Free Meds To Terminally Ill


Well-Known Member
Finally a law was made that makes me happy! Under new laws I have new abilities and can now offer marijuana free meds in small amounts to those who reside in newaygo county and suffer from a terminal illness.

I know the vast majority of those that are dealing with such an illness need not waste time or money with gathering pot to help with whatever is ailing them. I know that there is a large majority of people who do not smoke 2 grams a day and would be satisfied to smoke once or twice a week to help get along with various symptoms.

Bottom line if you are terminally ill and live in newaygo county come get small amounts of marijuana for free. You must be legal to have the marijuana so a med-card is a must. You must also be able to prove your illness to me.

PM me if you need the free meds. From this day on Newaygo's terminally ill have free smoke to smoke and toke on.
rep my man! My neighbor just passed two days ago. I was giving him some to help with the problems he was having. My only wish was that i could've spared more to ease his pain. He was wasting away the last 6 months and i had no idea he was sick till he told me....
anyway a little off the subject but GREAT FUCKING EFFORT!! I only wish i lived in a mmj state to try and offer the same services.
Tiss a shame that this year I can only offer the free meds to people from newaygo. Next year I will offer this to the neighbors if all goes well.
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I thought I would take a pic of what I got laying around today. I honestly have no use for the pot right now except to ponder the many ways to turn the bud into something else? So while I am pondering the ill may have some peace of mind about the marijuana.

Remember I ain't handing out ounces to the hard-core pot smokers.. For the hard core puffers either need to become a patient that grows or find a caregiver. I am trying to help the ones that no longer need either, because I am here. They do not smoke all the time but yet use the marijuana sparingly to help.

It is free to me... I could sell the pot and have more money. But I do not need that right now. Not saying I am rich either because if I was I would own my own island in
Just want to say I really dig what you're doing. Incredibly noble and so much more.

The thought I had was why don't you make some medibles? I can only imagine that many terminal patients simply cannot smoke (i.e. oxygen, respiratory illness) or just don't like smoking or even find the delivery method of eating a cookie/brownie or a lollipop much more palatable.

I also find that the lollis stay longer and retain their potency.

Just my 2 cents man, keep up the good work.
If someone asks me to make them something or provide them with the materials to make it themselves why sure. I tell you the only time I ever laughed in the face of my dad in a uncontrollable manner I was high as a kite on homemade browies made with pot butter.

I would however love for someone else to run the kitchen I endorse. - Thanks for the info on the lollies.
Thanks to you all for your motivational words but it really ain't no thing. I was built this way and for me not to offer would be to deny myself my identity. I would really like to offer this to another county as to it seems as most of Newaygo is well " it's a good thing". I do however have to brainstorm on various secuirity issues sometime soon. - I know damn well people will cap ya for a crack rock.

Have no worries very sick of MI we are coming with free meds! I can deal with a crack head easy
I can offer free meds to the terminaly ill in Lake County. I guess if I ever get in trouble for trying to help out I will ask for a jury trial.
Well harvest has come again and once again I find myself with lots of meds.... Newaygo and Lake couny people in need of a break of suffering can contact me it is still free!
a cg friend of mine's grandfather (now a patient) has stage 3b SCLC and we are going to begin oil ASAP.

i want to document everything! (much like cap'n cannabis (kyle) did in Vitamin Cannabis)

we discuss the oil treatment with the grandfather BEFORE he decided to go under chemo and radiation therapies. he had been juicing before then (max gerson juice diet) and looked amazing. i wanted to do the oil then. he opted for more conventional methods...

well as far as i know, things have not been the best. he has been rushed in the er 3 times. once for congestive heart failure. his immune system is being killed. DUH

either way... we want to do oil NOW.. they are willing to pay, but this is defiantly terminally ill.

as of December last year he was cancer free. in august it was 8cm.

help me. i'm a new CG and i havent perfected the perpetual.
a cg friend of mine's grandfather (now a patient) has stage 3b SCLC and we are going to begin oil ASAP.

i want to document everything! (much like cap'n cannabis (kyle) did in Vitamin Cannabis)

we discuss the oil treatment with the grandfather BEFORE he decided to go under chemo and radiation therapies. he had been juicing before then (max gerson juice diet) and looked amazing. i wanted to do the oil then. he opted for more conventional methods...

well as far as i know, things have not been the best. he has been rushed in the er 3 times. once for congestive heart failure. his immune system is being killed. DUH

either way... we want to do oil NOW.. they are willing to pay, but this is defiantly terminally ill.

as of December last year he was cancer free. in august it was 8cm.

help me. i'm a new CG and i havent perfected the perpetual.

How can I help? What do you seek?
How can I help? What do you seek?

I had purchased capsules in the 00 size, thinking we would have started a while ago. the Patient has also tried his first of some cookies, put him to sleep pretty quick i guess, lol

-but the other day he wasn't able to even eat a cookie it was hurting him so bad. and his lungs are swiss cheese so smoking and vaping are out of the question. so i'm back to the pill form for method of delivery.

so really... what i need? a lot of oil. enough to get him started on a few weeks treatment. and then go from there..

which i guess i need more help - how do you know how much per week, and stuff like that. at around 6 minutes starts the treatment sizes that i was planning on doing for him.

but i'm new to this, need the guidance to save a life.
I used bud butter to cure my dogs osteogenic sarcoma that was supposed to definitely end her life. I'm pretty sure had she gone through the ringer with chemo and radiation it might not have worked as well. Best of luck to your friend's grandfather, I hope the conventional meds didn't hurt his chances too badly. They really are all poison and they really aren't very effective.
I used bud butter to cure my dogs osteogenic sarcoma that was supposed to definitely end her life. I'm pretty sure had she gone through the ringer with chemo and radiation it might not have worked as well. Best of luck to your friend's grandfather, I hope the conventional meds didn't hurt his chances too badly. They really are all poison and they really aren't very effective.

good news and bad news

good news is i made some wonderful coconut mint choc chip ice cream (the pot kind)

bad news is.. the grandfather cant eat and they want to put him on a feeding tube.

i don't know what to do. :(

i'm glad you brought up the dog though and am glad it worked! -a friend on Facebook just found out his dog has cancer (not sure what kind)