Skyrim Is The Shit.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Pfffft, i played oblivion and it was a pure bollocks, so no intention of trying this. I guess if you like games like WoW type of gaming and have no friends it could be great.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Also, my dude is level 11 (will probably be 12 or 13 tonight if I get a chance to play)... How about you guys? What kind of builds are you doing? I'm doing a sneaky assassin type battlemage w/ light armor and sneak skills instead of heavy armor and whatnot.
I repeat, World of Warcraft.


Well-Known Member
Now that I have had some good hours invested in is nothing like WoW, which is like playing in a cartoon with 100's of hyperactive, moronic kids (and adults).

I've played the last 2 Elder Scrolls games and like this one a lot better, although part of that may be because I played the last 2 on a PC, Oblivion on a console. Never cared much for hunching over a keyboard and computer monitor while playing a game, I have a couch and a big screen TV I'd rather use. But I like this one a lot because it's not necessarily linear, and doesn't hold your hand or spell things out for you. You have to explore and just figure things out


Well-Known Member
sunnyboy plays
:eyesmoke: i'm too stoned to play those tough thinky type games


Active Member
My bad I started a skyrim thread without checking to see if there was one already...

It is so bad ass. I bought that new batman and had the storyline beat in 2 days.. there is more material but not enough to keep it interesting, almost a rip off they charge the same as for skyrim, a game that has hundreds of hours of playability and re-play value is there when you go through again playing a different class.

Assassin ftw, taking out out an entire ship of people and killing the emperor without them ever seeing you coming... awesome.

Edit: I just read through and saw some references to WOW.. no question in my mind WOW is the best game created to date. simply the bench mark for what I compare all others to. wow is better, but mostly just because it's more fun to kill real players that counter (or try to) your moves, making it much more intense and enjoyable to lol at them as they lay at your feet. I had five lvl 80's and a mage and hunter almost to 80 before I decided to quit. I took a break from all video games until the newest batman.. so I'm just picking up the controller again after over a year break. It's nice to have a new one to enjoy and check out.


Active Member
WOW is the best game created to date.

Take it back
it is just so wrong
I could think of 20 games that beat WoW by far

Chrono Trigger(snes, my numer one)
Zelda - Ocarina of Time(N64)
Super Mario Bros - All Stars(snes)
Half Life 1&2(pc)
Warcraft 3(pc) + DotA
Age of Empires II(pc)
Need for Speed Underground 2(ps2, pc)
Elder Scrolls - Skyrim
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - In Time!(Snes)
Starwars (Snes)
Conker's Bad Fur Day(N64)
Super Smash Bros (GCube)
Sunset Riders(Snes and Arcade)
Contra 3(Snes, really good game)
Pokemon RBG and Yellow (gameboy)
Mario Party (N64)
Zelda (NES)
Final Fantasy I,II&III(NES and SNes)
Starfox 64 (N64)
Diablo 1&2 (PC)
Street Fighter

god even Halo beats wow...
before if you wanted challenge somebody you would have them over and have a Street Fighter duel. Or Smash Bros. Face to Face. Not through the internet.