Over watering


Active Member
I have always been told that as long as you have adequate drainage that it is very hard to over water your plants. The other day however I was talking to a guy who said it is very easy to over water. I would love to hear some peoples opinions on the subject.


Well-Known Member
That depends on the pot size compared to the rootball size and the transpiration conditions (humidity, temperature, wind). If you have a well established rootball inhabiting the whole volume of the pot with plentiful foliage that will happily transpire large amounts of water then it will be much more difficult to over-water this plant than if you just transplanted it into a much larger pot where the plant would have difficulties transpiring all the additional moisture. Humid environments with stagnant air will also inhibit the rate of transpiration making the plant more prone to over-watering. Cannabis is a water loving plant and will handle reasonably frequent watering if the conditions are right. Therefore over-watering can be easily achieved or almost impossible to attain depending on your subjective conditions.


Well-Known Member
This is one of the most elementary problems for beginners. Even my grow guru Jorge Castenada will not
make specific recommendations about quantity or frequency of watering.

That said, here is what I do. I water, with nutes in the water, every day. Smaller plants from 8-12 inches
get 4-8 ounces a day and my terminal 4-footers get 24-30 ounces of nute water daily. I use 3 gallon pots
so different sized containers would adjust that amount up for larger pots and down for smaller ones. Learn to use a
probe and check soil aridity. I use a 16 inch bamboo skewer to push into the soil and see if (wet) dirt sticks to
the skewer. Also, if the pan under the pot shows water after the daily watering then too much water is being given.


Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Of course you can overwater...wh at kind of a question is that? Some nutes are taken up easier as the rootzone dries out, some.as its wet. Take 99.9 percent of peoples.advice and let the rootzone properly dry bwfor watering again.


Well-Known Member
well its diffcult to overwater the soilless, but its easy overwater the soils. thats why i like to use soilless, its easy to leach if theres any defs.

Learn to use a
probe and check soil aridity. I use a 16 inch bamboo skewer to push into the soil and see if (wet) dirt sticks to
the skewer. Also, if the pan under the pot shows water after the daily watering then too much water is being given.

that's a great trick, thanks for posting, i'm always worried to shove my finger to the bottom of the pot to check for water and destroy some of the roots.


Well-Known Member
I have always been told that as long as you have adequate drainage that it is very hard to over water your plants. The other day however I was talking to a guy who said it is very easy to over water. I would love to hear some peoples opinions on the subject.
I like some of the ideas, like the bamboo stick. If you overwater and don't realize it you may stunt the growth of the plant.

What happens is ... everything looks great, but the pots are not drying out..so you water again.

If this happens there are no new roots to uptake the water, you just waterlogged roots.

As was said, let the pots dry out. At first you won't want to, then do it once and when you water/feed again they will shoot up.

Just my $ 0.02 :joint::peace:


Active Member
"Of course you can overwater...wh at kind of a question is that? Some nutes are taken up easier as the rootzone dries out, some.as its wet. Take 99.9 percent of peoples.advice and let the rootzone properly dry bwfor watering again."

- Filthy Phil

Yeah, I completely understand that they you can overwater, I never said I didnt think you could overwater. I had just been told different things and I wanted to see what other people think. And as far as advice when I had the issue where I wasnt sure if I was over or under watering, when I stuck a hollow stick in the pot the lowe 3rd of the pot was dry so it was actually under watering. None the less I appreciate your input.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
"Of course you can overwater...wh at kind of a question is that? Some nutes are taken up easier as the rootzone dries out, some.as its wet. Take 99.9 percent of peoples.advice and let the rootzone properly dry bwfor watering again."

- Filthy Phil

Yeah, I completely understand that they you can overwater, I never said I didnt think you could overwater. I had just been told different things and I wanted to see what other people think. And as far as advice when I had the issue where I wasnt sure if I was over or under watering, when I stuck a hollow stick in the pot the lowe 3rd of the pot was dry so it was actually under watering. None the less I appreciate your input.
I apologize, upon reading my message again I realoze I was being a turd face...after all theres nothing wrong with asking a question or asking for confirmation. And thank you for your patience in reply :-)


Active Member
I apologize, upon reading my message again I realoze I was being a turd face...after all theres nothing wrong with asking a question or asking for confirmation. And thank you for your patience in reply :-)
Its all good man I completely understand.