I've gotten a taste for opiates...


Active Member
If you like opiates, go to the stoor and get a few pounds of bulk poppy seeds. MAke yourself some poppy seed tea. I just drank a big ol' glass of it and feel pretty damn good. Or grow your own poppies. That is the best way, especially if you grow them indoors. Once you get to the point of forming a habit, you run out of O. You can use the pods to make tea as well. It's a good buzz, but the constipation that comes with drinking the tea will keep you from using it habitually.


Well-Known Member
After not reading the thread I advise you immediately IV 2 bundles, and call me in the morning.

-Doctor Jonblaze420


Well-Known Member
finshaggy.............sso.................... u guys need to drive past the homeless shelter get your heads straight..........drive past the needle exchange ..............drive down the street w all the hookers................. it sounds like maybe u have both tried the opiates but your not stronger than the opiates u might think so and thats where it starts ............once a month turns into once a week and one day u wake up and the beast is hungry ................ u will be so fuckn sick the thought of living without it will make u want to kill yourself ...........in your head u will know all u have to do is a lil more .................................................................................one more thing theres no way prescription opiates kill more people than the H .........
Lol, I've BEEN HOMELESS, in Colorado, and Cali. And I've talked to A LOT of homeless people...
When I was trading that lady for her opiates, I wasn't doing it, "Once a month" "Once a week" I would do 5 a day for a week, then stop for 3 weeks :)
"The beast" Never got hungry. I can deal with life, with just weed. Dilauded, Percocet, and Codone, will just be for fun sometimes :)

Prescriptions DO kill more people. This proves your ignorance on the subject...

Prime examples:
Keith Richards(Heroin Junkie) Alive and well
Heath Ledger (Played with an Olsen's prescription....ONCE)
if u believe everything the government tells u ..........your a fool............how many of those prescription overdoses were people hooked on the H trying to get well.................... im going to guess half
Lol, wayyyyyy under half. WAAAAYYYY under half.
Perks lead to oxy, oxy leads to heroin, heroin leads to death prostitution and jail. Ive seen it happen but You have free will if this sounds like fun
Not true.
Fuck opiates, go and get yourself a nice shiny sweet smelling lump of cocaine. much better.:-P
NOOOO, eww.
If you like opiates, go to the stoor and get a few pounds of bulk poppy seeds. MAke yourself some poppy seed tea. I just drank a big ol' glass of it and feel pretty damn good. Or grow your own poppies. That is the best way, especially if you grow them indoors. Once you get to the point of forming a habit, you run out of O. You can use the pods to make tea as well. It's a good buzz, but the constipation that comes with drinking the tea will keep you from using it habitually.
Yeah, easy, and safe :)
I've gotten a taste for marijuana now...someone...help...?!?!
Oh shit. That's one of those hard drugs isn't it?


Active Member
Yea right they pull people out of abandoned houses all day from heron OD's here.
The sad thing is that opiate ODs can easily be counteracted with timely administration of Naloxone. If you know anyone addicted to opiates try to convince them to go to a doctor and get some. That shit saves lives.

edit: http://www.temple.edu/lawschool/phrhcs/Naloxone/Naloxonepolicy.htm
We were funded by the Drug Policy Alliance to analyze the legal issues for naloxone distribution programs in the fifty United States. Detailed state-by-state findings and tables are available via the links on the left side of this page. Our analysis finds, generally, that:

1) Naloxone is not a controlled substance as defined by the federal or state law, but is a prescription drug subject to the general laws and regulations that govern all prescriptions in regular medical practice.
2) Prescribing naloxone to ODUs is fully consistent with state and federal laws regulating drug prescribing.
3) Teaching overdose response techniques, including the administration of naloxone, to naloxone recipients and others who might be in a position to administer it to an ODU to whom it has been prescribed is legal and appropriate.
4) Naloxone may not be given to patients or participants in an overdose prevention program with the explicit purpose of encouraging them to distribute or administer the drug to other ODUs who are not patients.
5) Any legal risks in distributing naloxone are not substantial and can be mitigated by informed program design; the risks of malpractice liability are consistent with those generally associated with providing healthcare, and can be further minimized by following the guidelines we describe.


Well-Known Member
The sad thing is that opiate ODs can easily be counteracted with timely administration of Naloxone. If you know anyone addicted to opiates try to convince them to go to a doctor and get some. That shit saves lives.

edit: http://www.temple.edu/lawschool/phrhcs/Naloxone/Naloxonepolicy.htm
I seen them giving that shit out on TV.The guy would go around to dope houses and shit in chicago,He actually saved one lady on the show with it..........had to give her 2 shots but she was good lol.

I'd imagine most people wouldn't want to take it though cause they dont want anything that will block them from getting high.Fucking stubborn dope heads lol


New Member
naloxone........ok didnt know thats what its called........but i know it works u go from passed out gasping for breath turning blue lifeless...... to sober just about instantly............... not really gasping more like a hicup from deep inside.....the noise people make before they die...........scary shit.............needle exchange gives it out around here


Well-Known Member
dont... because you will probably end up adding another bullshit figure to the already increasing # of other bullshit figures in the whopping bullshit flood of people who are against cannabis and they'll just use you in their bullshit data as another victim of the "gateway" bullshit theory... ;)


Ursus marijanus
u mean suboxone?
Suboxone is buprenorphine (mixed opioid agonist/antagonist) and naloxone (pure opioid antagonist) used to block the opioid receptor in people in active heroin recovery. It's oral and used rather like Antabuse for alcoholics. Injectable naloxone is used to slam heroin OD cases back into sharp cold focus right the fuck now. It's Le Mans v. Top Fuel. cn

the night owl

Active Member
Opiates (and all hard drugs for that matter) are a figurative double-edged sword. As long as YOU CONTROL THE DRUG and DON'T let it control you, you should be fine. However, there's only one way to find out if you have that kind of will power. My advise, stay away from the hard stuff and keep it herbal.


Well-Known Member
Tramadol attaches to opiate receptors and works the same way but without the side effects. It's not habit forming.
Tramadol is even more addictive than Codeine if you ask me...Codeine you can get addicted to but at a certain point you reach the ceiling dose (~400mg) and then it doesn't do anything to you anymore so you let it go (or move to something stronger). Tramadol has some SSRI properties (which is what gives it a distinct feeling to other opiates) but those properties aren't an advantage when you are trying to quit...you get even more depressed than if you just quit a "standard" opiate.

And yes! STAY AWAY FROM THEM! I've started up experimenting with codeine...I fell in love...and I didn't know what I was getting into! Soon (actually abnormally fast, in 2-3 weeks) codeine had no more effects on me and I had to jump to Percocets and after that to Heroin.
Thank god I was on Heroin for only a week, after which I moved to Alberta. Besides the fact that I HATED Alberta, I'm still pretty sure that it saved me from a probable life addiction.
All this because of Migraines haha
Nowadays I find that a good indica will suppress my pain much better than any opiate will, on top of that it cures my insomnia, my nauseas and helps me eat and relax after a long day.

In a way opiates helped me discover that some things must be respected and appreciated for what they are and that Marijuana isn't a recreational drug to me anymore! Just to say that cannabis is all I truly need :) even though I'm out of MJ and that's why I'm up at this time -_-


Well-Known Member
As for the gateway drug i always accused either tobacco or alcohol. widly accepted and more likely to kill you.