Round 3: Extrema & El Monstre DWC Cooler Scrog


Well-Known Member
Looking great, brother.

Can hardly wait to see how you get your scrog going. First time I'm seeing your process from the beginning. Cool.


Well-Known Member
El Monstre is huge compared to the others. Hope it's not a male.
I do alot of tucking of my fan leaves to open up the center for more light penetration.
Once the screen is installed then I will cut the LST string and let them do their thing.



Well-Known Member
These are the trunks from my last grow.
They have to be thick to support all the budz that it will be holding.



Well-Known Member
Got the screen installed and now it's time to let these bitches take it over and give me some budz.
Hoping for at least two females!

They have been in veg for a month now and I will prob let them go another 2 weeks or until they have filled out the screen. It's a long veg but the veg is what mostly determines the yield outcome.
Good things come to those who wait!
Headed to Wal-Mart to get a chain for my light and batteries for the camera. The shitty yo-yo broke and I have it rigged up with rope.


Well-Known Member
yea man, I didn't use the yoyo that came with mine because it was all frayed and too short on one side, lol. what is the world coming to....

I'm going duck hunting this weekend :mrgreen: Had to share this information with someone - its my first of the season and I'm freakin out. About to Alan Parsons the shit out of this road trip.
Didya get a deer yet?


Well-Known Member
yea man, I didn't use the yoyo that came with mine because it was all frayed and too short on one side, lol. what is the world coming to....

I'm going duck hunting this weekend :mrgreen: Had to share this information with someone - its my first of the season and I'm freakin out. About to Alan Parsons the shit out of this road trip.
Didya get a deer yet?
I have always been a deer hunter but I have been wanting to go duck hunting. Never been though.
No need to be freaked out. I'm sure it will be fun. Just know your shooting boundaries and lanes.
I shot a spike a couple weeks ago and he put meat in the freezer and since have passed on a few doe in hopes of a big buck coming by me.
I am looking for a big buck but will take another smaller deer soon for more meat if Mr. Buck don't wanna come by. Patience is the key!!


Well-Known Member
I got the screen installed at 7 inches from the rez lids.
Yes only 7 inches so hold on to your britches
. There is a method to the madness.

The screen is 4x3 and I am hoping to have it covered with 7-12 inch budz! Hopefully!
I am really enjoying these cooler temps. It is alot easier to have the light right on top of the plants and still maintain cooler temps. Maybe I can persuade them into purpling up during the flower.
I didn't install the auto feeder valves but I should be ok topping by hand as long as I don't leave for a week.

pH 5.7
PPM 360
Water Temp 65
Cab Temp H 77 L 64



Well-Known Member
I can definitely tell the difference between the two on the left that got the LST as opposed to the two on the right that didn't get LST. They are bigger and bushier!
The last pic is "Bagseed" and has 10 blades on one leaf and 9 on the other at such an early age. It will be throwing down the 11 blades before long. Not that it has any relevance to the quality of the plant but it's cool looking. Added a little bit of nutes yest and they seem to be doing well with no sign of burns. The screen is empty now but wait another 2-3 weeks and that bitch will be covered with green grass.

PPM 515
pH 5.7



Well-Known Member
Looks great.

Damn, your screen is low. So that's how you do it.

I regret experimenting with organics. My roots looked like yours once.


Well-Known Member
Looks great.

Damn, your screen is low. So that's how you do it.

I regret experimenting with organics. My roots looked like yours once.
Yep I keep the screen low and trim as little undergrowth as possible and also like the budz 10-15 inches and solid if possible. If they are too tall above the screen then you will end up with golfball budz instead of donkey dicks. Strain also plays a big role in that. I am a big tucker when it comes to getting the fan leaves out of the way of new shoots. I think that helps me alot. More light, More budz! I'm not sure how the Extrema is gonna produce as opposed to the El Monstre from last grow. That is if I get a female from one of them. I'm pleased with my roots. They could be thicker and whiter but I'm just glad they are healthy! I'm hoping for a very good yield if I get my 2-3 females.

Edit: Some people put their screen at 12 inches but IMO that is a waste because they end up cutting a shitload of branches and budz from the undergrowth. I like to keep it minimal cutting and maximum budz!


Well-Known Member
I had a change of plans and decided to raise the screen up a little bit and slide my two sport coolers out and install float valves. I set the screen back to 7 inches. My light is 7 inches from the top of the screen also. Now I only have to set up my external rez and hook up my feed lines. I should have had that done before but I was being lazy.
They are coming thru the screen now and will be spreading like wild fire. I plan to flip to 12/12 in about 1 1/2-2 weeks. Depending on how much and fast they grow.
