9. Ron Paul Will Privatize Education
As a college student, this is perhaps my favorite issue to discuss. Summer protests that
“Ron Paul would butcher our already sad educational system.” Damn right he will! The public education system is very sad, indeed. Ron Paul will scrap the system entirely (albeit gradually) and let the free market take its course.
Privatized education would not look like the private schools today. Access to education would be at all-time highs due to competition among schools. Incentives would be given to students which may motivate them to learn, and better educated workers would result to meet the demands of business. Teachers would be better compensated and their wages would increase as a function of their work. A quick look at the educational system in
Holland and the Netherlands would allow for vouchers to be given to students who could not afford education, and the result would be a low-cost high-value education. Further, education would not be compulsory or necessarily biased in curriculum. Ron Paul affirms that education is a privilege, not a right.