Need Help Bad... LST Indoor Brown Specs


Active Member
So, first-time grower... bear with me. I've got this bag seed plant (don't know strain but it was killer bud) that is just about 1.5 weeks into flower. It's grown indoor under about 200w's of cfl, and as you can see I've done a lot of LST to keep it's size minimal.

I originally used Miracle Grow Moisture Control and everything was swell until about week 4 when it started to develop these little brown specs. Eventually the older leafs with the specs turn yellow and I pluck em. Figuring it was getting nute-burn, I repotted it in Ferti-Lome, which I was told has no nutes. When I repotted, I rinsed the root ball and tried to get out all the MG pellets, but it was tough. I didn't want to shock the roots too bad. After repotting, the plant took a couple weeks before it even started growing again. And at that point I had lost most the leaves and it was almost like starting over.

So I didn't give it any nutes for a while and it slowly progressed. But still had these small brown specs. Now the plant is 11 weeks old and decent sized. I switched its light to 12/12 last week and started giving it some African Violet Plus Plant Food- 8-14-9 (I realize this isn't the best product, but it's what I got). I feel like the plant continues to develop the brown specs and I probably pull 1 leaf a day.

I've looked into the plant problem sections and I'm just really unsure. I don't want to experiment and have it go wrong.

Any ideas? How can I save this thing? I love her...



Well-Known Member
what's the PH of the water you are watering with? Have you noticed any small holes or shredding of the leaf? Could be a manganese deficiency, which is usually due to your PH being off.


Well-Known Member it looks like to me you are overwatering it and undernuting it...the spots appear to be a cal/mag issue...which is pretty common when using unfertilized/non lime treated go buy some dolomite lime(powdered is absorbed quicker, and you need it now) and sprinkle a few tablespoons on the top of your soil and give it 1 more watering that you normally give let it dry out a good 5+ days, then water it with 1/2 of what your normally do, and again let it dry out...continue until harvest :D

In the future if you buy unnuted soil mixtures you can just mix up dolomite lime in it before buffers the PH of the soil and gives the calcium and magnesium the plant needs...good luck :)


Well-Known Member
calcium/magnesium deficiency is what i can see. what type of water you using? if its ro then simply add cal/mag to your water. but it definitely looks like a cal.mag deficiency.


Active Member
I've been watering it with distilled gallons you buy at the grocery store. I usually give it about 1/3 gallon every three days. Any longer and the leaves start to droop. I always wait til the soil is dry 3 inches down, but I'll let it go longer.
I will get the dolomite lime today and follow your directions. REALLY appreciate the responses!


Well-Known Member
I've been watering it with distilled gallons you buy at the grocery store. I usually give it about 1/3 gallon every three days. Any longer and the leaves start to droop. I always wait til the soil is dry 3 inches down, but I'll let it go longer.
I will get the dolomite lime today and follow your directions. REALLY appreciate the responses!
oh you are not overwatering then...if you are getting drooping after 3 days you are increase it a tad to about 1/2 gallon every 3 days :) and yes get the lime :D


Well-Known Member
oh yeah and there is no reason to use distilled/RO water unless your tap water is utter shit...tap water has lots of good minerals in it that plants love/need :D


Active Member
Hey massah-
My local HD doesn't sell any powdered lime. They sell it in pellets. What do you think about crushing the pellets and doing the same directions? I'm assuming that'll work, yeah?


Well-Known Member
Hey massah-
My local HD doesn't sell any powdered lime. They sell it in pellets. What do you think about crushing the pellets and doing the same directions? I'm assuming that'll work, yeah?
yup...that'll long as its "dolomite" lime...not hydrated lime...Hydrated lime is calcium oxide and will burn the shit out of your plants...dolomite lime is calcium and magnesium carbonate and releases much slower, you can powderize it yourself with a hammer and a bit of time :D