. I do realy like the idea of respected agreed on judges.

I'm going to start listing catagories feel free to add and we can choose from the list, sound good?

Smell haha just kidding
uglyest lol

ok I'm done for now lol I'm smoking a phat bowl watering and I'll be back with more!

Sounds good, but the container size should be the max folgers can size which is 38.4 oz

medium doesnt matter as long as it finishes in a folgers/coffee can/bucket
My red folgers is 48oz? The smaller green ones would not work out the best just FYI i had to go up to the bigger size due to the giant monster tap root it was in a smaller one until the tap root pushed the plant up and almost out of the folgers can. That was 12/12 from seed:-)
My red folgers is 48oz? The smaller green ones would not work out the best just FYI i had to go up to the bigger size due to the giant monster tap root it was in a smaller one until the tap root pushed the plant up and almost out of the folgers can. That was 12/12 from seed:-)

I wasnt sure what size their biggest can was. I know I have seen some that are like 4-5 inches taller than the big can you can buy at walmart. That must be the 48 oz can ;)
That will be easy all we need are those Burger King cardboard

Smelly I like all those ideas.....just remember we can not use beans as a prize. RIU frowns upon that and we should keep within the guidlines of the sites rules so no moderators come in and shut the thread down. I think the cut off date should be April 1st that way all participating can enjoy their coffee can grown buds....Psy came up with that idea and I liked it. Gives people time to do whatever they want for the contest. We should have a cutoff date of when someone can enter. Maybe New Years Day? This should be a nice contest!



I like both those dates! I didn't realize about the beans, we will definitely keep the mods happy on this one :)
How many judges would you guys think we need? and maybe we should vote for them after everyone enters and we get everything set up?

Sounds good, but the container size should be the max folgers can size which is 38.4 oz

medium doesnt matter as long as it finishes in a folgers/coffee can/bucket

Damn I didn't realize they where 38!

My red folgers is 48oz? The smaller green ones would not work out the best just FYI i had to go up to the bigger size due to the giant monster tap root it was in a smaller one until the tap root pushed the plant up and almost out of the folgers can. That was 12/12 from seed:-)

Thats insane :) I can't wait to get there haha!

I wasnt sure what size their biggest can was. I know I have seen some that are like 4-5 inches taller than the big can you can buy at walmart. That must be the 48 oz can ;)

Where can you get this can and is this going to be our max size or are we sticking with the 38?
I say we might as well make it the 48....I'm sure you can find it somewhere on the internet, if they don't sell them near by √
I say we might as well make it the 48....I'm sure you can find it somewhere on the internet, if they don't sell them near by √

After what slim jim was saying I would have to agree!!

Lets start with this, what should be the name of the thread?

Coffie can Grow Off
Coffie can Competition
Battle of the Coffie cans
Coffie can Cartel Competition

add folgers in there somewhere lol, just some ideas figured I would start with lol. The title is what catches attention so I want to get something catchy. Get as much people in as we can before the 1st! I guess I should probably get up the thread really soon though.

SO are we keeping this folgers coffie can only or anything under or up to the size of 48oz's is acceptable?
Getting me a 55 gallon coffee barrel "Plastic" and cutting down a 8 footer for my clone;-)

I think he ment any "plastic container" up to or equal to 48oz lol. However I would like to see that done haha! 8 foot clone lmao!!

Alright guys I think for now I will just put a pre compitition thread up and then when the actual comp starts we might make a new one to start fresh idk we will see!

So no comments on the name of the thread so I guess I'll go with "Cannabis coffie can Competition" You have to enter by jan 1st, have to be harvested by 4/1 have to keep it in a plastic coffie container up to or equal to 48 oz's.. I realized I have 2 28oz coffie cans so what If I where to cut one in half and make it a tall container? It would be cut exactly in half so technically it would be 42oz's, Or I might just go with 2 28's for the first month until I can get ahold of 2 bigger ones.. Anyway, it has to stay in the cantainer obviously, you can use any medium or growing techniques. Plus there's no limit on veg, just make sure you have time to flower. I'll just use a few ideas for how where going to judge and how where going to pick the judges and we can decide all that later while everyone is hopefully getting there stuff together!

Billcollector is making a plaque for the winner, There will be 2 catagories "SEED and CLONE" and 1 winner of each catagory. Winning Plants will be based and judged on multiple things like yield, looks, creativity etc..

List of people already joining that I know of as of right now.

If I missed you then just quote this message and add your name and I'll add you tonight when I make the thread :)

Lets get this party started! Folger Fan CLUB lol
dam i love folgers in the moring does it tast like coffe is it caffeen charged? dude i grown mast platnum og n it smells like fucken coffee for realz i wounder what it would do in that????
I just ask everyone not to neglect this thread due to the competition. I been wanting this thread to kick off and it finally has so don't be a stranger to the coffee can growers thread....good work smelly, appreciate you taking time out to make the contest thread. Thanks....

I just ask everyone not to neglect this thread due to the competition. I been wanting this thread to kick off and it finally has so don't be a stranger to the coffee can growers thread....good work smelly, appreciate you taking time out to make the contest thread. Thanks....


No problem brotha, shit for all I care we can keep the thread in here lol. Maybe make a new thread to recruit a few more peeps and jump back in here? Either way I just want to give people a chance to join if there's only 3ish weeks left to enter. I will stay subbed to this thread and keep contributing :)
I got my water pump today and I'm going crazy digging through piles for my air pump.

Might be a dumb question but how do you start a seed in hydroton net cup? Just like soil or what? Sorry I'm a coco and soil grower
I got my water pump today and I'm going crazy digging through piles for my air pump.

Might be a dumb question but how do you start a seed in hydroton net cup? Just like soil or what? Sorry I'm a coco and soil grower
I like to start my seeds in Rapid Rooters, makes it very simple to then go to hydro or soil once they sprout :)

Whats the water pump for?
Wanted to try a recirculating dwc in coffee cans. The biggest complaint is how fast a plant can drink up the coffee can amount of water