timer broke on 12/12


hey yall, not so noob ere, just after a bit of your brains, about 3 weeks into flower my timer broke and was on for about 4 hrs more than it shouldve been, i since (at 5 weeks) have managed to fuck it up again, this time for 2 days.:clap:
at the first fuckup i added 5 days to the total lowering time, because i believe this `stalls` the growth o the flowers.
any ideas it takes for them to re adjust, bit too close to crimbo for another week lost as there due out too close already, any body know any exact science?
Ive heard that more than 30 seconds interruption of the sleep cycle is enough to cause adverse effects is this true?
also , fly problems, used gnat off for grubs but cant kill the flies or little walking young..
10 blue ched, soil, 3 x hallide


Scientia Cannabis
hey yall, not so noob ere, just after a bit of your brains, about 3 weeks into flower my timer broke and was on for about 4 hrs more than it shouldve been, i since (at 5 weeks) have managed to fuck it up again, this time for 2 days.:clap:
at the first fuckup i added 5 days to the total lowering time, because i believe this `stalls` the growth o the flowers.
any ideas it takes for them to re adjust, bit too close to crimbo for another week lost as there due out too close already, any body know any exact science?
Ive heard that more than 30 seconds interruption of the sleep cycle is enough to cause adverse effects is this true?
also , fly problems, used gnat off for grubs but cant kill the flies or little walking young..
10 blue ched, soil, 3 x hallide

There are so many variables it's almost impossible to give a concise answer.
Your plants have most likely been stressed by the error, how long it might take them to recover and what the stress might've triggered is hard to say.
The best thing you can do is keep a close eye on the grow and especially look for signs of disease and hermies.


last tim it looked about 2 days to look happy again, but this time they looked half dead cos theyd been on for 48 hrs, im expecting a week,
they were also recovering fromm gnat fly grubs so like you say it is a whirlpool to what could come next, gonna keep a close eye for bollocks on my buds and disease etc,
ill post a vid in a couple of hours, bit late to start a journal.


heres the vid, plants a bit yellow due to extreme shit going on in there little lives, should be back on track soon, grow room setup in the video description:eyesmoke:


couldnt get hold of liquid lady bug, in the uk so used gnat off and small half filled cups of coffee, it has eradicated the problem, the timer being on for 48 hours made my plants stall growing for about 7 days, just starting to boom again, all this happened at the same time as they were pk`d, which nearly (very nearly) killed them, got them back an runnin now, but with major yield loss.