You wanna get burnt or buried!


Well-Known Member
Burned with all of my original parts, not giving any of my organs (not that they would be of much use) and not taking anyone's organs. I'm sure some people would roll their eyes and call that selfish... But that's why being an organ donor is a choice.

If I get sick and need a transplant or have to have one of my organs removed, I'm not doing it. I'll go to a hospice and try to stay as comfortable as possible until I die.


Well-Known Member
Burned with all of my original parts, not giving any of my organs (not that they would be of much use) and not taking anyone's organs. I'm sure some people would roll their eyes and call that selfish... But that's why being an organ donor is a choice.

If I get sick and need a transplant or have to have one of my organs removed, I'm not doing it. I'll go to a hospice and try to stay as comfortable as possible until I die.
And why is that?


Well-Known Member
buried. My biggest fear is burning to death and what if i awoke inside some furnace because someone thought i was dead. fuck that!


Well-Known Member
i want to be void of form after this life, ive already been a fucking people up enough dont need to have people see me here.


Well-Known Member
i want to either go to the body farm or just thrown in the ground in some field and plant a cool lookin tree on top of me


Well-Known Member
buried. My biggest fear is burning to death and what if i awoke inside some furnace because someone thought i was dead. fuck that!
those furnaces are really hot. youd die pretty quickly. what if you woke up in a coffin buried 6ft underground? its pitch black and you gotta just wait to run out of air. have you ever seen the movie Buried? its crazy


Well-Known Member
Just don't think organ donating is right, not natural.
neither is the internet but you dont seem to have a problem with it. who cares if its natural? people that are dying need the organs to live and you are already dead, so why would you need it? isnt that a waste of not only a healthy organ, but the human life you didnt save by not giving the organ to them?


Well-Known Member
Id want to save people with my organs if i could, because life is precious, and when im gone, I can let someone else live.


Well-Known Member
neither is the internet but you dont seem to have a problem with it. who cares if its natural? people that are dying need the organs to live and you are already dead, so why would you need it? isnt that a waste of not only a healthy organ, but the human life you didnt save by not giving the organ to them?
Sure, it's a waste. But they're mine and I'm keeping them.


Well-Known Member
I haven't completely decided, told the family... Cremated so they can pour me into concrete to make a garden statue, bird bath, etc, so the dogs have something to piss on.
I have a pink sticker on Dr.Lic. for organ donor. I know someone that recieved an heart & is alive & able to be with his Family & young children. So if someone (& in some cases more than one person) can live & Im more than happy to give to someone in need.


Well-Known Member
Sure, it's a waste. But they're mine and I'm keeping them.
Dunno what to say to that... Some form of irrational fear I`m guessing..

I`ll tell you whats a rational fear. If nobody donates organs, you`ll end up taking a hot girl back home and waking up with organs missing, if you do wake up that is =)

Specially if some rich fucker is about to die...

Just thoughts anyway


Well-Known Member
Dunno what to say to that... Some form of irrational fear I`m guessing..

I`ll tell you whats a rational fear. If nobody donates organs, you`ll end up taking a hot girl back home and waking up with organs missing, if you do wake up that is =)

Specially if some rich fucker is about to die...

Just thoughts anyway
No irrational fear, it's just the principal of it. We came into this world with these parts, we're leaving with them.

They aren't anybody else's and I don't have to give them up.

And you can't say for certain that the fear is irrational unless you absolutely know what happens after death.


Well-Known Member
Dunno what to say to that... Some form of irrational fear I`m guessing..

I`ll tell you whats a rational fear. If nobody donates organs, you`ll end up taking a hot girl back home and waking up with organs missing, if you do wake up that is =)

Specially if some rich fucker is about to die...

Just thoughts anyway
I just want all of my parts to be burned.

Say I needed a transplant and accepted, what would they do with my old organ? I would want it cremated.

I would consider it for my kids (if I ever have any) or my mom, if they promised to be cremated.
But I'm 25 years old, in pain. I have to grip my chest, bend forward and plug my nose if I feel a sneeze coming on. And if I do sneeze, the pain is bad enough to put me in bed for the rest of the day. I have all this shit wrong with me so I doubt my organs will be any good.


Well-Known Member
i think your spirit lives on and knows the diff
thinking something is true does not mean it is. the idea of a spirit living on after life comes from back in history when we didnt know shit about anything.

how would your spirit 'know'? our thoughts, memories, consciousness, etc. are all functions of the brain. when the brain does not have oxygen for more than a few minutes and dies, it no longer works. your thoughts, memories, consciousness, etc. no longer exist. there is absolutely no reason to believe these things 'live on' in some spiritual form that floats around the earth, watching what you do to it's previously inhabited body. not to mention, how would it even work since the spirit is supernatural, meaning its not made of atoms? atoms are what form your brain cells, which connect together and produce consciousness through chemical reactions. so how would this work without atoms?

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
thinking something is true does not mean it is. the idea of a spirit living on after life comes from back in history when we didnt know shit about anything.

how would your spirit 'know'? our thoughts, memories, consciousness, etc. are all functions of the brain. when the brain does not have oxygen for more than a few minutes and dies, it no longer works. your thoughts, memories, consciousness, etc. no longer exist. there is absolutely no reason to believe these things 'live on' in some spiritual form that floats around the earth, watching what you do to it's previously inhabited body.
you know this from a previous death?