Exceeding SB 420 limits


Active Member
I received my doctors recommendation in April 2010. Due to the cost of cannabis at the co-op I decided to grow the 6 plants as allowed under the law. My garden was outside and extremely successful. with a yield of about 5 to 6 pounds. My intent was to work with the local co-op and possibly sell the excess as part of a donation. SB 240 only allows for 8 oz on hand. My grow, being far over that, puts me at risk. Obviously the writers of the bill did not consider the gardening skills of some people. I am considering going back to the Dr and ask for an amended recommendation allowing more cannabis. Anyone tried this approach?


Active Member
Burying it will work, but not convenient. I want to modify the Dr note. Hopefully someone will read this post who has tried. It is important that I am legal by State standards.


Active Member
ya tell them u need to up ur script if possible my doctor gave me the choice of going up to 100 plants so i did i dnt grow 100 but i am allowed it but it wasnt free cost me 250 bucks


Well-Known Member
The SB 420 plant number limits were struck down as unconstitutional by an appellate court decision, because Prop 215 was voted in by the citizens, and did not include any plant number limits. So the appellate justices said that any plant number limits would have to be put to a vote of the people.

Also, there is no such thing as a "Growers Certificate" or anything else that some unscrupulous clinics are selling. The law says that all you need is a doctor's recommendation, and you are afforded all that the law allows. The law allows you to grow however many plants you need to supply your medicine.



Well-Known Member
Sure man , go to the Doctor and ask for a cultivators license. It will cost you 200.00 . It allows you to grow up to 99 plants and hold anywhere from 2-5 pounds of dried medicine.


Well-Known Member
The only evidence that I can provide is the law itself. There is nothing in it about plant number limits, or a growers license. That is a scam that some clinics are using to get more money out of you.


Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Link to appellate court decision possibly. I'd like to show this to my partner it would make him feel better about our numbers were all under 50 so nothin big probably under 15 I think so way small but were about to get a nice lil infusion into the garden and it would be nice to put his mind at ease. My doctor told me this but didn't get into the whole court thing just told me I could do what I wanted now just don't do over 99 unless u like the Feds ;)


Active Member
Correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the plan I have come up with. Valid Rec + tightly sealed lips + under 99 ladies = smooth sailing?


Well-Known Member
Depending on where your at you can get a 24 plant licnece that allows 1 LB. Or get a state growers licence that allows you to have 99 plants don't know how much on hand that is tho. Getting mine in a few weeks as my 24 is expiring soon.


Well-Known Member
the guidelines/limits are 6 mature 12 immature, unless your county states its higher, or you get a cultivators license.....thats that. there is no law or ruling saying that all patients can grow as much as you want as long as its under 99 plants...what the hell are you guys talking about? if you want to take the risk in court trying to explain that you needed 50 plants versus 6 good luck with that...."i need that many plants to make edibles"....Oh yeah, that sounds legit, ok youre free to go! no.