you said it, not me.
those polls are an indicator of ACTUAL REALITY, your analysis is just that....your opinion.
yes, get rid of everyone in front of ron paul, and ron paul is suddenly in front.
again, one man's opinion versus an actual scientific poll.
not only do righties have a problem understanding how science works, apparently the paul worshippers do as well.
heavens to betsy, why am i not shocked?
that same polling agency got the results of the last presidential election within 1 percentage point. so biased.
i'm sure you'll have a new excuse when the next batch of polls come out and ol' turtle fucker is still sitting on his trusty 8% of voters.
i believe you spoke of newt "committing suicide".
being smeared does not a political suicide make.
remember when newt was laughed out of the race a few months back?
what percent was ron paul clocking in at then? 8% or so?
what percent is ron paul clocking in at now? 8% or so?
i thought so.