Glass Cleaning (open suggestions)

I purchased a very nice typhoon steamroller that I didn't mind getting dirty after a couple of smokes. Now it's dirty and I'd like a safer way of cleaning without damaging my glass/lungs. I've seen different videos on YouTube but decided to come here for professional suggestions.

Let me know if you can help.

Stay lifted.


Active Member
i clean all of my glass by soaking them in about a 50/50 mix of vinager & water for 24hrs then rinse warm water through & all the resin breaks away just flushes out & it looks brand new again.


i use rock salt with 91% isopropyl alcohol
shake it around a bit, pretty much gets all the resin off
pour it out
put in a few drops of dawn dish soap and warm water and shake that up a bit to get the residue from the alcohol and the taste/smell of resin out of my bong
and then rinse
and for good measure i put a few drops of Dr.Bronners miracle soap in and mix it up with warm water and leaves my bong sparkly clean and minty fresh

I've seen alot of things on doing that. I'll try it when I get home and I'll give you a shout along with some pics when I'm done! MY MAN!!

stay lifted

Total Head

Well-Known Member
i use rock salt with 91% isopropyl alcohol
shake it around a bit, pretty much gets all the resin off
pour it out
put in a few drops of dawn dish soap and warm water and shake that up a bit to get the residue from the alcohol and the taste/smell of resin out of my bong
and then rinse
and for good measure i put a few drops of Dr.Bronners miracle soap in and mix it up with warm water and leaves my bong sparkly clean and minty fresh

this. i rinse it pretty good with hot water to get the big bulk out, then i take a gallon size zip sandwich bag, dump in some 90 something % alcohol, a shot glass worth of epsom salt, seal with some air inside. i grip the gag up top so there's a "balloon" on the bottom and shake that bitch. take it out, scrape off rest of the bulk with some q tips and good pipe cleaners, toss it back in the bag, shake some more, ect. rinse when finished.

shame on anyone whose piece is so filthy that this doesn't work.


Well-Known Member
rubbing alcohol and salt.. it all the fancy cleaner from the head shop is.. fill it up with alcohol, add salt, and cover all holes, shake for a couple minutes, rinse, repeat if neccesary. if its really dirty soak it in the alcohol over night, then salt and shake with fresh alcohol.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
go to a drug store... find stuff above 90% for cheap... 99% is un-necessary....

then pick up some plain old salt... coarse works well but it all works mostly the same..

empty your piece out... put a little salt in (just enough to cover some surface area)... toss in your isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol..... cover open ends and shake vigorously.. let that alcohol get a good soak, maybe do two rinses of iso/salt... rinse your piece well with room temp water when your done... you dont want to use hot tap water because it will evaporate the alcohol you want to just rinse it down the drain :p

good as new.

thats the cheapest easiest method and leaves all my pieces spotless with minimal effort..
The alcohol and salt did in fact work like a charm. I guess I'll try the Dr. Bonners to get the smell out. But anyways. It worked and the glass looks good as new. Thank you for your suggestions.

Stay Lifted my friends.


Well-Known Member
I use alcohol and salt but it still leaves a slight film. The places I can't get with a bottle brush, between percs never gets sparkling clean but foggy. Any way to get rid of that?


Well-Known Member
look 91% iso is good that and salt awesome but i for the first time used grunge off in amsterdam on my pieces and holy shit, but just like mindphuk said with alcohol you get that film still the grunge off took that film right off and gave the glass that sparkle like when you first bought it.. fn tripped me out.. so grunge off gets the 2 thumbs up..try it

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I use alcohol and salt but it still leaves a slight film. The places I can't get with a bottle brush, between percs never gets sparkling clean but foggy. Any way to get rid of that?
That sounds like your water..... If your water is hard, and has a high amount of excess minerals in it, these minerals will build up on your glass if left to settle long enough... You will need another type of solution to wash away the lime/calcium...

For this reason I fill my glass with filtered water........ I THINk you can use CLR... or other type of lime/calcium removal solutions....but DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH to be 100% sure...... ISO will take away resin, but not mineral deposits...


Well-Known Member
dishwasher machine detergent can help with water spots/residue too...
i do a second wash and it always removes the last "film" and i was told and experience cold water on last rinse helps with spots

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
dishwasher machine detergent can help with water spots/residue too...
i do a second wash and it always removes the last "film" and i was told and experience cold water on last rinse helps with spots

I know there are additives to keep your dishes spotless in the dish washer... Products like "lemi-shine"....... I am wondering if such a product would be good to get the calcium/lime deposits out of our bongs too? It seems safe enough to use in a dishwasher, on glass we eat out of... I would just assume it would be safe to smoke out of after a thorough rinsing.


Why have I never thought of this.