King of The Hill


Well-Known Member
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Well-Known Member
Did someone say 'butane'?

Did you do that? Nice ASCII art!

I <3 Boomhauer



Well-Known Member
I like the way the forum's attempt tp quote the first line of your post looks like a Texas horizon. cn
Hell yeah, I didn't see that. That's bad ass.

Did someone say 'butane'?

Did you do that? Nice ASCII art!

I <3 Boomhauer

No, I have to admit I stole it. But they said "I'm just going to leave this here" and posted it. So I'm sure they wanted to spread it.
Damn that's pretty cool. "Damnit Bobby!"
Yeah, it's pretty bad ass right?


Ursus marijanus
Butane's a bastard gas.

...Which leads me to a question. Do folks in Texas really use butane to heat? Where do I get my 5-gallon tank of butane?? cn


Well-Known Member
Butane's a bastard gas.

...Which leads me to a question. Do folks in Texas really use butane to heat? Where do I get my 5-gallon tank of butane?? cn
Lighters, and portable grills. No so much like family house grills or bigger though. Those are usually propane to my knowledge.


Well-Known Member
KotH is totally awesome. Have seen every episode multiple times. What a great sense of storytelling they interweave seamlessly into the comedy. There are "jokes" that span episodes, seasons, years... it's a beautiful thang.