Who's Irish In Here?


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between Martin Luther king jr day and St. Patrick's day? On St. Patrick's day everyone wants to be Irish!

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i recently found out i have more irish in me than i thought. turns out my "french canadian" great grandmother was actually irish off the boat. before that i thought i only had irish on one side.

i'm all for ladies taking their husband's name, but it really makes mapping a family tree a pain in the ass when you go back a couple generations.


Well-Known Member
Me too. Aren't all white people that kick ass Irish German?

Sadly I'm a stereotype and drink a fuckload of beer and whiskey...


Well-Known Member
Im half german (dad's family only married other germans until his generation), and on my moms side im mainly irish (i think her grandpa was fresh off the boat, came over in like 1890, or 1900) and her dad was full irish, but her mom was english, scottish, and a bunch of other shit.
Basically Im Like 50% german, 25% Irish, the rest is one big anglo mix of english, scottish, welsh


Well-Known Member
carne gosh darn you for being a tease, cause you know damn well if you were straight you'd be getting pussy 24/7