small buds please help!


Active Member
Hey growers! All of my bottom branches are growing buds like this! Real small airy buds that don't look like there going to be anything.. will they still be potent? I was thinking about using all of these buds and coated leaves to make some oil. The main buds are looking real nice but there's a shit load of these tiny ones.. should I make oil or hash with them?



Well-Known Member
they are still good! my last harvest i had a bunch, not much good for selling i suppose but not bad for personal smoke. and if you did want to toss them in with the trimmings to make make oil/hash thats a good idea aswell and will up the potency of your oil/hash. as for wich one to make, id say oil all the way!!! BHO is the bees neez!


Active Member
Usually the lower buds are smaller "popcorn buds" because they dont receive nearly as much light as the tops. i like to cut the budding sites off at the bottom so all the focus is on the top buds. OR, if its too late for that, do what you said and use them along with clippings to make oil or hash.


Active Member
Ok sweet im deffinately throwing them in with the trimmings and makin some dank oil. Lol can someone help me with a good method to make it? I would be pissed if I made some shitty oil or fuck it up.


Active Member
Usually the lower buds are smaller "popcorn buds" because they dont receive nearly as much light as the tops. i like to cut the budding sites off at the bottom so all the focus is on the top buds. OR, if its too late for that, do what you said and use them along with clippings to make oil or hash.
Yea I think its too late now. I did a lot of trimming in bud sites the first week of flower but theres still so many of the small ones


Well-Known Member
get 5X refined butane, dont use PVC or any type of plastic pipe. i use steel, but i heard thers something beter... a pyrex dish u will also want. remember to use the butane outside away from any heat or other ignition source.


Well-Known Member

its hella easy to make bro, once you get this stuff once, all you realy need to buy is the butane, and its not expensive at all considering the outcome! i got that screen material as a whole is supposed to be used for tea or some shit..


Active Member


Well-Known Member

pipe- no plastic or PVC!!
cake pan
pyrex dish
5X refined butane (other will work but leave you with bad butane taste and smell)
sreen material
cap with drilled hole
boiling water
Well ventilated area (just go outside, its the safest)
Trim/buds - chopped fine as possible, i use coffee grinder

fill pipe 2/3 full DO NOT PACK! put screen on and set all materials up outside. bring water to boil inside or away from BHO area. take boiling water from heat and pour into cake pan. immediatley put pyrex into the water.**make shur pyrex does not get water into it** hold pipe, screen down, over the pyrex and start the butane through the cap hole. (i blow the first poof of butane away from pyrex cuz it blows [plant material sometimes)

once the liquid comeing from the pipe turns back into clear the plant material is spent and ready to be tossed. use razor to pop remaining bubbles of trapped butane, scrap it all up and enjoy!!
