Club 600


I dont know why there is so much hesitation in using the bubble bags?
No hesitation bill. It's just something I thought of when you mentioned the dry ice issue with the finer mesh. Just thinking out loud is all.

It's that DIY'er in me. I know you know what I'm talking about. I've seen your work.
I have a full 8 bag set of bubblebags, and I LOVE them. I haven't done a dry shake with a 220 bag... but that is a damned good idea. I normally just use all 8 bags, 2-4 oz at a time (sweetleaf and popcorns and trimmings), and I gotta say I have had 5-6 good grades of hash totalling 17.3 grams from 52.5 grams of trimmings and such. I was happy with that, cuz I took the throwaway and made butter... and the world was all good.
I tried looking for something cloth or synthetic in a fabric store once and the problem I was having it I couldn't identify microns. If I'd ever seen a bubble bag set up close I could guess but otherwise it leaves me unsure.

dababydroman, I feel like a dope cause I just thought of the screens in my grinder. Doh!
ebay has rolls and pre cut sheets of about any micron u want
and yes a nice pair of bags will run u 150 to 250 bucks depends on size and brand i payed 225 for mine out the door
u can find them cheaper on ebay sometimes 100 to 150
mine are from Grow Light Direct... I have all those micron sizes... 8 bags in total... 5 gallon size... 69 bux shipped. And I love em.
I've never really used bubble bags, but want to buy a set. My buddy also wants a set... you think it's possible to buy an 8 bag set like that and have me just take half and him half?

Not like I'll be missing something with 4 of them gone eh?
I've never really used bubble bags, but want to buy a set. My buddy also wants a set... you think it's possible to buy an 8 bag set like that and have me just take half and him half?

Not like I'll be missing something with 4 of them gone eh?
one of u guys are going to be screwed u both need a 220 bag at least but if u bought a 8 bag set and a extra 220 it would work
mine are from Grow Light Direct... I have all those micron sizes... 8 bags in total... 5 gallon size... 69 bux shipped. And I love em.
i just dnt like the cheap ones have bout sevral sets of cheap to try and no go for me i usally run like 5 pounds a trim at a time in a tub then to paint strainer then 220 bag and so on with the cheap one was getting an ounce n half maybe when i switched to my payload wich have a true micron size unlike the cheap ones it shows couple padges or more back i had a pick of my last run think it was like 170 grams last night did a hudge run well all day yesterday anyway and ended up with 3/4 of a pound of straight bubbly hash the stuff when a lighter hits it turns to goo i stand by my payload bags and will never switch tried bubble bags cheap ones etc