Finally bought a new bong.....


Well-Known Member
honestly man I have no clue... but.. I do like what you bought if that counts for anything

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
nice nice.. I'm guessing it's going to be a beast for flower and pretty great for oil

Just with such a large piece I think you will see a lot of reclaim... especially with the extra filtering.... hash oil will turn back into it's solid state after it is suspsended for a while.... the walls and water and filters take a little of the oil away each time.. this is why some 'oil rigs' are so tiny, they are the most efficient.. :)

Just letting you know for the future... Took me experience to figure out.. youll still get baked just youll be loosing a little more oil in your water and on your walls ;).


Well-Known Member
I had no idea the glass for concentrates was so expensive. The bong would easily be 150$ max. So I assumed the extras would cost 100$ max.


Well-Known Member
Lol. My friend bought a bong just like that for 140$ except it had a 6 arm tree perc and wasn't frosted. The glass for the concentrates is the expensive glass obviously.


Well-Known Member
Ok, are ya'll ready? Better sit down, because I got the entire lot for.............................$140.00 No Tax out the door! The bong is about 22 inches, it's all quality, and I'm finding it difficult to type as I've already begun to use the oil rig...Yeah, $140...Here's the deal, I was in the store a month ago, looking at the same kind of bong, except in amber...It was listed for $99.99, but at the time I had talked him down to $90...So I go ion today, and see the same style of bong(including the one I purchased) were all listed at $129.99...I guess he marked them up for the holidays, so I called him out and said "Hey, were'nt these 100 bucks, and you said you'd give me one for 90...". He said the blower started charging more, so he had to charge more, but he'd work something out...

I told him I wanted to buy a dome setup as well, and would he do the whole thing for 140 out the door...He said sure.....I love Venice Beach, and the best part is he had like 8 of the same exact style bong in various colors, so I tried to pick the best of the lot...I might go in on friday when I get paid and pick up a pink bong for my girlfriend. Oh, and oficially, my girl paid $60 for my birthday present, and I paid the other $80...So only 80 bucks out of my pocket...Now I've gotta get a good propane torch to light the sucker, thjese 5 dolla gas station torch lighters suck balls!!!!

Yeah Ya'll......$140!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
wtf, you can't scrape the inside of that for resin, do not want! Gimmie a basic bong with a diffuser and ice catch, I'm set


New Member
Scrape it for resin? Naw, I wash with 91% Iso and rock salt.....
yea lol, I use a wire coat hanger, if you bend it right you can scrape the inside of the bong where the smoke is, its REALLY potent for resin

Its a nice bong but I wouldn't pay over $60 for a bong


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's more than I wanted to pay, but I figured it was time to treat myself since I have way more oil and amazingly frosty trim than I know what to do with...Well, I know what to do with it ;) Hence the new purchase......


Nah you guys live in cali, i didn't realize that shit was that cheap there.
Come on out to colorado and see what we pay for this shit.
I payed $150 for my zob wubbler with no perc.
Didn't mean to try to make you look like an ass, just different locals, different prices.