Bud keeps comeing out smelling like grass cuttings

Interesting.... do you live around where I do? 'Cause none of the growers flush around here and I'm surrounded by peeps that buy that crap all day. 'Course it prolly wouldn't matter much if they did flush... their grow style sucks. (Hopefully you cut your feed quite a bit before chopping with no flush.)

Huey14: The "Grassy" smell comes from the chlorophyll in the plant. Sounds like you're running too much nitrogen in your bloom nutes. This also decreases the amount of THC produced and increases stemmyness and leafyness.

1. Read up on "Curing" and you'll notice most (if not all) of the "grassy" smell going away after a couple of weeks.

2. Check your nutes and find a way to decrease the nitrogen... at least for the last half of flowering if nothing else.

3. Water with plain water the last 2 weeks.... Just plain water and the same amount you would normally water them with when feeding. (No drowning necessary)

You'll LOVE the changes! :D

Stay Safe!

Starving your plants by feeding them just plain water the last 2 weeks, when they bulk up the most, is bad advice. Flushing is for toilets...chlorophyll is NEEDED for the fermentation/curing process. Flushing and a plant should yellow and lose leaves during flower are the biggest bullshit myths in cannabis forums...
Remember to flush your girls with fresh clean H2O for 7 to as much as 14 days just before harvest. Then no water for around three or four days right before you harvest, don't wait for them to wilt or anything dumb but not watering just before you harvest is important ! it cuts your drying time down. After you Harvest then you want to dry in a room thatis dark and cool around 72-76 degrees. Keep your humidity around Forty percent for this stage, KEEP AIR CLEAN AND CIRCULATING AND DO NOT POINT YOUR FAN DIRECTLY AT THE FLOWERS, ONLY ENOUGH TO KEEP THE AIR FRESH AND BE PATIENT!!! Dry until stems have a snap when bent. drying take at least two weeks, maybe three. then cut off your stems and put them in the curing jars, Sealed glass around 1 gallon size and only fill it half to three quarters, it must be kept in a cool dark place and you have to open the jar min. four times a day for 15min. a good cure will take another two weeks minimum. You'll be happy and dont rush it or you might as well smoke your front lawn!! HA HA
You'll do fine and you can find those digital humidity temp meters that you leave in the jar on Ebay> Its the best way and youll end up with a perfect smoke every time.
Be cool and Peace
Loaded For Bud
PS no one helped me!! took a while to get it right when your done you'll have that nice danke scent. your gonna love it!!!
oh ya and that smell you got is because the clorophyll was still in the plant and that means Slow down, :^):peace::peace::peace:

Again sketchy advice. Flushing then allowing the plant to go dry in the container before harvest is wrong. Water them well before harvest, the more moisture the better to carry out the fermentation/curing process...
I think it depends on how well you determine ripeness also bud has to be pretty oily and smell pretty amazing well growing to be that top shelf medical smell no jar is going to turn your bud into anything spectacular perhaps a better smoking experience.

Unless you have healthy sugar leaves and frost on your fan leaves and you can't wash the oil off your hands while touching a flower on week 8 your probably not going to get that fragrant aroma your looking for.
Starving your plants by feeding them just plain water the last 2 weeks, when they bulk up the most, is bad advice. Flushing is for toilets...chlorophyll is NEEDED for the fermentation/curing process. Flushing and a plant should yellow and lose leaves during flower are the biggest bullshit myths in cannabis forums...

gonna have to agree with this guy also......i flushed my first couple grows because everyone told me to, and in my opinion the plant looked horrible and just didnt seem happy......i now feed all the way through and the girls seem to keep gettin fatter and fatter.......i also gave up on the 56 day harvest, which is only appropriate for a select few strains......my sour alien just went for 81 days and she looked ready to harvest on day 56, those extra 3 weeks made a huge difference in my yield...i also have a trainwreck which is at 67 days and looks mature, 18 year old mature, but i like my ladies a little older these days

but as far as flushing goes its only necessary imo if your using harsh chemicals in your growing process
exactly. after a good cure you can't tell a difference. I've personally done the test on two different grows. flushed one with water 2wks prior, flushed another with a solutiong (which doesn't make sense to me. why would you add chemicals to your soil to flush out chemicals seems retarded but people buy it) and then fed one all the way up. after a two week cure none of my buddies could tell a difference both times!

Lets look at the history of agriculture, no farmers have ever flushed their soil before harvest, tobacco companies don't flush so why would MJ be so magical it needs it yet no other plant on EARTH needs it... hhhmmm....
Yes, First grow i gave water on last two waters before harvest. This time flushed for two weeks. Only difference, this time they stopped swelling with no food. I still gave molasses but no difference. Honestly im coming to find out more and more as i grow where the flavor comes from. Genetics. My best friend taught me how to grow, simple dirt pots, basic nutes, flush a week before, always had BOMB tree. always incredibly flavorful, so much resin build up. amazing. He never did anything crazy but he always got good clones from friends where they took the time to find a great phenotype. I got a seed from one of his nugs and the tree isnt the same. It grows out bomb, looks incredible at the end, but after a month of curing and taking good time and following the right steps, there just isnt the same flavor there used to be. Its good smoke, but not something that stops you and says... damn! I mean still gets me stoney baloney too, i just believe your genetics are what really count!
You should not leech (what you call flush) your plants unless you are correcting an error (mineral buildup, pH problem etc.).

It's bad advice to tell people leeching helps the plant mature, grow, produce.
There is no proof of these claims.
But if you don't flush at the end of your grow and take all the nutrients out of the soil you could re-use it... and then the huge hydro companies wouldn't get so much money for all their chemicals :)
maybe your putting them into jars too soon.. and it's just too wet. Try grabbin a hygrometer and throwin it in a jar

Could be. Not getting it dry enough before jarring can kill aroma and taste. Better to be a bit on the dry side rather the moist side. Once in the jar you can always add a fan leaf to bring up the loisture. 60-65% moisture seems to be the general concensus for curing these days.........
A fellow named Simon laid out a "perfect cure" technique, which essentially simply added a hygrometer to measure the moisture as it dries. In his recommendation, he mentions that in his trials, if weed falls below 55%, curing stops, and the reintroduction of moisture will not jump start the curing again. I have no info on this personally.
I really like the Caliber III hygrometers. One per 1/2 gal mason jar, and no jar more than 1/2 full while curing. I like the larger air volume until buds get below 65%. Then I re-pack. I like to get the Rh to 60% after a few months. Really slow.

After that, I can store long-term under vacuum.
what the fuck are you talking about, flushing, every fucking amateur on rollitup knows to flush weed with water the last two weeks and no water the last 3 days.

curing weed is an act for the connoisseur, for fucks sake he has not even learned to dry it yet and you want him smoking the equivalant of havana cigars in a week.

let him get a fucking smoke of his own weed before you preach professional grow.

stick to telling the big boys what to do.

I never flushed with Botanicare Organics.. fed them till chopping. Everyone loves my bud, burns clean and white and tastes out of this world. I flushed once and did a blind smoke test with some people, none of them could tell a bit of difference, more then half picked the non-flush bud over the other when asked what is better.

Stop misleading people.
i only sell one kind of weed, barneys farm lsd, vegged for 2 weeks and flowered for 65 days until milky trichs just turning amber, water only for last 10 days grown in.... wait for it....canna terra professional plus soil,, 3 days without water before cut down, and i use a secret concoction of nutes.
and thats my fucking business knowing what they are, you cure if you want to cure, but my weed is dried in 5 days bagged on the 6th and sold on the 7th.
if you want to act like a fucking know it all hero it wont fucking wash with me pal.
i know what i know.

and my fucking skunk is the best.

How about a few pics of your amazing plants grown with a secret diet...........
I never cured my stuff, let it hang for a week, final trim, bag and gone, shit smelled just like everyone elses, maybe i was just lucky. but my stuff had no nutes for last few weeks...play nice everyone or i will come back with a bat and smoke it ha ha