CannaWizard's (AMC) Lounge


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member




Well-Known Member
Nice pics bro happy tday to you too... I lost like 100 likes from your thread ...
Here is a new pipe shot fir ya imperial topaz and sterling wrap on sand blasted;) ya
A little bit of calcarb residue from weeks past;)


Well-Known Member

I think you stand under me
If you dont understand me :)
young money running shit!
tell yo fuckin mammy!!:)
thats my jam nice to wake up tp sum lil wayne

#♚ ☪ ✞rill


Well-Known Member
I finally got the Solarmeter 6.2 and tested my cfl and pl-l lights. They produce 10 to 40 micro watts of uvb on the meter at 1 inch. I need 300 plus to equal the midday sun. I am guessing the cmh does not produce enough either.

What reptile bulb would be good for a 2x2' area? I would likely hang it vertical in center of tent, not over the plants but in between them. So it would be from 1 inch to 12 inches from the buds.


Well-Known Member
**Rest In Peace --"Simba,,,--slimmy"... thank you for all the wonderful memories you left our Family with ... we gonna miss you big fuzzy golden retriever.... :*(

---you deserved better than my tears, You earned my Respect.... sweet dreams Slimmy~..............................



Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear you parted with a friend;( little did you know your buddy will bring you great respect in the next step;) "we shall be judged by our compassion for all beings not our self preservation toward the human race..."
**Rest In Peace --"Simba,,,--slimmy"... thank you for all the wonderful memories you left our Family with ... we gonna miss you big fuzzy golden retriever.... :*(

---you deserved better than my tears, You earned my Respect.... sweet dreams Slimmy~..............................



RIU Bulldog



Active Member
Has anyone tried the QFS-40 or UVB-313 bulbs?
I guess they are like $50-75 a piece through Q-Labs, but if there's a market for it I'm sure somebody is knocking off their phosphor blend and selling bulbs for like $10-15 a piece (I think thats what the knock off 10% UVB Tanning bulbs sell for)..


RIU Bulldog
**Rest In Peace --"Simba,,,--slimmy"... thank you for all the wonderful memories you left our Family with ... we gonna miss you big fuzzy golden retriever.... :*(

---you deserved better than my tears, You earned my Respect.... sweet dreams Slimmy~..............................

Ah Jesus, I'm sorry. Like a mug, I don't always read the new replies before I post. I'm sorry to hear about you dog man. Mine is practically my best friend and part of the family so I get it. I cried like a fucking baby when one of mine died a few months ago. He died in my arms.


Well-Known Member

