• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Story Time :)


Well-Known Member
But why did he have Chinese women? Are Chinese women gangsta?
I don't know WHY them specifically, but he DID specify...

I've definitely noticed that any Chinese kid, that doesn't like there parents/heritage, usually tries to be gangster in America.


Well-Known Member
First time I got arrested...

I had only smoked once (the story is written above). But we were going to spend $90 on our first sack. Me and my best friend, got some of our Christmas money together, and I talked to my friends dealer. I gave him the money, and he said he would have it to us later that week (looking back that was a stupid, dumbass, dipshit move. But it ended not going bad:) )
So we waited :D
The next day he came up to me and handed me a sack. He said somebody else had given him $20, but then not showed up to school. So he needed to get rid of it, and gave it to me. I had some paper that I could use as joint paper, and used it to roll up a joint, and hid it in my jacket. I was going to smoke it on the way to the outdoor classrooms, in portable trailer type things. But I got to math class, and showed the sack to a couple of friends who were long time stoners, and one of them told me "Smoke a bowl." (Out of a metal 'Eclipse' gum container I had, that was rigged to be a pipe)
I said "No, were in class."
But he kept saying "Smoke a bowl... ...Smoke a bowl... ...Smoke a bowl... ..."
And I kept saying, "I'm in a classroom... ...We're taking a quiz... ...NO... ..."
But finally I was done with my quiz and he said, "Smoke a bowl. I'll sit on your desk, and you can use your backpack to block the side."
So finally I gave in.
He sat on my desk, and I put my backpack up, to create like a wall. I broke up some bud, and put it on the holes poked into the side of the gum container.
I flicked the lighter, and hit it once.
My friends SLAMMED his hand down on my desk, and confused, I went to take another hit.
He slammed his hand down again and said, "He's coming!" And I hid the pipe and lighter beside me RIGHT AS the teacher was walking up...
He looked at me, and he said, "That was obvious."
Me and my stoner friends in the class each grabbed a bottle of Ax cologne, and sprayed it as we ran out of the class...I hid my weed, and freaked out the rest of the day. But nothing happened.

Later that week I was in History(with the sack on me), the classroom door was open, and the Principle walked in the doorway, and began to scan the classroom. His eyes stopped on me...He pointed his walkie talkie, and said "Have a nice day." But I freaked the fuck out, and the girl next to me said, "You look like you just saw a ghost."
Later in that SAME class period I got called down to the office. I asked the girl next to me to hold the weed, and she did. Then I went to the office.
When I got to the office I knew I was fucked, I was just fucked.
They told me, "Go to the assistant principals office."
I went in, and my friend was sitting there. Earlier that day, she had decided to wear her slippers, and had given me her shoes to hold in my backpack, so that she didn't have to carry them around all day.
The teachers didn't want her wearing slippers, and needed me to give her her shoes. :lol:
Then a couple days later, I fell asleep in my 3rd period class.
I woke up. And the assistant principal was in my classroom, he said " (My name) come with me."
And I asked, "Should I bring my backpack?"
He said, "Yes."
When they say "yes", that means they want to search you...So I knew I was fucked, I had the weed on me...
We went to hos office, and a cop came in.
They went through my backpack together and found nothing. Then asked me to empty my pockets.
I had a couple lighters and said, "I found those."
They said, "You aren't supposed to have them." and I apologized...

Then the ass. principle ( :lol: ) says, "Let me see your phone."
I said, "My phone is right there."
He said, "Then what's that?"
I said, "My belt buckle."
He said, "Take off your belt."
And hidden behind my belt buckle, was THE TINIEST little sack of weed. Like, you could curl your pinky around it.
And it fell to the ground...
The cop said, "What's that?"
I said, "I don't know."
But he of course, already knew.
So he took me to jail...


Well-Known Member
Writing now...Here's some videos :D


Well-Known Member
Ok, before my East Texas mushroom stories, I have to introduce the reason I even go to East Texas, and know what fields to go too...

When I was sixteen, I was on probation, and wanted to leave my town. But I knew I couldn't just go hide somewhere IN town, or ONE town over...That wouldn't work.
So I had to find a way to get WAY further. So I started planning with an X girlfriend of mine, we would go to her dad's house in East Texas. I just had to get a little money, and someone to drive us :D

So I made phone calls every night, and had no luck.
I saved up a little money from work, and had like $120.

I couldn't find a ride, and it was THE day the plan was supposed to be happening...

I was taking classes at the local community college, and asked someone in my Philosophy class "If I pay for gas, and smoke you out the whole time, will you give me and a friend a ride?"
And he said "Yes"

So after class I got in his car, and we went to my house to get my stuff.
I texted my X girlfriend (I'm gonna call her "Lo" from now on) and told her we were coming to get her.
Lo skipped to get out of school, and came with us. We went to her house, and she got some clothes and stuff. Then grabbed a big jug of change her parents had. And we went and coinstarred it.
Then we went to the drivers house, and he called a dealer, so that we could get some bud, and leave.

We got the bud, got some papers, filled up the tank and left headed East :D

We went about two hours, till we were in the middle of "Bumfuck nowhere" as they called it. "The Boons" Or "The Sticks" to most people.
Lo called the house her dad lived at, and his girlfriend came to get us.
Lo hadn't told them that SHE, OR that I was coming. She told NO ONE, and didn't warn me that she had told no one we were coming.
But her dad's girlfriend came and got us, and within ten minutes of meeting her, told us she was inbred.

"Your daddy is real excited to see you...He's told me so much about you...Most of my family is inbred..."

So we got to the house, and decided to chill outside for a little while, and smoke a joint.
While we were outside her dad got home(Who had no idea I was there, and hadn't seen his daughter in 10+ years), and wanted to smoke another joint of what we had.

So we blazed that, and that was just one toke over the line for me...
We had blazed the WHOLE car ride, we had blazed RIGHT before this, and we were blazing RIGHT then. I just got sick, and threw up in the sink, then went outside and started throwing up more.

Lo's dad had some new babies (3 of them), and Lo's girlfriends mom was the one that owned the house. She didn't smoke but she rolled ALL of our joints for us, and played pac man on her TV ALL day, and I would play with her sometimes. She was 50 somethin, and I was only like 15-16, but she was cool as shit.

This house is where I met Danny, who told the monkey stories that are written above.

We would just chill and blaze all day, and I did lawn work on their 2-3 acres, in exchange for food, and to stay there.
Lo's dad got us an RV, and we were going to get (she and her dad eventually DID get) electricity and plumbing to it, and we were going to live in it.

We would always tell her dad "We're going to go clean the RV" And it was a stinky RV, so we would smoke, and considered that to be a form of "Cleaning".

Her dad tried to get mushrooms for us one night, but the people that went and picked them got in the truck, and all night the guy called, and they said "We're in the way"
But they never came.
The next morning, they came by and said "Sorry, we ate a bunch of mushrooms while we were pickin, and we got in the car, and thought it was moving. Hours later, we realized, there weren't even keys in the car. And then we decided we weren't ok to drive." :lol:

One day Lo's dad took me to a friends house and told him "I need you to hold a package for me."

He thought it was going to be guns, or heroin, or something CRAZY. (Lo's dad USED to be a crazy fuck) But it was just me :lol:
When I got there, he told me "I just got out of the pen, don't fuck with me. Don't try to fuck my old lady(wife), and we'll be fine."
Then we just sat around and watched a "That 70's show" marathon ALL day.

At one point this guys older son, hit the younger son in the face.
The dad told him, "Go stand in the corner." He got PISSED, but knew not to fuck with his dad, and went to the corner.
Then the dad turned and said to me, "That boys gonna end up in jail."

A week into my stay in East Texas, the police found out where I was.
They came to the house one day, and we were smoking RIGHT by the front door, RIGHT by a window (On 2-3 acres, in the boons) and they may have seen me. But I ducked under the table, and crawled in the back room. They knocked, and asked some questions.

Then a couple days later, the police came back and I was asleep in the RV, the threatened to take the families children, and they brought them to me.

I woke up to some knocking,
I went to the door, and looked out the little window, I saw police. In my head I said "Shit" out loud I said, "What?"
They said "You need to come out."
I said, "I don't want to."
Then they told me they couldn't leave without me, and that I had to come out, or they would come get me.
So I came out.

They were super nice, I expected handcuffs (Probation Runaway) but they said, "You aren't under arrest, we just HAVE to go get any underage runaways." Told me to get my bags, and drove me to the Sheriff station.
There we watched Obama on TV, and recordings of DWI arrests :lol:

My dad, and step dad picked me up.
And took me to the juvenile detention center in my home town...


Well-Known Member
First mushroom hunting story.

So, mushrooms in the Dallas metroplex go for 10-15 a G. I don't like to pay that, that's bullshit.

So I decided to call out to East Texas.
I asked if I could come out there with some friends, and go on a hunt and my Xgirlfriend "Lo" (from the last East Texas story) said "Yes", she would set it up :D

So we waited for the humidity to be PERFECT, and went out to the little town in East Texas.
When we got there, we met at a place I had never been (It seemed like a car garage, but was about 2 acres back on some land, but I saw no other structures anywhere, or on the way to it...) Lo, her dad, her grandad, and some of their friends were there.

Lo's Grandpa was a REALLY drunk, crazy old man, and told her, "Put your hand in my pocket."
She turned to her dad and said, "Should I?"
And he said, "You know DAMN well not to put your hand in that mans pocket."

So she came with us (Me, and my (both girls) friends M, and J) M was driving, and Lo sat in the passenger seat, and me and J sat in the back.

We went to the RV that her dad had bought for me and her, and it now had electricity, and plumbing.
We had to wait until like...3-4am to go mushroom hunting. And Lo got bored sitting in the trailer with nothing to do...

So she started calling people to get beer, because her dad wouldn't buy her any...(He told her that we should just come in and drink with him, which would have been BAD ASS) So we found some Mexican guy that would buy it, and went to where he lived.
We chilled at his place, and smoked with some other people that lived there, while we waited.
They came back, and we went back to the house, inviting them, and whoever they wanted to invite.

So TONS of people came over to that little RV, and beer ran out fast. But we were sitting around playing drinking games when all these kids (from the boons) started talkin about a "mansion" with a pool. And we were thinking, a "Mansion, out here?"
So we got there, and it was a big ass house, with a BAD ASS pool.

M, and J are both drunk.
Somehow Lo's grandad was with us, (He told us to call him "Dickweed" he had it tattooed on his chest) And he was a drunk old pervert.
He was sittin in the pool, drunk as shit. Shoutin shit at all the girls.
Then M got naked, and eventaully started fuckin the ONLY black guy there, IN the pool. While EVERYONE was in view, including a 14 year old boy, and Dickweed watched (Approvingly) :lol:

We finally left there, and got to the first mushroom field.
We had some trashbags, but we realized...We had brought NO flashlights... ...SO...We had to use our cell phones for hunting...

We walking through the field in a line/wall, and the boon kids showed us all how you tell if the mushrooms are good or not (besides tanish color) You squeeze the cap, like so one finger is on top, and one is on the gills. When you squeeze, if the juice is purple, it's good. ANY other color, bad. A piece of paper would be good for testing this :D

Everyone got a good trashbag full, but Dickweed didn't even make it over the fence.
So when we got back to the car, he payed someone to give him some of theirs.

Then we went to the second field, and got more.
Then went back to the RV.

When we got back, Lo said it would be a good idea to make "Mushroom tea"
We only had a microwave on hand, so we used that and made some nasty mushroom juice.

But somehow it didn't work. The microwave somehow zapped the psylo or something...I have no idea what happened, I just no NONE of us felt it EXCEPT Dickweed, and he just ate his...

Then at like 6-7am we left, M drove.
And we went home...


Well-Known Member
Me and my friend (a guy) K, decided we would go to East Texas, and go find ourself a good mushroom field, we'd spot out some cows, and poop around 10pm, chill, maybe make some friends, and come back at 3-4am to do some mushroom hunting.

So we started driving around, and decided we were going to try to find Lo's dad (Lo is in the last 2 stories, who she i, is described in the first one) so we went to a random gas station, and I went in and asked, "Do you know (his name)" And the lady behind the register said, "No".
But some random kid in the store said, "Did you say (his name)" And I said "Yes" and me and this kid started talking and went outside, he told me to text Lo, so we did, and we ended up meeting up with her, and never getting to see her dad...

But we chilled with this dude who knew Lo, at a park, until Lo came, and then we got some bud, and went to roll a blunt.
Then we went and hung out with a bunch of dudes I had never met, and smoked out of a steamroller.

eventually it was late/early enough, and we went out to the SAME field that we had gone to first, last time.
We parked in the same spot as the first time (which turned out to be stupid) and jumped the fence, into the field.

The way the field is shaped, there is a hill. You walk down, and there is a small valley, then another hill on the other side, and a fence, and a treeline to some woods.
We were walking across the valley part, using flashlights, and being pretty loud (not yelling or anything, but loud).

All the sudden we heard dogs...Then a gun shot...Then a drum...It was scary as shit.

We ran up the hill at the back of the property and to the fence, when we got to it, someone said "What do we do now?"
I said "Jump the fence, get off THAT GUYS property!"
So we jumped the fence and started running, one dude stopped to go pee, and his friend stopped too. Then Lo went back for them, then K lost sight of me, and went another direction.

So I was alone in the woods.
My cell phone was in the car.
And I could hear the dogs.

I ran BACK towards the car, but not onto the guys property. And I got to a "lake" which was like waist deep, and had TONS of trees growing out of it. But I walked through it, scared AS SHIT that I was going to get bit by a snake...
I finally made it out of the water, but when I made it out the land around it was just sticky, gucky, shitty, mud. And it sucked my shoes into the mud, (but that was ok with me, I went barefoot everywhere at the time, and had only worn shoes for the hunt :) ) So I took the off, and carried them as I ran.
There was no trial, but I ran in a straight line, moving big branches, and just braking small ones on my arms, getting caught on all kinds of briar thorn vines and shit.

I finally got out of those woods. And into a field, as I ran I noticed (because I didn't have my shoes on) that the field was full of little pear cactus's, and sticker plants :S
So I put my shoes back on, but the stickers the got stuck in the shoes were hard to get out, and hurt MORE than the ones that were just in my foot, not getting pressure pushed on them.
So I took off my shoes, and ran barefoot again. Trying to dodge prickly pear cactus, in the dark.

Finally I saw some headlights, and it looked the were doing donuts. So I thought, "That must be my friends, trying to show me where to go."
So I got closer (about 1-200 yrds), and noticed that the car was a cop car. So I ducked in the tall grass, and moved behind a pineish tree.
I watched the cops and the farmers talk for a while, then eventually. The cops left, so I decided to walk down the street. But realized that it was a dead end, but didn't realize that the cops hadn't left, they just went to this dead end, and to the house that was at the dead end.
Once I realized it was a dead end, I turned around, and went to the car to get my phone.

A tiny dog heard/say me, and started barking, and chasing me.
I ran to the car, grabbed my phone, ran about 2 properties down, and hid in some bushes, in front of the 2nd property.
The farmer came out with his truck, and got another farmer to come out with his truck, so they were shining their lights both ways down the road.

Then the cops came back, and brought dogs...
I thought, "Shit, I'm fucked"
The dogs sniffed the car, but we had nothing. The cops got a megaphone out, and yelled: "Attention to the people in the woods, if you do not come out, we WILL tow your car."
But they DIDN'T :lol: :lol: They just threatened.

The farmers dog started to slightly bark at me at one time, and if the cops had payed attention, they could have got me.
But a cop just yelled "GET!" at the dog, and made it go away. He didn't want to listen to the farmers dog, since he had his own.

Then eventually the cops left again, and I called my friends, with my phone in my shirt.
They said they would come soon.
I decided to run across the road, so I was on the opposite side as the farmers property, so he couldn't even TRY to say I was on his land.

But he came back out pretty soon after I did that, and brought his dogs.
I had taken a piss, and they smelled me out REAL quick. But even when they barked at me, I just stayed where I was. they weren't trying to hurt me.
The farmer couldn't see me but he knew I was there, and I was just like "Shit, what do I do?"

So I stood up, put my hands up, and said "I wasn't tryin to fuck with none of your shit."
He asked what I was doing out there I told him we were from out of town, and thought it would be ok to just walk around.
He patted me on the back, and asked who's car was parked there. I told him "My friends"
He thought it was mine, and told me I could take my car and go.
I told him I didn't have the keys, because it was my friends car, and around then my friends pulled up.
The farmer said, "They've been drivin up and down, lookin for you for about an hour."
At this point it was around 8am

Me and K got in K's car, and we followed Lo and her friends in their car.
We stopped at a house, and smoked a blunt. And they told me what had happened (Within 20-30 min they had all met up, and gotten in cars)
And they wanted to know what had happened to me...

I was covered in mud...
I was wearing a shirt that said "Dunder Mifflin" but you couldn't read ONE letter, NOT ONE.
My pants had mud ALL over, and had a light layer of mud color tone from being wet.
I had scratches, and bruises all over my arms from thorns, and branches.
I was a mess.

I told them what had happened, and we headed out of town. Trying to avoid the police, because the farmer told us they probably tagged our plates, and will just get us later...But said that he wouldn't call, or pursue us further in any way, with the police. :)
And nothing ever happened to my knowledge :D


Well-Known Member

I stepped off the GreyHound in San Diego.
And my phone was dying.
Had my phone been charged enough to find a place to stay, what happens, wouldn't have happened at all...:lol:
But I stayed at the Greyhound station for about 30 minutes with my phone plugged into the wall, and when it was charged I left. Thinking "I need to get a bike."
So I asked the guard at the station "Where is the nearest place to get a bike?" He pointed me in a direction, and I went outside, and started walking that way.

So I got to a stoplight, and a crosswalk, and there was a guy standing next to me.
He said, "do you have a cigarette?" And I'll bum even my last cig, to a friend, so I gave him one.
And I asked him, "Do you know where the nearest place is to get a bike?"
He said "I sell bikes!"
Now THIS was convenient. Nothing could go wrong. Right?
So he tells me he just got out of jail, and I'm not one to judge because in Texas I have been judged quite a bit, based on my favorite flower. And have had to do more than my fair share of time.
He asks if he can borrow my phone to call his girlfriend, tells me I can stay with them, I accept and he tells her to meet us a couple streets down.
He says he's broke and just got out of jail, and wants to know if I can get him like a soda, and a cookie at the convenient store. So I go in and get him something, and I got some more cigs, and gave him a pack.
His girlfriend picks us up, and the car is so full of...Clothes, camping stuff, I feel like there was a chair, and a guitar in there...But we fit me in the back somehow, and he sat in the passenger seat with some stuff where his legs went, AND on his lap.

So we go to Motel 6 and they show me a bike.
They tell me I can ride it around to test it out, and they need a minute to talk inside. I ride it around for a while and it's a pretty nice bike, and when I go back I gave him $100 for it.
I ask him if he can get any bud, and he says he can. But he has to call some people.
His girlfriend is weird. He's weird. I knew somethin was up with them. But they were chill.
So he starts calling people, and using code words.
And I notice he's saying "Blue" as a noun a lot. The girl says something about "You should be quiet" referring to me being able to hear. And he says "He knows what we're talking about."
But I had no idea what they were talking about. I had an idea though, and I didn't like that I had bought a bike from them.

So they leave for a while, and come back with a sack of meth, and ask if I want some. I told them no, (I have had a bad experience, I'll share it here one day if I haven't already) and that I just would get some bud whenever I could.
So they smoked/shot that, and after a couple hours, the girl fell asleep, and the dude disappeared. And I fell asleep. (Whenever she was awake both days she would talk about how meth made her tired, or at least more calm :lol:)

I woke up in the morning and they were gone.
I freaked out a little, but nothing was missing, and all there stuff was still there. So I figured they hadn't just left completely.
The girl came up with some doughnuts and stuff on a plate. She said she got it downstairs, and that they had been at the pool. And it looked like she had been at the pool. The dude came back, and we watched TV all day. While they shot up. And he described to me that the needles get dull, and after a while it's like trying to get a pencil in your vein because the tip isn't sharp anymore, it's just flat.
He left at one point, and traded some guy outside in a van a phone charger for a Wal Mart card, and expected it to have money left on it, when he check. It didn't. Duh.
Then later during that day he asked if he could take my bike, with the other bike they had and his girlfriend, for a ride to the gas station or something. I said sure, and they left for about a half hour, and came back with no bikes.
He said they had run into a guy that he owed money to, and the guy took the bikes.
I was in a "foreign" state, with very little money left, no where to go yet, and my bike had been lost by meth heads.
I was pisssssssssed off, and the dude could tell. He said something, and I said "If I was going to hit you, I would have already." I just knew that wouldn't solve anything. But I had to punch the wall outside, and that hurt like shit.

So they said they would fix it, and not to break anything, and left, at about 10pm. I fell asleep around 1:30am. They came back around 3-4am and woke me up.

They were wet as shit, and it was raining outside.
The guy disappeared as soon as they got there, but the girl handed me a cigarette box, and told me to look inside, and there was about a gram nug of weed in there.
I was SOOO happy :D And I had papers and everything.
She told me he had got me a bike, but was locking it up outside, but inside somewhere out of the rain.
He came back, and said I could come see it.
He took me to the laundry room, and was locking it on the coke machine.
It was WAAY shittier than the other bike.
Like 1/3 the gears.
Skinny tires, instead of big ones.

But I had no other option.
I went inside and smoked some weed. :D :D :D :D FINALLY :D :D :D :D

So we watch TV, I smoke my joint, and they slam their meth, and he took the LOUDEST, nastiest (most likely meth induced) shit, I have EVER heard in my ENTIRE life.:spew:

I wake up in the morning, and their gone. The phone is ringing.
So I answer it.
It's a man. He asks who I am, and I made up a name. He says he's the girls babies daddy, and to tell her that she needs to come see her baby. And I tell him that I'll tell her, no problem.

So she comes in, and I tell her.
She calls him, and starts yelling and shit.
She gets off the phone and is silent. Like rocking back and forth.
Eventually she says "He's coming here."
And I asked "should I leave?"
She says "Probably"

I got all my shit that minute.
That had promised to drive me to the city where I had a friend that I could at least hang out with.
But now I just strapped all my shit to my shitty new bike, ask which way was north, and WENT.

Eventually I got tired as shit.
I slowed down, and was eventually walking my bike.
A full school style back pack, and two smaller bags strapped to a bike, are heavy as SHIT.

I started asking people how to get to the city I was going to, and eventually I heard enough of "You should take the trolly" to consider it, and asked someone where it was.
They pointed me in a direction, and I came to a station/stop.
I bought a ticket, and the first trolly that came, I wasn't fast enough for with my bike and everything. I almost got caught in the door, and I just had to go back and wait.
I got on though, and was told to go to what they call "The coaster" which is like a faster trolly.
I went there, and bought a ticket to go like 50 miles away. We got there in like 20 minutes for $2. And while I was on it, I texted a ssecond friend in Corona, who said I could live with him, so I decided to go there.

I got there, and met my friend up a fuckin hill, which would have been considered a mountain in Texas. At AmPm, which when he said "Meet me at the AmPm" I was like "What the fuck is ampm?"

We met, and went to a friend of his' house.
He had some medical bud, I bought it (Katana), and we smoked, and chilled for a while.
Eventually it was getting late so I went back to a city that almost everyone I met said would be chill (Ocean side).
I stayed at a little hotel, and my mom got my a GreyHound ticket online for like 6 in the morning.

I made it to the station ontime and everyhting, but the only people there were bums.
The station wasn't open, so a bus never came, and I never got picked up.
My friends worked near Oceanside so they just picked me up, and the Greyhound ticket went to waste.
Then we went to Corona...
I guess I could have ended that story in a better place...
But yeah :D


Well-Known Member
I've got a bunch more.

I won't even finish this thread before I go to Mexico, and I'll have more from there :lol:


Well-Known Member
Leaving Colorado, headed to Mexico:

I left Denver with 28 joints, a couple eighths of dank ass bud, a couple bags of hash, and everything I needed to go to Mexico. The night before I left I stayed at one of my friends houses in Denver, and we blazed hash all night and all morning before I left.

When I left I headed west, to Telluride Colorado.
I had never been there before so I had no idea what to expect in the town, the only place I had really been in Colorado is the Denver/Boulder area, but I knew two girls that I could stay with out there. Before I got to the town gas was getting more and more expensive, and was at around 4.15 when I got into town, and got to 4.20 while I was there (prices go up in the mountains). I got to the town, and waited at the park to meet up with one of the girls I was staying with, because she wanted to go mountain hiking. When she walked up to me, she said "Are you ready for some tedious hiking" or maybe "Strenuous hiking", I don't remember. But I took her warning very lightly, and decided to go with them with jeans on, and a backpack with a video camera, a backpack, and some other shit.

About a mile in shit was getting steep as fuck, and we were going higher and higher so the oxygen was getting thinner and thinner. But I hadn't smoked in a while, so I asked if she wanted to smoke, and stopped to roll a joint. We blazed, and then continued. About a quarter mile later, I was forced to realize: I have asthma, the air is getting thinner, I just smoked, and if my breathing gets worse I'm gonna have to be carried down. So I just went back, and went somewhere to eat. She continued up, and got some crazy pictures from way way up. And she said there was a point where the air was so thin she was just fuckin heaving for breath.

After I ate at some burger place, her roommate texted me and told me I could just meet her at the room since the other girl was climbing. So I walked over to their complex, and brought all the bud out of my car. I was already out of hash from smoking on my drive out there, but I had plenty of joints, and the eighths left. One was Pink Jasmine, and I forgot what the other one was. But when I came in to town I went to their headshop, called Dahlia or Dalila, and got an eighth of some shit called Blue Dragon. So I went to their complex with all the bud, and we blazed. They had a bong, a volcano, a pipe, and I had joints so we were blazin everything. Then I told them about a research chemical that happened to be nearby that night. So the next night we watched The Wall, which was some crazy shit. Especially at the end, that's some powerful shit. The little kid dismantles a Molotov cocktail, not even knowing what it was. Then we watched Alice in Wonderland, which I haven't seen since I was like 7, so I realized what Tweedle dee and Tweeedle dum were saying for the first time. We took more of the RC the next day and took a hike about a mile out into the woods around the town, then we came back and blazed. Then walked to the park and laid on the ground looking at clouds and stuff.

We blazed and chilled, and a couple days later I left. I still had some joints left, but I was out of buds, and hash. There was a kid, older than me I think, hitchhiking in my direction, and I picked him up and we smoked on the way to the edge of his town. Then I headed to Arizona, where I got a speeding ticket for 80 in a 65. But it was like a highway that stretched like 100 miles, and 60 just isn't fast enough for such a long highway. And the ticket came in handy while I was in Mexico. I ended up in Tucson (Which I still pronounce wrong) and found a public storage to keep my car at, and a bus that could take me out of the country. I got on a bus to Hermosillo, and that's where the next story starts.


Well-Known Member
Before I get into Mexico I want to describe Telluride better. Because the transition from Telluride to Mexico made something VERY clear. The answer to why mexico is "struggling" economically.

This was my experience within my first 30 minutes of entering the town. There's a couple highways that go through the mountain, and this town is almost all alone in the corner of a small mountain valley. As you come in there are mountains surrounding you, all capped in snow. And pine trees everywhere. There's a round-about where the speed limit hits 15, and passed that round-about the speed limit stays 15. And the only exit from this 15 mph cage is that same round-about. So there's only ONE road in and out of town. The main part of the town can't be bigger than 3 miles across, probably more like 1-2 miles across, and the main road was under construction when I got there. I stopped at a dispensary called "Telluride bud co." and got a joint, and when I walked in, it was the SMALLEST dispensary I had ever been in. This was a SMALL ass town. Tiny as fuck. But it had a ski couple ski lifts, and tons of apartments, and a few hotels, and a main street full of business', so it seemed like a bigger town than it was.

The bad thing about the town though. Above the ACE hardware store (on the 2nd floor), there was a freemason lodge. And when I saw it I realized why the town was so successful, and why the construction on the streets was happening, when there was plenty of highways around there in the mountains that should have been getting fixed instead. And not only was it a freemason lodge, there were three or four other symbols that I didn't recognize on the same flag as the freemason symbol was, and one of them was an upside down star with some letters on top, another was a crown with something. And that's some creepy shit.


Well-Known Member
I'm doing a degree in creative and professional writing so I really should post here for practice.

Be prepared for some heavy shit, though.