Do i need a break from weed?


Well-Known Member
man, its been a while since i've posted in here.. but i need some advice.

i've been a daily toker for a while now, about 2-3 years. i smoke it to help with my depression and stuff. but lately, i've been having a lot of panic and anxiety when i smoke. not every time, but a lot. i got sick with the flu a few weeks ago and when my fever came on one night while i was high, i had a bad anxiety attack that lasted a couple hours. then i couldnt smoke for over a week while getting over the flu. i completely lost my tolerance. since then, in the past few weeks, i've been smoking, but just a couple puffs here and there, but i cant tolerate the feeling of being high very well at all. as soon as i feel the high i get panicked. i was thinking that maybe i need to take a break for a while, but i worry that if i take a long break i wont be able to go back to it at all, and that i'll never be able to smoke again. i also had thought that maybe it was the type of weed i've been smoking. i've been smoking kush for the last several months. different types of kush. so i wanted to ask here, to see what other people have experienced or would recommend. but if i need to take a break, i can take a break. it will be ok. thanks!
well, i only asked because i've been smoking without issue daily for a few years. then all of a sudden its a problem. i've read that this can happen with long term smokers, that they eventually have problems with it causing anxiety. some people suggest to take a break, some suggest to meditate and smoke through the problems.. i just wasnt sure if maybe it was the particular type of weed i was smoking or whatever.. thanks for your reply :)
I've heard of this happening... Never experienced myself.

Could be the strain you've been smokin'...

But if you've been smokin' the same shit for years and there's a problem all of the sudden, I'm stumped.
I use MJ for anxiety issues myself. Every substance affects the person differently. Like Kmkrsh said if you've been smoking the same strain for awhile and all of a sudden it gives you anxiety, I'm stumped too.

Because it doesn't make 'sense.'
i had that just quit for a month or so, and then slowly and i mean slowly start back up use only joints no pipes bongs ect. smoke one or two puffs put it out. if you feel you can continue on keep puffing .
dont smoke with a room full of people do it with a trusted family member/ friend/ boyfriend. do it at home to keep your anexity level down. try to smoke only strains of indica.

when i did that i couldnt smoke for 6 months. when my mom had it she didnt smoke for almost 10 years.
its give or take. even if you dont smoke pot anymore or cant you can still be in the culture
hello sarah22.

where have you read this can happen with long term smokers? (causing anxiety)

i dont have a particular link.. i had just googled "weed suddenly causing anxiety" and there were discussions on other forums where people talked about how it can happen with long term smoking.

and i dont really smoke the same strain all the time. i've been smoking kush consistently for the past several months, but its always a different type of kush. and my dealer doesnt typically know what kind it is, other than the fact that its "kush". i feel like what happened was i had an anxiety attack while high when i started feeling my flu symptoms coming on, like the fever. and now my brain has associated intense anxiety with being high.. its just frustrating i guess, thats all. before all this though, i had gotten into a bad habit that maybe i shouldnt rule out as the cause of this.. i sometimes take stuff with my weed. like, before i smoke i'll take muscle relaxers, or half of a percocet, or something like that. i almost wonder if that was actually the problem. because i was at the point where i was taking something almost every time i toked. maybe i should just take a break from any substances for a while and let my body clear everything out and then try again..and i do always smoke in places where i feel comfortable, and almost always by myself. so i dont think its to do with social anxiety.
i dont have a particular link.. i had just googled "weed suddenly causing anxiety" and there were discussions on other forums where people talked about how it can happen with long term smoking.

and i dont really smoke the same strain all the time. i've been smoking kush consistently for the past several months, but its always a different type of kush. and my dealer doesnt typically know what kind it is, other than the fact that its "kush". i feel like what happened was i had an anxiety attack while high when i started feeling my flu symptoms coming on, like the fever. and now my brain has associated intense anxiety with being high.. its just frustrating i guess, thats all. before all this though, i had gotten into a bad habit that maybe i shouldnt rule out as the cause of this.. i sometimes take stuff with my weed. like, before i smoke i'll take muscle relaxers, or half of a percocet, or something like that. i almost wonder if that was actually the problem. because i was at the point where i was taking something almost every time i toked. maybe i should just take a break from any substances for a while and let my body clear everything out and then try again..and i do always smoke in places where i feel comfortable, and almost always by myself. so i dont think its to do with social anxiety.

anxiety is anxiety dont let it fool you, at first it was every time i went out some place. then it went away then it came back every time i got high then i stopped smoking now i just get itwhenever wherever. anxiety is legit the shittiest thing in the world.
Your smoking of weed could be contributing. prescription drugs are bad for anxiety too.
i used to do every drug that could get you high
now i dont even take a fucking advil for a headache because now i think im going to die if i take them.
anxiety will over run your life. you do have to change how you deal with it everyones different. I went to a therpist he helped me with my massive attacks and how to calm them down. i find my life has been compromised quite a bit due to anxiety. but im hopeful everyday.
I don't think its the pot, I think its you. Pot enhances any feelings you're feeling, if you feel a little anxious, you'll feel very anxious stoned. You might not even know you're anxious when you are. Take a break for like a month, and take some omega 3's to help your brain recover. Flax seed, fish oil, and hemp oil all have omega 3 and 6 in it, I wrote them in order of highest to lowest amount of omega 3. It will help your brain with anything you're experiencing. Plus your THC receptors will recover quicker and you'll be more high after the break.
i dont have a particular link.. i had just googled "weed suddenly causing anxiety" and there were discussions on other forums where people talked about how it can happen with long term smoking.

and i dont really smoke the same strain all the time. i've been smoking kush consistently for the past several months, but its always a different type of kush. and my dealer doesnt typically know what kind it is, other than the fact that its "kush". i feel like what happened was i had an anxiety attack while high when i started feeling my flu symptoms coming on, like the fever. and now my brain has associated intense anxiety with being high.. its just frustrating i guess, thats all. before all this though, i had gotten into a bad habit that maybe i shouldnt rule out as the cause of this.. i sometimes take stuff with my weed. like, before i smoke i'll take muscle relaxers, or half of a percocet, or something like that. i almost wonder if that was actually the problem. because i was at the point where i was taking something almost every time i toked. maybe i should just take a break from any substances for a while and let my body clear everything out and then try again..and i do always smoke in places where i feel comfortable, and almost always by myself. so i dont think its to do with social anxiety.

The symptoms you're getting sound like something a sativa might give you, not so much an indica (although I'm sure it's possible!). Kushes are more indica heavy and dealers pretty commonly call everything Kush because it's in vogue and they want to sell their product. I dunno how much you know or are familiar with strains, what kind of odor does what you're smokin have? Got any pics? Maybe we can help identify that weed and sort this problem out =)
I don't think its the pot, I think its you. Pot enhances any feelings you're feeling, if you feel a little anxious, you'll feel very anxious stoned. You might not even know you're anxious when you are. Take a break for like a month, and take some omega 3's to help your brain recover. Flax seed, fish oil, and hemp oil all have omega 3 and 6 in it, I wrote them in order of highest to lowest amount of omega 3. It will help your brain with anything you're experiencing. Plus your THC receptors will recover quicker and you'll be more high after the break.

Yeah, I take 2000ug (I think ug) of fish oil every day. It's good for your heart too, although you might want to talk to your doctor about it if you have a history of heart/circulation issues (it can thin your blood).
sorry about your luck :-( honestly. i can't imagine. i have smoked almost every day for the last 30 years and have never had an issue. but everyone is different. i don't think everyone needs to be smoking weed. more for me that way LOL j/k
I don't think its the pot, I think its you. Pot enhances any feelings you're feeling, if you feel a little anxious, you'll feel very anxious stoned. You might not even know you're anxious when you are. Take a break for like a month, and take some omega 3's to help your brain recover. Flax seed, fish oil, and hemp oil all have omega 3 and 6 in it, I wrote them in order of highest to lowest amount of omega 3. It will help your brain with anything you're experiencing. Plus your THC receptors will recover quicker and you'll be more high after the break.

i think you're right. its more likely me than the weed im smoking. and thank you for the suggestions, i've been planning to start taking a multivitamin, some vitamin D and fish oils when i have money. im hoping that will in general make me feel a bit better so i can handle my anxiety better.
The symptoms you're getting sound like something a sativa might give you, not so much an indica (although I'm sure it's possible!). Kushes are more indica heavy and dealers pretty commonly call everything Kush because it's in vogue and they want to sell their product. I dunno how much you know or are familiar with strains, what kind of odor does what you're smokin have? Got any pics? Maybe we can help identify that weed and sort this problem out =)

you know, i really wouldn't put it past my dealer to tell me its kush when its not. i mean, he's always been really good to me and knows i smoke medicinally, but you never know really. i find that the odor almost has a tea smell to it.. like tea leaves... i'll try and get a pic of it.. i'll also try and see if i can get my scope to work (i dont have new batteries for it) to let you know what colour the trichs are.
sorry about your luck :-( honestly. i can't imagine. i have smoked almost every day for the last 30 years and have never had an issue. but everyone is different. i don't think everyone needs to be smoking weed. more for me that way LOL j/k

thanks. i think that it might help to take a break and work on controlling my anxiety. i think once i can get it back under control i'll be able to get smoking again. and i LOVE your pic.. im totally going to use that in the future lol.. eat alphabet soup and shit a better argument than that... hahahaha love it!
My dealer an I have an agreement, when I ask what kind he's got, he just says inda or satty. I don't GAF about strain, I care about the effect.

But yeah, if you find yourself a bit anxious, tell your dealer you need to get stoned not high, if he's decent he can take care of it.