KonaGirl420 1st Grow All By Myself


Well-Known Member
Party Rock!!!!!!!!!!

People always tell me I remind them of them :)

A shop owner said one time when I told him I had been there before. "I know, It's either you or the guys from LMFAO" :)


New Member
They don't ask anything. They just say I remind them...

I guess sometimes it's like, ""Has anyone ever told you..."
Usually I say "Yea" but I could start doing that :)
just get u some leopard print gear and u could pull it off
hell i found the box in a dumpster and got the eyes off a trailer
and took the gold spray paint from some guy that passed out from huffing it
they say the metallics the best for that nonsense


Well-Known Member
just get u some leopard print gear and u could pull it off
hell i found the box in a dumpster and got the eyes off a trailer
and took the gold spray paint from some guy that passed out from huffing it
they say the metallics the best for that nonsense
But then I won't just be a reminder of those guys, I'll be a knock off...

Lol, that's funny. Do you really have that robot head? Lol. I forgot people huff paint LOL fucktards lol.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Yea they are almost as stupid as the fuckin government that allows alchohol to be legal and weed to be illegal. Bullshit lol sorry guys had experience last night. Friend from up north cam home lookin forward to chillin with him turns out he's an alky and a bad one now and to boot he decides it will be cool to talk shit all night lol fuck man fuck alchohol it turns good people bad