***Need major help with Aerogarden**Please guys


Active Member
I just bought the Aero garden and I am probably the biggest NOOB every. I read the Aero threads and I still have some questions hopefully someone can please help me......

so far I just planeted some Haze seeds and put the Bio domes on filled it up with Purifiied water and added 1 of the Nute tabs. I also wraped it in tinfoil around the bottom and all around the sides....

Here are my Q's

1)How do I monitor the timing I have it on "tomatoes"
and i set it up at 9:30est so what do i do?

2)I been reading that 24 hour strait light is good is this true, and when should I change the cycle?

3)What is the significance of PH testing and is it that necessary?

4)Is it a fire hazard if I ahve it in a closet wraped in Tin Foil next to Hanging Clothes?



Well-Known Member
i can only answer number three, ph'ing the water is very important especially with hydro/aero systems. if the ph is too high or too low it affects how the plant takes in nutrients. you can have nutrient lock out from incorrect ph just like you can by over fertilizing the plant.


Well-Known Member
I just bought the Aero garden and I am probably the biggest NOOB every. I read the Aero threads and I still have some questions hopefully someone can please help me......

so far I just planeted some Haze seeds and put the Bio domes on filled it up with Purifiied water and added 1 of the Nute tabs. I also wraped it in tinfoil around the bottom and all around the sides....

Here are my Q's

1)How do I monitor the timing I have it on "tomatoes"
and i set it up at 9:30est so what do i do?

2)I been reading that 24 hour strait light is good is this true, and when should I change the cycle?

3)What is the significance of PH testing and is it that necessary?

4)Is it a fire hazard if I ahve it in a closet wrped in Tin Foil next to Hanging Clothes?

first off read this GROWFAQ

you can 90% of your questions answered from there

2) 24 hours is ok as long as you are vegging. when to change the lights is up to you and what you want to do. for example if you want to keep the plants real short you can start 12/12 3 weeks after you planted your seed- or sooner if you want. if you want to take clones from the plants you shold wait until they are over 40 days old for better results- 2months is recommened.

3) checking ph is the most important aspect of a grow, especially important when growing hydroponically!!!!!!! most people check their ph daily unless they know their system and what the stability is like.

4) get rid of the tinfoil. its better to use flat white paint because its more reflective. you could even get some big sheets of white poster board. that would work better. no one suggests tinfoil, just get rid of it.

hope i helped, read the FAQ for lots of good info

time for me to get drunk. that was my good deed for the day



Well-Known Member
looks like i was late on the response, lol i thought i would be the first one to answer.

tiem to get drunk:hump::hump::hump::hump:


Active Member
DAmn, I don;t have a PH meter or a PH booster either, I hope my project isn't totally fucked.........

Anyone else have any suggestions/advice to my Questions above


Active Member
I registered on this site hoping I would get some expert advice/help. I assume all the Top growers and experts must be busy because nobody has answers to my questions. Please Folks I need desprate help, especially with this PH stuff, I really need the information maybe even a short step by step process on how to achieve sucess with the Aerogarden


Well-Known Member

you can read through that.

you can search through all the posts on RIU

there is plenty of info on RIU to your answer.

if you dont have a ph meter, you mine as well give up growing hydroponically!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

if you dont have ph up and ph down you could use baking soda and lemon juice. BUT YOU NEED TO HAVE SOME KIND OF PH TESTING EQUIPMENT!!!!

you could get a cheap ph kit for fish tanks that only cost 10 dollars..

ohh and btw, no one gets paid for answering questions on here, sometimes you need to go and search for your self.

i hope that helped. peace


Active Member
cool just stole my Dad Pool testing PH meter goes from 6.2-8 and my shit rite now is below 6 so that good right?