Hey Robbie I need to get over to your thread and see what's going on! That's cool your making clones, whose the mother?
Thanks for the good vibes, greatly appreciated
just stuck some update pics on my thread is your not busy

i was gonna switch her last weekend but held off until last night
How does she look to you ? im thinking im just going to leave her to grow upwards now until maybe sunday then pull her back down and outwards.
Some people are telling me i should veg until screen is full then flip others are saying you fill the screen up 70%ish then fill screen with the rest of the stretch .... confused haha
How does she look ? 2.5 weeks true veg (3.5 weeks but first week it did nothing as in transplant shock and nute shock!)
Each square on that screen is 1.5inch
View attachment 1912853View attachment 1912856
Mothers that got the clone treatment where all my clone only strains lol , the mothers have got too big so had to take some clones and chop em down to size

Psycosis, livers, Exodus Cheese , Blue Cheese (Ronni biggs pheno) , SLH (las mutant pheno) ... . then got a bubble bomb and cheesy armageddon in the veg cab aswell