List of Things Christianity Has Made Worse

You realize that personal revelation is a perfectly acceptable reason for people to believe in god, right? Oly and Heph could just "think" there's a god because they think they can feel him or had experiences that lead them to believe he exists. That's acceptable as evidence for them, just not acceptable evidence for me or you. I'm not saying their feeling is correct, and I personally don't believe it is, but demanding they use their internal mental state as proof to you that god exists is trivial, and really juvenile.

Neither of them is willfully trying to change public policy based on their beliefs, so their beliefs don't need to be justified to anyone but themselves. And to my reccolection, neither of them has claimed that they actually have proof that god exists outside their own mental states. There's "evidence" in the bible to most believers, but I think Oly and Heph are both smart enough to realize that just because a book says something, doesn't make it so. It's more than just the bible telling believers to believe, something in their life has happened to make most believers feel close to god.

The only route that can be taken to try to debunk mental states is a deeper understanding of human psychology, why we believe the things we do, and why we have a hard time filtering our own thought patterns. It is my honest belief that religious people are simply misinterpreting their own brain signals, it's not a defect, or an illness. Even then it's just a best guess as there's so much we don't know about the brain.

It's funny really, most people assume they're an expert at their own mind because it's "theirs", when in reality most people don't have the foggiest clue as to how their own brain works or deals with stimuli.
there was actualy a gene singled out by a scientist that he reckoned carriers of that certain gene were much more likely to believe in things like god , conspiracies, witchs magic ghosts vampires and spritual stuff etc etc . so maybe some people cant help but believe these things .its allmost like being gullible i suppose some people cant help being gullible .
Man you and that scientist i reckon are fucking idiots!

You think just cause we believe in God we are going to believe anything.. You fucktard

there was actualy a gene singled out by a scientist that he reckoned carriers of that certain gene were much more likely to believe in things like god , conspiracies, witchs magic ghosts vampires and spritual stuff etc etc . so maybe some people cant help but believe these things .its allmost like being gullible i suppose some people cant help being gullible .
the concept of God is a projection of the self.What is God?There is no universal answer to this question that is impericaly known as correct amongst all people.But every answer given contains ideals of the persons own notion or belief in God.So God is in this sense man made.If you dont believe in God then it is science or "realism" that feeds your truth and understanding instead of spirituality.Western religion is loaded with this God projected idealism that has domineered the lives of its followers from the truth of themselves and feeding the imagination with reward and punishment realms that only exist in the mind no place else.
correction sunshine , my mum was a believer , untill i pursaded her to give up her faith .
anyway whats allthis with my mum , you fancy her or summet ?
and yes believers are definately retarded .
No, i do not "fancy" your old hag! You could keep her.

And that shows how dumb she is and the weak mind she has if a fucking idiot like you persuaded her,LOL LOL,LOL


correction sunshine , my mum was a believer , untill i pursaded her to give up her faith .
anyway whats allthis with my mum , you fancy her or summet ?
and yes believers are definately retarded .
What Pad is trying to say is, stop using this thread for personal bickering and take it to PM's. This is childish, embarrassing behavior that has no place among adult discussions. No matter what your beliefs or differences, have some integrity and spare us the schoolyard trashtalk. We are not about to go cleaning up your messages day after day; be your own parent and make better decisions.

These boards are provided for the sake of education, expression, solidarity, and finding common ground. They are not simply a platform for you to get your personal kicks or here to provide an audience for your caterwaul, and their use as such will not be tolerated.
What Pad is trying to say is, stop using this thread for personal bickering and take it to PM's. This is childish, embarrassing behavior that has no place among adult discussions. No matter what your beliefs or differences, have some integrity and spare us the schoolyard trashtalk. We are not about to go cleaning up your messages day after day; be your own parent and make better decisions.

These boards are provided for the sake of education, expression, solidarity, and finding common ground. They are not simply a platform for you to get your personal kicks or here to provide an audience for your caterwaul, and their use as such will not be tolerated.
wow talk about double standards there heinsberg've certainly changed your tune since you posted this about olly it was only yesterday you were bashing me for calling olly mentally retarded lol
Beef meet Oly, our resident fundie without a clue. He has been told about Russell's teapot before, and just about any other critical thinking concept you can imagine. I would suggest when you read his posts you just shake your head and move on without reply. His only goal is to use your reply, no matter how succinct or articulate, for a springboard to the rest of his diatribe, which he borrows from fundie mentality without actually understanding himself, so it comes across as a mentally challenged 5 year old girl. Oly has to sit at the kids table and not participate with the adults until he learns how to properly conduct himself. Unless you enjoy poking a retard with a stick, you shouldn't waste your time.​
Last edited by Heisenberg; 10-04-2011 at 09:22 PM.

ps ive been on this forum many years before you and dont need telling whats acceptable here by you , especially when you trash talk with people as and it when it suits you .