Insomniacs Unite!!!!


Well-Known Member
i dont get the caption.. not much, just wheezing after an oil hit watching married with children on the ps3-netflix. what up with you?


Active Member
out of herb, so cannot sleep, just stopped watching netflix a sec ago black ops time(my battlefield and mw3 have been broken D: )


hello, ill prolly be in this thread more nocturnal than an insomniac persay......but fuck it, no one else is awake lol


dayum i need to reup on a 360..... mw always pisses me off since i dont get to play it religiously i suck comparitively to most people on there, even though im not that rather play halo reach anyways hahaha


i know how you feel, being awake on westcoast at night time sucks, NOTHING and no one is around.

haha real talk.... everything closing at 2am is a bitch.....there is nothing 24 hours in sf....or atleats nothing worth going too...i mean we do have 711 but what the fuck is there to do there hahaha

so i just sit here night after night, smoking copious amounts of herb, watching shit on netflix or video sites or waste my time on omegle....witch is the biggest waste of time since you actually run into someone willing to talk about 1% of the time...i gave up on cam sites like chatroulet...tired of seeing dicks.....and tired of my computer crashing from cpu usage of my built in web cam LOL


Well-Known Member
dayum i need to reup on a 360..... mw always pisses me off since i dont get to play it religiously i suck comparitively to most people on there, even though im not that rather play halo reach anyways hahaha
i miss halo3 that was my fav halo and mw wasnt bad at all, mw2 made me mad a good bit but i still liked it and this one just makes me angry. lol


Well-Known Member
haha real talk.... everything closing at 2am is a bitch.....there is nothing 24 hours in sf....or atleats nothing worth going too...i mean we do have 711 but what the fuck is there to do there hahaha

so i just sit here night after night, smoking copious amounts of herb, watching shit on netflix or video sites or waste my time on omegle....witch is the biggest waste of time since you actually run into someone willing to talk about 1% of the time...i gave up on cam sites like chatroulet...tired of seeing dicks.....and tired of my computer crashing from cpu usage of my built in web cam LOL

2am would be nice, most things in my area close down around 10-11, dead till 7am.... given you can go cruising through the middle of town blasting through stop lights blazing joints and never get pulled over...


dayum...i went to school in a small town in az, where everything but bars closed at like 8pm. but i was only there for a year, and it was kind of like a vacation....but still i was bored out of my mind would sit and watch movies all night....and at the time i couldnt get weed, or atleast weed worth smoking, so i was....SOBER......i dont know how i did it LOL

i used to go to clubs and parties(dubstep, electrohouse, ravey type shit) everynight, but im pretty much over that shit.....too many douche bags, stuck up chicks and creepers. plus being around hella people rolling when your sober is pretty annoying....and when i mean sober i mean, not retardedly drunk...and id rather be blazed as fuck somewhere where the body heat is hotter than during the day, and it smells like a asshole covered in cherry lipgloss LOL


Well-Known Member
I slept again!...trazodon does the trick as long as I don't take it everynight. I have to take like 2 weeks off, never sleep, then it will work for week or so.

How fuckin hard is it for these idiots ( a dispensary chain ) to understand that my clones, rooted in starter pucks and then put in cups with hydroton and a little water for display,waiting to be sold( doing it this way forever)....can then be used for hydro or soil. Fuck me, they don't think you can put that shit in soil??? I always do my clones like this, just dump the fuckin hydroton out and plant the fuckin clone in soil , I told him!!! it'll damage the roots?...WTF...I let my clones root untill you CAN'T kill them.I put them in the hydroton so if needed, they can look at the roots. You can't look at the roots if I put the thing in soil. I'm not doing bussiness with them, they were trying to sell thier sad ass looking clones for $55! assfaces, every where else around here charges from $10 to $20 the whole fuckin tray of clones, he expected me to take home and replant into soil? this the stupidest thing you ever heard...or am I just an idiot?...or both?


Well-Known Member
hello, ill prolly be in this thread more nocturnal than an insomniac persay......but fuck it, no one else is awake lol
theres usually someone here eveynight...welcome to the non sleepers club!!...I have a son who used to have alot of siezures at night...we had to always keep a close eyey on him, which turned me into an insomniac. Now the little brat sleeps all, and I'm forced to get stoned and bullshit here. Talk at ya soon